New rare RLM
Thankyou for this
Thank you my friend.
Thanks user!
what was happening here?
>still watching the living embodiment of the smug, detached Gen-X ethos.
I'd venture to guess none of the RLM crew has felt a single sincere conviction about anything since childhood. They exist as polyps upon the colon of culture, satiating themselves on the perceived failures of others (i.e. "The Man") while adding nothing new to the discourse aside from ironic complaint.
They're a group of insecure, lost, rapidly aging burnouts who silently believe they could do a better job of making films than the professionals in the industry. Yet they lack the ambition and ability to actually enter the very industry they're obsessed with. They choose instead to fuck around and make student film piss-takes well into middle age.
They are awful, awful people. I've met thousands just like them, and the last thing we need is for these people to gain any attention for their navel gazing.
Please, Sup Forums, do not aspire to become anything like these people. Theirs is a lonely and pathetic road leading to depression and a life devoid of real purpose.
I hope they disappear and their disaffected followers stop subsidizing their lifestyle. Perhaps that would force them to do something productive with themselves.
She gettin the Stoklasa kieblasa
Why is this video unlisted? I feel dirty watching this.
I miss her :'(
that was the most uncomfortable episode of RLM I've watched...
The girl always looking at Mike trying to seduce him, the couch scenes where Mike doesn't know how to sit in the couch because the girl is too close to him, when he tries to put his arm around her and then she moves away...
Very uncomfortbale. I couldn't focus on the analysis from the crew. Now I know why they don't invite women to their show.
They've been dating for like 6 years, retard.
They were in a relationship at the time, dummy.
Before that episode?
actually they were married, and going through a painfully divorce process right now
Wew lad
Since like 2011
I'll pass
Oh look, a Sup Forums poster that doesn't understand IRL human interactions. How unusual.
Lmao OP pays for patreon
>one fucking hour only
How am I supposed to enjoy my friends sim when it's so fucking short, hacks!
Oh that explain it a lot. But then why she didn't allow Mike to put his arm around her. She didn't like to be doing that in front of the camera because she didn't want people think she is there because she was the gf of Mike?
No, that's Tim Heidecker, get your RLM lore right.
>But then why she didn't allow Mike to put his arm around her.
They were clearly just shifting positions on the couch. Are you a fucking retard?
I didn't know they were a couple you stupid. How I could know if they were a couple you dummie?
based pateron poster
Josh is absolutely based and his and Jay re:Views are the best content RLM has ever put out
kys beardfat
I saw Jessi and Mike in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me.
the BotW halloween intro is so fuckign good
Patreon perk: early access.
I know, user. Because I was that baby
Cheers gentleanon
>that Sup Forums sketch intro
I hope this is just a sight gag and that its not his actual phone, if it is that's insufferable.
You're a fag
>no Rich
>caring about what cell phone someone uses
How young are you.
>a whole hour without le loud cynical laughing man
>getting upset over someone’s phone
Did they seriously ripoff the
>receive alerts about national tragedies then tweet #thoughtsandprayers
gag from Bojack Horseman?
You mean they stole it from Sup Forums threads
>today is my day off
>user posts this
gourd bess, I know what I'm doing with my morning now that a new episode of my favorite friend simulator has arrived
Why is it non-public?
Because it isn't Halloween yet. You're only spoiling it for yourself, young man.
it is a very basic joke loads of people have made long before bojack
Ah, makes sense.
Good thing I'm not American and don't really care about Halloween much anyway.
t. guaranteed proud cuck.
He clearly can afford a smartphone, he clearly doesn't give a shit about privacy concerns since he's all over social media so not like he has a reason for not having one.
It's literally posturing, look at me I'm a special snowflake, I own a shitty old phone even though I have no reason to.
...or it's a subtle joke
Holy shit dude, take a break from the internet. If THIS is what upsets you, you may have autism.
>tfw I watched this ep last night when it only had 30 views
feels good man
very cooool op, good job
lmfao you don't even get the joke? dude, throughout the intro they talk about hashtags and twitter.
i'm dying here, i can't breathe
Now this is autism.
What gave you the impression I'm upset about it?
>It's literally posturing, look at me I'm a special snowflake, I own a shitty old phone even though I have no reason to.
You ever think that it’s possible the phone still works so he’s never replaced it and doesn’t give a shit about having a smart phone?
Where did this pasta come from?
t. MAGA hat owning autist
He's a good guy and all, obviously intelligent, but he's boring as fuck. He adds no humor or even unique insight to anything.
In the scene where the grandpa is drinking and being swarmed by vermin - that's how the alcoholism of a character is symbolized in Le Cercle Rouge
None of the RLM cast picks up on it, but I'm pretty sure the people who made Cathy's Curse saw that movie
And you should too it's a nice movie
*a nice film
I used movie twice because I didn't proofread
Imagine for a minute that you're Rich Evans.
You have sworn off alcohol and other substances. You were raised by your grandmother as a result of absent parents who had substance abuse problems. After watching their fractured lives you made the decision never to go down that road.
Sometime around HS you made a friend. He was interested in filmmaking and started to include you in his projects.
Then, as adults, he completed one project that sent his work into internet popularity. Pretty soon he became one of the most popular internet critics online. He decided to take you along for the ride.
You're living the good life, getting paid to talk about movies and vidya. Occasionally you contribute to their projects, doing odd-jobs that you learned to do before your new vocation as an internet critic.
And on the back of that popularity, your friend begins to crack under the pressure. He slowly succumbs to his alcoholism. At first it's cute. It gets laughs in the videos. But now he can't manage to film a segment without a drink.
You've seen this before. You've seen lives destroyed by alcohol. You're Rich Evans and you have to sit there, having lived this nightmare your whole life, as the dreams your friend worked so hard for, brought you along for, drain away with the bottle.
Once upon a time you were vibrant together. You had fun making videos. You were young and in love with life. Now you're fat and cynical, sliding into the grave on a path lubricated with vices.
You don't know whether to project your practically trademarked laugh, or whether to cry as it all falls apart. You don't know how to tell him that he's killing you both.
>tfw josh is part of the discussion panel
Josh's real phone is pink and has a My Little Pony case on it. Mike gave him a prop phone out of third-person embarassment.
He's a lot more insightful than all of the other guys on RLM put together. I agree though, he isn't very funny.
I like this one. It seems new to me.
What did Mike mean about Joshs beard? "All you out there in tv land"
Have you never heard that expression before?
>phones should be for phone calls m'lady! Only millennials use it for their stupid tweeterbook!
I literally just watched the new Jenny video and she also brings up Plo Koon. Synchronicity.
it's actually liberals who complained that prayin wasn't enough and we should take away people's guns
Post yfw Jessie actually shows up in a future video
>halloween episode
>tainted by fucking beardfat
>Beardfat has literally been a part of RLM for a decade
>Sup Forums still buttblasted every time he appears
Broken fucking record
Beardfat is fine it's AIDS who is the problem.
How about Jacks [Message Deleted] shirt?
Does he use the newfangled twitch thingermabob
Seems like a real memer
These two are comfy as reviewers or critics or entertainers or whatever to watch but despite everything I like about them they're never surpass Siskle and Ebert until they have a vastly polarized opinion on a Half in the Bag.
Also I just accidentally made a thread about this so please laugh at me.
Thoughts and prayers really became a thing years ago when O&A made fun of Tony Danza saying it all the time on his show.
No-one gives a fuck about Siskel and Ebert anymore.
this was one of the few times beardfat was fine, this was one of the best botw episodes ever.
>jack completely wasted
>mike shitting on jay for the feeders
was fucking great
Uhm, no it actually wasn't.
>gag from Bojack Horseman?
You do not need to have seen this show to have been exposed to the hashtag idiocy. Anyone can formulate that joke by now
>Siskle and Ebert
that will never happen because jay is too beta to start arguing with mike on hitb. that's a main difference between siskel/ebert and mike/jay
>they're never surpass Siskle and Ebert
Do they have to? Who gives a fuck?
>it's a beardfat and drunk AIDSMoby episode
do you write for that shit or something?
its the easiest joke in the world. cucks have been hashtagging this placebo bullshit for over a year
post yfw your mothers a bitch
>doesn't remember the 9/11 shit that was THE EXACT SHIT THAT'S HAPPENING NOW
Hey newfag, stfu.