Black villain

>Black villain
>Cop villain
>Release right after 9/11
>$100 million box office
There's no way in hell this should have been so successful. So why was it?

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Denzel is a good actor

But he's a nigger!

>Denzel does a perfect performance in a perfect movie for Flight
>Gets fuck all acknowledgement because it's a movie about a man who happens to be black rather than a movie about black people

It's an excellent fucking movie.

Good story, good acting, good direction. The movie wasn't made to divide the American people along demographic lines. Denzel's character was circumstantially black rather than black to force some message down your throat. Now we cannot have that.

Fucking great movie. Kill yourself you lowlife.


Speaking of Denzel Kino, what'd you guys think of this? I fondly remember this movie but I haven't watched it in probably a decade.

his performance was good but flight was a shitty movie

That was garbage. I'd rather watch John Q again and that movie is just propaganda disguised a Dog Day Afternoon. Denzel has probably only 5 good movies in his career.

Alonzo did nothing wrong

you could focus on plot in 2011, instead of forcing everyone to notice that you've shoe-horned in a character merely on the pretense of gender or race to be inclusive

back then, people didn't really give a fuck when black actors and women got casted for roles because they were casted for their talent and ability to fit the role

it's when the role was specifically made for the purpose, or hampered, that shit started to suck balls (boyega, ghostbusters, etc)

His blackness wasn’t integral to the plot (other than the times he says “mah niggah”)... you could easily put Russell Crowe in that role and the story works.

It was just a good and well made action thriller with memorable scenes and lines. The OP kinda highlights the mentality that ruins things

Ethan Hawke slightly underrated

he got a best supporting actor nod.

I think he's overrated

I feel like Ethan Hawke is basically right where he ought to be

that was prime denzel era

denzel gave scumbags someone to look up to.

The ending was bad though.

>The bad cop must get whats coming to him.

The movie would have worked better with a bleaker ending


epic troll thread you literal retard

Yall mothafuckas acting like this wasn't Denzels greatness at play.
>actually decent
>social commentary on a real controversial subject
>prophetic on terrorism and over reactions to it
>all this before 911

Fucking kino

Bullshit. The main difference now is Sup Forumsthink infecting the aether and people bitching about it at every turn.

So who killed him at the end? Who was the white woman in the van?

It was the Russian mob dummy

Was he right about everything?

He's a good actor and to top it off good looking.

Its 8/10


It was a good movie. Good movies make money. People try to twist things around and come up with some political reason or conspiracy for why every movie flops "even though it was good" but if a movie is actually good it will always make money, simple as that.


pretty bad imho, Man on Fire is the shit top notch certified Denzel kino

Denzel is one of those black actors that transcends race. Same thing with Morgan freeman, Laurence fishbourne, and SLJ

Sup Forumsboogyman
Actually hes right and you're an idiot


this nigga knows whats up


Have you ever had your shit pushed in?

posting ITT the best Denzelkino that also happens to be a Crowekino

That smug, Islamophilic mudshark woman. Her character was PERFECT. Her 'above it all' attitude. Her leftist embrace of Muslim doctrine. All to be told to shut her whore mouth by a Muslim terrorist who makes her pay the toll shortly after.


also pic related is true denzelkino

why you all fags forgetting about this movie?


You make a compelling counter-argument and I have a newfound respect for your point of view.

his performance was excellent but there was no way he could win that one, he was up against ddl as lincoln and jackman in miserables, the more fantastical the transformation the more buzz, he woulda won another year probably

man this scene is Sup Forums meme material, if anything, such a nice kino film

read the thread, idiot.

>only one
you're a dumb nigger. any black actor that is good and doesnt pick roles based on racial themes is applauded


Which is it? Is he a little bit overrated, slightly underrated, or rated just right? I need to know.

I'm not one of those you quoted but I can tell you that he is rated properly, there is nothing to worry here

thank you now i can sleep

denzel is /basednegro/. he is an actor i take seriously who doesn't use his skin color as a gimmick

come on in buddy

Denzel and actors in general were big draws back then.

literally no one cared if denzel was black

him being the lawyer in Philadelphia wasnt some big "omg a black lawyer!"

we went back in time

You didnt make a real argument to begin with

literally Sup Forums and sjw's ruined the film industry


This movie is crazy

yeah im sure 'this is so white' and "colorblindness is privilege", "whiteness is violence", "think in terms of race" had nothing to do with it

>ugh whipipol you're evil
>just bend over and let brown people take over
>t-the future is beige
What the fuck do you mean no one watches movies anymore? Wow, bugged audience mechanics

>There's no way in hell this should have been so successful.
>Black villain
Equality has been on the uptick for decades up to that point.
>Cop villain
Anyone can be corrupt, sensible villain.
>after 9/11
He wasn't muslim or anything.

The first time I thought they were actually gonna shoot him in the bathtub, I shit my pants

I also liked when he was gonna shoot that homeless guy in the balls

ethan hawke seems pretty humble. here's a short interview about how he was offered will smith's role in independence day.

>tfw no more Tony and Denzel kino
this timeline sucks

This has been my favorite movie since it came out.

He been in a lot of underrated stuff

only degenerate insecure faggits are scared for 'muh race' literally no way minorities wwin theres way more whites like that even matters you fucking race baiting faggots

trips, yea ethans pretty based

op mentioned his race faggola

also this dude i answered >literally no way minorities wwin
good luck with living in denial fag boi

Why is he holding two giant potatoes?

he got an oscar nom for it

>denzel is an actual star
>back in a time when star power actually sold tickets

It's sad to see how irrelevant star power is these days. Outside of maybe Gosling and Stone, there hasn't been a single new star in years


he's a fucking legend!

Even then both of their stars hit a decade ago with The Notebook and Superbad, I wouldn't even call them new

This isn't necessarily a bad thing. It means that studios will have to actually try to get the public's attention with something interesting, rather than banking everything on one actor.

That's because Alonzo was supposed to be white at first. Denzel was like 4th pick for the role after they turned it down.

General audiences care more about established franchises than established "stars". People don't care who plays Peter Parker they just want Spiderman.


Did y'all enjoy Fences?

>what a day! what a muhfuggen Training Day!