Action scene

>action scene
>1000 quick cuts a second
>camera so tight you can't tell wtf is going on


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it's to cover up the crude CGI

Plenty of movies do this with using CGI.

Why is this allowed?

>he doesn't watch action scenes frame by frame to comprehend everything that happens

Jesus Christ

just look how glorious the chase scenes are in bullit. you can actually get a feel for the cars and city

>he missed the part about 1000 cuts in one fight scene

serves you well for watching modern action movies. the old jcvd/seagal/dolph/dudikoff/norris kino doesn't have those issues.

Actors are rarely martial arts experts and fuck up and get tired a lot. Splitting the action into simple short shots is fast and easy. It's hard to do it all in one convincing long shot. It takes time and is expensive.

Maybe actors should learn to do the martial arts and endurance like Jackie Chan used to do.

Someone post the batman webm please

Any good examples of fights that don't follow this formula? I think this is from Skyfall.

YES I legit got dizzy in a fighting scene from the avengers

Fucking kino. Is the whole thing that good, or is that really the highlight?

like movies with jet li if he was thai


>those fucking sound effects

Imagine being able to do this in real life? JUst going on a fucking rampage with your bare fists and destroying anyone in your path with ease

The long take in Children of Men.

It's to cover up shitty actors who can't do action scenes.

Because in real time it took him a minute to hop the fence.


>That front kick to dude in the doorway
Never gets old

Love this movie but I've always wondered why there is not a single movie that shows people realistically dying from gunfire instead of acting it out as in 0:21 of this scene

Its so actors can just wildly flail at each other and time and money doesn't need to be spent on actually practiceing

Hey Bourne identity is based.

>he didnt watch The Raid 2

not as good as Raid 1

Yeah, obviously. So you use a stunt double.

and the fact that the actors dont know how to stage fight

>toss a guy to the ground
>he doesn't get up


>man our actors can't act for shit and haven't ever actually done anything but sit in tanning booths and snort blow, how the fuck are we gonna pull this off


Jesus Christ I feel nauseous



Why do people keep doing this shit with the cuts. It's almost painful to watch.


>action scene
>the bad guys fire 1000 rounds point blank
>none hits




I was actually amazed by that one.

you never fell on your back really bad right?
I once slipped and slammed pretty hard on my back and couldn't walk straight for a few days. If you land on your spine you have fun for weeks.

This should be illegal.

Just go to a chiropractor and get shit twisted back into proper place.

makes sense that it comes from the worst new bond movie

Combinations of laziness, cheapness, inexperience on the part of performers, and current trends.

It is much more expensive to hire good choreographers, stuntmen, and crew. It can take days or even weeks to choreograph, rehearse, block and finally film a good fight scene. Producers, actors, and directors often don't have the patience for this kind of thing, especially when there is so much pressure from American studios not to go over time or over budget and deliver a hit movie as soon as possible. This is one reason independent or foreign martial arts films have better fight scenes. Jackie Chan might spend hours getting a literal minute of usable footage, but he does it anyway because he doesn't have Hollywood studios breathing down his neck every step of the way.

General modern audiences actually don't mind quick cuts for action scenes. The Taken films were extremely profitable. Apparently the lazy quick cutting and shaky cam, designed to make an otherwise boring scene seem exciting, actually works to fool normies into thinking these action scenes are cool. Why bother put time and effort into your action scene if audiences are willing to pay for cheaply produced garbage?

you can see how the cuts keep accelerating faster and faster until the scene is just a diarrhea of photons assaulting my eyeballs

shoo. shoo silly ameriburger.

jesus christ

Some stuff has fast cuts, but the way they film it makes the flow from one cut to the next more intuitive. Thus, it doesn't become a bunch of bullshit. That's pretty hard to pull off for today's movies it seems.

you cannot do anything with a contusion other than wait.

Amazing how in just a few years Bond went from JUST

Quantum Of Solace.

Unwatchable for me in some scenes

otherwise Americans would lose interest

You know, the people who put your dislocated shoulder or elbow back into place or rotate you spine to realign it.

Of course.

I actually lose interest during fight scenes and sex scenes. The former because it is a mess of cuts and the latter because 99% of them are just retarded.

best action take ever tbqh

Who /ipman/ here?

Isn't that chinese propaganda?

All entertainment media is propaganda.

Very well said matey.

It's like a peter jackson landscape shot with the some kino close shots mixed in.

Aren't they Hong Kong films? They're different, Hong Kongers hate the mainland chinese.

I always appreciate a good chase scene.

>implying this isn't kino

>flick makes me interested
>read up on the dude's story
>he actually taught martial arts to pay for his drug addiction

Meanwhile you have classic Bay, the camera is so in their faces you can see their nose hairs

Yes. Extremely jingoistic. Literally all three of them are about Ip Man defeating a foreign devil. But the action is awesome so who cares. It's not like a movie is going to turn me into a commie.

>that one where he fights Mike Tyson

I can suspend my disbelief to some extent but if Mike Tyson punches you in the face without gloves then you're going to fucking die. I mean, even if he was wearing gloves then the average person would still probably die.

>camera keeps zooming in and out, in and out


Post more Seagal kino.

insert legolas jumping off falling rocks

lol post the one with him clearing a room with the assault rifle

>IP Man
Is he autistic?

T-this isn't real right?

Basically in a nutshell...

bourne movies started this trend

Accurate. But I actually like the Bourne movies. Greengrass knew how to make it work. It served a purpose in those movies beyond just being cheap and easy.

I watched bourne ultimatum few days ago and the chase scene made me dizzy.

That's the idea.

the whole things pretty good. This is the major set piece of the movie though. Ong Bak is better imo

Yeah I hated Quantum of Solace too OP

QoS was better than any of its sequels.


True, but the annoying ass camera ruined the whole movie for me and casino royale is better


What game run through is this?

Majority of people that watch this today would say that this scene is boring. For me it's a little boring, almost nothing happens.

lol what the fuck happened at 0:48? The car just disappears.

>Action sequence music starts right when the action sequence does.

or even worse:

>Action music starts before the action starts, so you know what's coming

fucking kino

Looks like a juice commercial from the 90s.