What movies from 2000-2017 will be classics in 50 years?
What movies from 2000-2017 will be classics in 50 years?
Other urls found in this thread:
>before /fa/
>after /fa/
>new police story
>the departed
>casino royale
>the good the bad the wierd
blade runner 2049
>Blade Runner 2049
>Children of Men
>Thor: Ragnarok
Early 2000s were pretty based actually
>50 years
Diary of a Mad Black Woman — 2005
Madea's Family Reunion — 2006
Meet the Browns (cameo) — 2008
Madea Goes to Jail — 2009
I Can Do Bad All by Myself — 2009
Madea's Big Happy Family — 2011
Madea's Witness Protection — 2012
A Madea Christmas — 2013
Boo! A Madea Halloween — 2016
Boo 2! A Madea Halloween — 2017
A Madea Family Funeral — 2018
Man of Steel
Batman v Superman
The Dark Knight Trilogy
>Mad Max Fury Road
Everything seems nice to some degree in retrospect because everything has gotten invariably worse.
300 is already a cult classic, so is V of memedetta, fight Club, and that butterfly movie about ashton Kutcher travelling through time.
Also Donnie darko is another cult classic, and so is Avatar, the greatest movie of all times
when the DC cuck strikes back
None of them
Name one film from 1950-1967 that most people have seen and consider a classic.
You need to go back
12 Angry Men
No Country for Old Men
literally hundreds you capeshitter faggot
There will be blood
Lawrence of Arabia
Unironically Memento and most Nolan films
Truth to be told, I don't think world will exist in the form as we know it 50 years from now. Information age is changing way too rapidly, forseeing what will happen 50 years from now is like having Julius Caeasr guess people will walk on the Moon.
And with that being said, even if the world looks roughly similar 50 years from now to what have today, there will be no cult movies. There is just too much entertainment for any single franchise or movie to create a some sort of 'cult following'. Everything is a trend, now. Even the most popular shit can barely survive a decade. Look at shit like Game of Thrones, Rick and Morty, Star Wars, Marvel movies, none of those will matter in 10 years, they are nearing end of their life-span, especially Marvel, who generates decent movies, but they are nowhere near the hype level of first Avengers.
Back in the day, there was little shit to od. So people were drawn for movies there were in a way 'unique' - Star Wars, Star Trek, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Back to the Future, Universal monsterverse, Blade Runner... now, even when he have movies that can be considered 'unique', but I will refrain from naming them, to avoid retards ignoring my 2000 characters long post and typing >[name of movie]. I know you reading this can think of modern movies that meet my criteria. But the difference is, people who like those movies also like gajillion other things and won't devote themselves enough to a movie to create a cult.
Honestly, I think one of the last, true cult movies is The Room
but movies from 1967-2000 that are currently considered classics were generally very popular at the time
The Sound of Music
101 Dalmations
To Kill a Mockingbird
>most people
fuck off, wannabe contrarian. He has a fair point. I bet like less than 1% of population has seen a movie from that time period in last 10 years.
Like 60% of society has never seen a single movie from that time.
Blade Runner 2049
Then the 1 percent is the 100 percent of people I care about. The rest might as well not exist.
nobody has time to sit through 3 hours 40 fucking minutes of Lawrence of Arabia. Nobody fucking saw it, people are just mildly aware it exists
1969. Also, most people turn it off after 15 minutes.
Yes, and he asked about period 1950-1967. Because nobody watches those movies anymore.
>implying normal people watch Dr. Strangelove
do you fags have any grasp on what normal, regular person is like?
I guess that's fair, since you pretty much don't exist for those remaining 99%
Who cares what normies like?
normies get to decide what classics are, so to answer your question, OP and anyone else responding to this thread care
That's a generous estimate. More like 99.99999%.
These for sure.
Itll be cool to tell the kids “I saw when it came out in theaters”
>abloo bloo lawerence of arabia and 2001 are boring, le nobody watches le long boring mobies
>le nobody even watches old movies omfg
how fucking young are you? by the sound of things you cannot be much older than 14 or 15.
The person that stated that normies don't watch movies from 1950-1967 and you guys for some reason disagreed? I'm really confused here, what's you point?
The kids won't care. You probably didn't.
The guy has good posture though
I just told you the truth, fag. Don't get mad at me because you have no grasp on everyday life whatsoever
What the fuck do you even do for a living?
the virgin 2000s:
>matrix rip offs everywhere
>beginning of capeshit
>first nigger president
>shitty rap music everywhere
>gaiafags, SA, ebaum's, digg, etc
>chad 2010s
>first real president since Reagan
>osama killed
>glorious centipede army
>liberals btfo everyday
>beautiful BvS masterpiece
>(((hollywood))) exposed
>Sup Forums runs Sup Forums, reddit on retreat
+ Mulholland Dr., Ratatouille, Hugo, Requiem for a Dream, Crouching Tiger, Life of Pi.
- Nothing from Nolan, Refn or PTA. Yes, I'm the guy who doesn't like PTA
The best of those movies were remade though.
Italian Job, Cape Fear, The Producers, Bedazzled just to name a few. People are definitely seeing the movies. Just not the original release. But there are enough classics that most people should have seen growing up to its family friendly message or cult surrounding.
only marvel movies n a handful of other pop movies will be remembered by the public as classics. you might see some actual good movies in watchmojo's "hidden gem of the 2000s, 2010s, and 2020s"
is that what passes for good posture today?
How can I get watchmojo to fuck off from I recommended section? Looks like they'll be haunting me for life those mad cunts.
>People are definitely seeing the movies. Just not the original release.
I agree, but I don't think it's fair to count remakes, especially when they vastly differ from the original. 'The Haunting' is very different between versions. So is Scarface. Or Cape Fear.
you cant unless youtube changes its recommendation algorithm
most people listen to Justin Bieber and watch reality tv, would you ask them about music or literature stuff too? why would they have valid opinions on film?
they don't
No Country for Old Men
>that filename
There Will Be Blood
Tree of Life
No Country for Old Men
Mulholland Dr.
Lord of the Rings
not necessarily the best imo
Are you fucking retarded? Can't you fucking read? Guy says most people don't watch shit from 1950-1967, which is 100%, objectively true, some sperg (i don't think it was you, but you can never be sure) spergs out and claims people know 'hundreds of those movies' which is 100%, objectively false. And then I simply point out what a fucking retard he is. That' all. Try to reply to argument that was made, not the one in your head
>justine bieber
lol, you are like some grandpa trying to sound hip with his kids ;D
>the departed
>remake of a chinese movie
what do kids listen to these days
>the departed
>FAR SUPERIOR remake of a chinese movie
Post a good posture then
its a korean movie you fuckos. respect pressh
>Fight Club
semi-indie shit, enough to feel special and unique, but also popular enough to be able to discus it with their peers
Bieber is too much of a party tune, most kids and teens want to feel more special then listen to party tunes
But honestly, you want to see what's popular, fire up top 20 most viewed youtube videos of the last month. The most objective pop list there is.
not even him but that shit film came out in 2003
>pol/ runs Sup Forums
With harsh but fair fist.
i am genuinely curious why you think this
Historic times of decadence seem based compared to the insanity of the past few years.
planet of the apes
Not even lying, I'm only 23 and I already have no idea what's popular. Worldwide, I mean, I have a vague idea of what's being listened to in my home country but even that's hazy.
>the absolute state of the the Sup Forums brainlet
Obama was president for SIX of the seven years of 2010s you fucking retard
If the 2010s have been characterized by the craze of identity politics, can someone predict what the 2020s will be defined with?
doubt most people have seen the original, and if they have they probably prefer the apeshit remakes
Underrated filename.
It'll just continue getting more and more polarised, like it did in the 1910s, 20s, and 30s
most people are asian and african who gives a fuck what they think
is this the typical numale look?
It will only go deeper.
Negroes will keep pilling up. Literally projected to be 4 billion African by the end of the century. That's about half of the world population as niggs. Of course they won't just stay in Africa.
If you think identity politics is bad right now, just you wait.
Normies don't get to decide what classics are because they don't care. Classics are defined by experts in their respective fields.
Major worldwide conflicts soon, then. If the patterns of the prior centuries are repeated. Interesting time to live (and die) in.
I personally think it'll slow down soon enough, one or two decades more of explosive growth at best. Not even they are immune to the onslaught of the modern world.
Dear White People
Black Panther
>Not even lying, I'm only 23 and I already have no idea what's popular.
Similar. I'm 24 and I can just vaguely assess. Guess not talking about pointless shit like popularity on every brake of a school day takes a toll on you knowledge of what's popular.
here's a rare post for you all by julian assange
Non of them
>you vote in accordance with race and religion
See, and this is why Europe paradoxically should keep niggers and muslims out.
eh, but youre forgetting that a large number of white people from big major cities is very very """liberal""" and will easily give up identity pol based on race
The Social Network
Requiem for a Dream
There will be Blood
Oldboy (Korean)
Children of Men
No Country for Old Men
The Royal Tenenbaums
Why Ratatouille?
You are a shitlord
>glorious centipede army
Is this some warhammer shit or what?
Only one movie