So, what is /our/ opinion on the arrowverse?
So, what is /our/ opinion on the arrowverse?
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whoever watches that shit as an adult is a mentally ill faggot who should pull an hero
Flash>Arrow>Legends>literal dogshit>Supergirl
first two seasons of Arrow were good. the rest is trash.
Says the guy on Sup Forums
I like it more knowing it triggers people like you.
Only Legends are watchable
even the dumbest shit on Sup Forums isnt as cringe worthy as these live action cape shit shows
Legends became the best show on the CW, surprisingly. They did what the other shows should do: They lost dead weight.
Man this supergirl series is one burning pile of trash.
Did they employ only teenage girls as writers?
At least the first two of the flash were bretty good imo
Alright already, you fit in.
Now leave the fucking thread discussing a topic that clearly triggers you, child.
I only watched the first season
Does it get better?
Some waifus are good but they just can't compete with Gotham
>blow up an entire island filled with your enemies
>only some side-guest character dies
MUCH better
Not fair, Gotham is full of waifus and husbandos
>tfw ten steps ahead
It does. They got rid of the boring Hawks after season 1 and they (mostly) get rid of Rip Hunter after Season 2.
Season 3 is starting off pretty good. They're no longer taking this shit seriously.
i beg to differ
So I haven't picked any of the CW shows up this year. Arrow can't decide what it wants to be, Legends was getting worse with each successive plotline and Flash decided to use Wells as the season finale twist for the third time in a row. I'm sick of that shit. they should have just committed to killing Iris and had a Barry the Bum season. she's fucking useless anyways and her only contribution to the team is sucking Barry's dick. are any of them actually unfucking themselves this year or are they still shit?
all still shit, LoT is watchable only because the writer's are self aware enough to know the show is stupid so they have the characters run with it.
Are the crossovers (in general) good enough to justify the amount of shows you have to watch?
I keep hearing that. How did the shittiest CW show with the worst plot, props and cheesiest acting turn into the only watchable show they have outside of a fucking teen drama? Shit, I remember watching Smallville when I was a kid and thinking it was the cheesiest shit ever despite being enjoyable. I have been rewatching it on Hulu this month and the acting is literally light years better than anything on CW now. the special effects aren't even that far behind. how did they fall so far.
They need to fire all the writers and kill off about half the cast of each show.
Is Smallville worth watching?
Its just a teen sitcom with too much melodrama and a few capes. I was hooked on the flash till I got sick of all the iris bullshit and unneeded melodrama. They could have made two episodes in one if they cut half the bullshit out
Not after season 3.
Absolutely. Plot is better than any of the CW shows on today, Acting is extremely solid for the most part outside of Clark early on and whoever the weekly shlub is. Waifu's and Husbandos GALORE. Some truly great moments throughout the seasons. First season is probably the sketchiest but it's also the most Comfy the comfyness of smallville is unmatched by anything in existence. And the way they show the moral development and growth of Clark into Superman and Lex's degradation is top tier. in my opinion it is 100% worth a watch, especially if you have never seen it before. brace for the eternal unwarranted torment of Chloe and Lex.
It's the best thing with Superman after Superman II.
Slow pacing and a lot of old school monster of the week stuff but the actual plot episodes are amazing and it's absolutely loaded with QT's. it's also top comfy kino.
Flash S2> Arrow S2> LOT
>Flash S2
>above anything
Flash has consistently gotten worse with every season.
>Absolutely. Plot is better than any of the CW shows on today
> Acting is extremely solid for the most part outside of Clark early on and whoever the weekly shlub
>it is 100% worth a watch
Don't listen to this nostalgia fag. It's just as bad.
You only have to watch Arrow and Flash for crossover episodes
>LoT is watchable only because the writer's are self aware enough to know the show is stupid so they have the characters run with it.
honestly this, I've given all of these shows a fair chance and dropped them all, but LoT is the only one I can ever see myself catching up with in future if I need something light to kill some time.
never watched supergirl, dropped arrow last season currently I watch only flash and legends of tomorrow
Supergirl is good past the first SJW season. It's solely worth watching because of Super qt.
>watching a shit tv show for one cute chick
just jerk off to her nudes you faggot
>jerking off to your waifu
fucking kek, is that michael scofield and lincoln burrows
I dropped Arrow in season 3 when he died in a world with no magic, to ra's al ghul and then got resurrected via a japanese herb.
I literally closed the player, deleted my entire folder and said fuck that shit.
Well, we know whose life sucks so bad that he needs to make angry comments on an anonymous message board to express his anger.
supergirl is improving this season
It will improve more once Maggie fucks off for good.
Sara > Kara > Caitlin > Thea > Felicity > Jessie > Laurel
>Laurel last
what the fuck whhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat when did this happen
When you weren't looking apparently
Sara>Thea>Other Earth Laurel>Caitlin
is that Evil Dead girl? She's pretty.
Iris is getting far worse. The writing for her character has to be experienced to be believed, it's that bad.
>Appoints herself team leader in Barry's absence, brings absolutely nothing to the table besides being a passive-aggressive bitch
>Actively tries to stop the team from rescuing Barry because she's over him
>When Barry manages to exit the speed force and return to earth she drags him to couples therapy to bitch and moan about how selfish it was to save all of existence and leave her alone for six months
>Chastises Barry for using his own judgement and not listening to her every command like a good little cuck
>Then fucks off in the middle of an emergency to try on a wedding dress
>Wally apparently getting the boot just as he started to get more likeable, leaving more screentime for cunt Iris
It would have been so much better if they'd killed her for real last season.
That can't be real. fucking please no.
>Appoints herself team leader
Christ why. SHE IS A FUCKING GOSSIP COLUMNIST. Why not Joe or fucking Cisco?
>Wally getting the boot
For fuck sake. I still remember how she was actually trying to make herself out to be the victim in the scenario where Wally was living impoverished for his whole life. I hate this cunt.
reminder Barry chose Iris over this
Watched Arrow for the cool fight scenes. Nice to see Green Arrow in well made fights on tv. The show was pretty bad but tolerable for that and semi-cool flashback portion. 2nd season got worse. Flashbacks only thing keeping me interested sorta. Feeling tortured by the idiotic writing and the constant "YOU LIED TO ME" method of character motivation even when there wasn't really even a lie. I will say that Amel got better as the show got worse. Dropped mid season 3 to preserve sanity. Score:3/10
Watched 1st season of Flash and appreciated it mostly due to it shining by comparison to Arrow. A few of the mains did a good job and were likeable characters. I would say that I liked the show except for everything Iris. Also where Arrow had "you lied to me," Flash had " IT'S ALL MY FAULT" as the single device to advance plot. It became too tortuous to keep watching even with the few things of quality in the show. Didn't even come back for season 2. Couldn't imagine watching the complete disconnect from reality from the character motivations. Score 4/10
Watched 2 episodes of LoT and could tell it was the exact same shit. They let Googooheimenheimer write all of these and he is not a good writer. A shame. The production value is high on these shows. They could have been good. Score: I don't know, didn't give a chance.
I learned my lesson and didn't even try Supergirl.
Gotham had lots to like and even moments of writing/acting brilliance but was mired by equally idiotic writing. By mid season 2 it was apparent that the bad was getting worse and the good was evaporating. The good parts were far greater than the best CW ever did but they couldn't avoid the stupid from the very start. That's the curse of Batman. Anyone who tries to make a show about him, be it tv or film, ends up going for some zany shit because apparently a ghost from the Adam West days won't let anyone respect Batman fully. Score 5.5/10
The supreme waifu. How will the other Arrowverse girls recover?
of course he did, Iris is a 10/10 and Caitlin has a fish face
And over this
Barry is the eternal cuck. He could have had a Smart, lonely, cute scientist gf or a loyal, loving cop gf and he chose a nagging, narcissistic bitch reporter.
>Supergirl is utter shit
>Arrow used to be good but it's now shit
>flash used to be good but it's now shit
>legend of tomorrow is plebbit incarnated
>acts extremely gay in his role as Cisco even though the character is straight
>has long flowing Pantene Pro-V hair
>has never been seen with a woman IRL
>Sup Forums thinks he sleeps with women
Take it back you bitch
Why are you lying?
I really wish Supergirl was a better show
oh lawd
what do you mean? don't you like constant Trump bashing or whole episodes about a character that suddenly became a lesbian or her mexican gfs dad complaining about DEY AR BUILDING A WALL TO KEEP US OUUUT
This user here? He's a connoisseur
that lesbian parent subplot was literally better than the White Martian shit though
Exactly this. I am probably the biggest superman fanboy and this show really disappoints me.
Any high res pics of her in chains?
When are we going to get a Black Mask origins movie ;_;
>dude, look up
>oh hey it's super girl
>yeah man, you can totally see up her skirt
>tfw even the best arrowverse waifus aren't half as good as Tess Mercer or Chloe Sullivan
also friendly reminder that Oliver Queen in Smallville fucked EVERY female main character
Knock it off with your nostalgia trip already dude
Chloe Sullivan being top-tier is not nostalgia
especially since I only watched Smallville for the first time ever last year
also what the fuck, the guy who plays Dean Winchester was on Smallville, and he was a football coach openly fucking a girl at the high school and nobody gave a shit, how the fuck did that shit fly
Cry moar
I want to have sexual relations with Supergirl.
And now she's in a creepy sex cult. Sad.
It's worse. That's just the quick rundown.
Her without any clothes on and me touching her.
So, she's basically Lana? A useless character no one likes that keeps getting shoehorned everywhere because that's how the writers think people will start liking her?
What? Didn't he [/spoiler] Get fired for dating her? [/spoiler]
Don't worry, user, he's going to die in the crossover, and his daughter will replace him
oh god no. the legends roster is almost perfect as it is. it just needs wentworth miller back and constantine and one of those at least is definitely happening.
It wishes it was as good as the DC animated universe.
It also wishes it had half the charm and charisma that Smallville all on its own had.
>this entire post
I accept your concession.
because they have the characters constantly screw up in hilarious ways, have the characters acknowledge they're screw ups, and then try to fix said screw ups, usually by screwing something else up even worse. They've literally made their motto "Sometimes we screw up things up for the better."
everything past Ollie getting a sword through the chest makes a lot more sense when you realize he did die there and everything after that point is just Felicity dreaming
it would be better if they weren't turning her into an exact copy of Felicity, without actual hacking skills
it's pretty much trash entirely and anyone who takes it even slightly seriously is a huge fag
but the shows can be comfy to watch in like a so bad it's entertaining kind of way and they have some cute/hot sluts (not waifus) in them
Dean was undercover investigating monster rumors and then left when he realized it was aliens and kryptonite freaks not monster
"Sometimes we screw up things for the better" no idea how that other up got in there