Was this the beginning of racemix propaganda? What the hell was this movie

Was this the beginning of racemix propaganda? What the hell was this movie

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>characters literally never fuck
>muh racemixing
Can't you just appreciate her in those panties, you faggot?

White girls were race-mixing with Asian guys in the movies as far back as the 1920's. Meanwhile it took blacks 90 yr later to catch up to Asian men



>crys about something that doesn't happen in the movie

why do you faggots bitch about stuff you haven't even watched?

Pretty handsome jap.

the first third of this movie is her being a hot sex machine and was such great fap material. then it turned into WE HAVE TO FIX HER: THE MOVIE

asians also had it harder than blacks in the late 1980s and early 1900s. There were mass killings of Chinese migrants in the Western USA and I am talking about MASS MURDERS on the large scale like below


Meanwhile in the cases of lynchings of blacks in the South, it was only usually 1 or 2 people who were killed and not mass murder. Nevermind that as late as the 1940s an entire population (Japanese-Americans) were rounded up without case and put in concentration camps.

>late 1980s
*late 1800s

haha niggers lmao

Night of the Living Dead. Romero was a cuckold fetishist.

>race-mixing propaganda

whites started it by fucking their black slaves.

Yanks really are fucking disgusting.

>Was this the beginning of racemix propaganda?


Explain how this movie was "racemix propaganda" for me, given that she and SLJ never do anything sexual, she marries her white boyfriend at the end of the movie and he gets together with an older black woman.

>implying people didnt get jungle fever before movies were ever made

>black slaves started it by seducing thier white masters

I understands SJW NEEDING to view the situation in one direction, but if you're here I expect better. Women will literally do anything for fame and power, do you not think they'd try to use thier ASSets to get out of cotton picking and indoors?

>"slave owners never forced themselves onto black women, it was the slaves fault for acting all sexy!"


>if you're here I expect better
lmao BASED! This is Sup Forums we dont like SJW types around here sorry if that TRIGGERS you LOL

>black slaves seduced their masters

no. families used to have their sons fuck their slaves to learn how to have sex.


>no. families used to have their sons fuck their slaves to learn how to have sex.

Which Atlantic article did you read that in?

>failing at seppuku
Literally how?

It wasn't an article. it was a history book.

>literally called Black Snake Moan
>tiny white girl chained by old black man like a literal bitch
>but dey dun fugg

Name it.

>slave owners were gud bois they didnt do nuffin
which Sup Forums thread did you read this in?

They did fuck though...


It was about troubled love and Samuel L. Jackson playing mean bad ass guitar.

Damn, Samuel L. Jackson looks like THAT?



the one about muh dick

>no slave owners raped their slaves
>no slaves ever tried seducing their owners in hopes of getting preferential treatment
Both of these thing probably happened more than a few times.

>female """""historian""""""
pfff yeah sure

Literally not the point.

*ugliness and autism falls out of pocket*