what other movies have glaring scientific mistakes?
What other movies have glaring scientific mistakes?
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I can see movies getting worse by the moment.
>meanwhile people who have had hemispherectomies lead normal lives
fucking retard.
nigger please
we've all seen that show on tlc back in the day with the nigger who got half his head blown off by a magnum
Doesn't this guy just have a BA in Astronomy or something?
b-b-b-b-but he met carl sagan!
really gives the good ol' bonker clonker some leg streching
my dad had an important Austrian economist as a professor for a couple of classes. That's more of an interesting story than a qualification of any kind yet that is the sole thing this guy is running off of
god I hate this cunt
I don't get why nerds take his twitter so seriously lol
wanna fight white boi?
PhD in astrophysics
I don't get why nerds take food, oxygen, and shelter so seriously lol
I can tell le epic black science man's twitter is as important to you as those.
Solution? Exterminate the opposition. He's got a point y'know; Hitler had the right idea.
>Lol guys like how does Freddy the Krugger enter sleep if he not real? SCIENCE??????????
head = perturbed
Wtf? I'm a muslim now!
haha rape jokes amirite?
BB-8 practical effect in some of those scenes
hmm... logic...
literally ducks
Who's to say insane people are truly insane?
What are domestic cats?
Star Wars. There's no sound in space. This is why I hate SW, it's literal space fantasy.
>what is ducks
does this mean animals can consent
but that's wrong.
It makes perfect biological sense for the female to want to avoid sex, thus forcing the males to grow bigger and more dominant in order to capture them
His fieldis physics, not biology, why is he talking shit?
>pushing 60 and thirsty as fuck
he's a science guy who sciences the shit out of everything, just turn your brain off and upvote it
can tyson just kill himself already? he doesn't know shit about anything except astronomy.
Phineas Gage had a rail spike shot through his skull and survived. He stayed alive for TWELVE YEARS. Fuck you tyson. He wasn't a retard, he wasn't a vegetable. He was a normal man with a drastic personality change.
ducks love sex they're the horniest motherfuckers alive
I've seen lesbian ducks
What are the features of duck penis
Post the one where he thinks bats are actually blind
the males look like females outside of mating season, it was likely have f/m
its a corkscrew like a foot long because the female duck vagina is a maze with false passages and barbed traps n shit
that is to prevent rape because all male ducks do is rape female ducks but it dont work and they rape anyway
I heard they basically have a fake vagina to ruse males, is this true?
This is a man who got James Cameron to edit the night sky in Titanic. He has had influence on film than any of us will ever have, pisses off normies for fun, is science advisor to the Orville, blows Joe Rogan's mind on a regular basis, and redditiors hate him.
He is /ourguy and based
What a dumb nigger. Shouldn't he be watching comic book shit exclusively?
No, they were my pet ducks. Not mallards, they looked different all year.
We were draining our big pool because summer was over and we let them swim in it, and they got horny as shit and just started having an orgy.
Not only did I see lesbian duck sex but I also saw a duck threesome. Literally 3 ducks stacked on top of each other.
Never saw the male ducks fuck each other so I guess no homosex but the female ducks mounted the male ducks on occasion so maybe they were into pegging?
ducks are wierd man
You have to go back.
>this is acceptable in Hollywood in 2017
You're so dumb
Yeah it basically works like those lizards that can drop their tails and run away except it traps the duck's penis inside and falls off so the female can make their escape
Sup Forumsturds BTFO
Pandas are not fond of sex
Aren't ducks also known for necrophilia?
All is God's will. Win or lose.
It's been observed, but I don't think it's an extremely common occurance.
The problem with ducks is that water makes them horny, and they're in water almost all the time so they're almost always horny and wanting to fuck. They really can't help it, ducks literally swim around with constant raging erections because water makes them so hard.
Water even makes female ducks wet.
Personal experience raising ducks, you can tell when they get "excited" and it was always when I'd fill their little pool up with water.
this puts the theists among us in quite pickle
feeling a tad bit uncomfortable, hmm?
Well, fuck a duck
> water even makes female ducks wet.
Fake news.
not really your just a fucking retard
It's true that water rolls off a duck's back but that does NOT mean it doesn't make them wet
Ducks are fucking weird and gross
nah they make great pets and there's even different bonuses to each gender
female duck
>loud as fuck
>will quack at you loudly for food
>otherwise will let you pet them and snuggle you
male duck
>will ask you for food politely with a quiet voice
>physically incapable of loud quacks
>doesn't usually like petting or cuddles
>will constantly chase you around the yard trying to bit your feet
>will also try to rape you
that isn't fucking true at all. most armed conflict came from either wanting natural resources or paranoia
>its impossible to roll a ball on sand
>It makes perfect biological sense
No, it doesn't. Females want to be picky not to avoid sex altogether. If a female would not want sex at all, the males would just go for females that are more willing.
>Water even makes female ducks wet.
No it wouldn't, the fuck is he talking about.
What's his point?
I've heard of people using geese as low tech alarm systems
>Why didn't you make us win, God?"
>one side belives that resources are theirs
>other side belives the opposite
this tweet is not funny because hes wrong but because it's fucking obvious, yet he announced it like it's some deep and profound thought
That might work, geese are assholes who probably don't like asking people for things anyway
Whenever our ducks wanted something they'd run to the porch and quack so fucking loud it was impossible to ignore them. It was actually kinda cute, also annoying but still cute
Hey i wonder if Neil kisses himself often.
This nigger.
So if I kiss my bicep the mirror image would just be me standing there?
He sounds so insecure. Like he needs to show everyone how "smart" he is
He's essentially Jaden Smith but older
Is he really correcting the physics in a fantasy movie. We he watches Lord of the Rings does he bitch about the fact that it is impossible for a ring to not be destroyed?
ahahahahahahahahahahahaaha god no
>your just a fucking retard
I am not surprised that brainlet posters are newfags
Okay so typing like a retard is a meme now?
lurk two years before posting
this. the brain can remap itself to accommodate for lost portions of brain matter and you would never know someone has less than 100% of their brain.
Yes, and? Maybe One of the teams is more deserving of a win, or deserving of a loss. What's his point?
Jesus, how have I not heard about this? That's unbelievable.
I don't get it.
science nigger has no sex loooool.
Yes it would. Go see the making of. They had to push the BB8 with a big stick that basically trapped it in one area.
We're talking about if it were real not the actual filming of it
well, its documented. whats even more cool is that he was a well behaved dude before that, and after the accident he became a swearing crazy guy that loved to gamble, scored way more pussy too. rly makes you think.
It was real.. ? But during sand scenes they had to push it. Wtf you on about