Movies women understand all too well
God, Amy Adams is so fucking hot
I'm just realizing, I can't really name any films where cunts get their comeuppance. They're always forgiven at the end of the film.
>Knock Knock
>John Wick 2
Women just want powerful men. You can't really blame them, when all of us want hot women. They get turned down too, they get clingy too and they face failure too, it's just the powerful men to whom they have their own struggles and disappointments. Not like Sup Forums would know this, i become a powerful man myself just recently.
Does she get her tits out in this?
a new twist on an old meme, i like it!
>"i become a powerful man myself just recently."
Didn't a lot of those 90s teen films have the bad girl's "lives" ruined?
english por favor
A boy and his dog
Back on the boat
>i become a powerful man myself just recently.
Hello Donald, I recognized you from the grammar, can I have some of your leftover pussy, pretty please?
doesnt that happens in nocturnal animals
the hell is this
Why does she always look like such a bitch?
Bad Moms
>i become a powerful man myself just recently.
That caption. Top kek
American Beauty
Side Effects. Oops I spoiled it.
hell or high water. the two men are brothers and the woman is a complete stranger who works at the hotel/casino.