The only mistake I ever made was doubting myself

>The only mistake I ever made was doubting myself

So the serial killers are rubbing off on him right? He started out as a squeaky clean goody two shoes and now he's coercing confessions and redacting evidence.

He started off as a clearly gay man portraying a straight man and now he's a clearly gay man portraying a straight man

he is a psychopath himself. it's all point of show.

He literally did nothing wrong though. He has never been wrong yet from Day 0 he's had nothing but people telling him he's a lunatic and his idea is fucking garbage.

Yet his methods work, the core idea works, the knowledge is useful, practical, immediately applicable (in the solved local PD murders).

The only time he was almost not-right was with the pedo principal and even then he was clearly right as the guy was clearly a pedo, he just hadn't escalated yet no doubt Holden getting him fired was a stressor though.

He was even right about his girlfriend. He's not a psychopath, he's just good at what he does, knows that he's on the right track and is tired of people shitting down his neck when he is right 100% of the time.

Didn't understand the message of this show. Does it even have one?

They're definitely rubbing off and I think the final scene is him realizing it. That's why he gets so sick.

is fairly on point though. Holden's method works and has produced results.

What show is this? Seems interesting.

Mindhunter. Netflix Original.


It's about the FBI dept that pioneered criminal profiling / psychology to help identify serial killers in the 70s. Directed by David Fincher and based on the real story of how it happened complete with reenactments of interviews with actual serial killers which also took place.



Thanks boys, will watch.

Any idea which interviews were the reenactments?

The Kemper ones use some lines which are pretty much verbatim from the actual interviews.

Pretty sure big Ed was and I'd wager Speck as well.

Speck is nothing like the real one. You should look it up.

Oh, I was just guessing. The bird part seemed like that was an actual event.

Guess it just isn't my night

i love it, his subtle transformation. and when he realizes it, he has a panic attack. will he fight it or embrace it?

The wasn't their night part was true but in the real interview it shows Speck snorting blow with some nigger and he is telling how he is the bitch of the prison.

I do remember seeing that interview before. Speck even had the bitch-tits and everything.
Didn't know that was the interview the show was based on though. Kewl.

It is the only interview where he openly talks about killing those nurses. It really is a fascinating interview.

>Plot twist: he was a psycho all along!!!

Indulge me, why do people like netflix shit like detective narcos, house of cards and now this?

Not really a plot twist. He was shown to have some mannerisms in line with the killers since the first couple episodes and a only used morality to appeal to people with morality. The show explores the idea that psychopaths and those with similar traits to them aren't just murderers but also sometimes seemingly normal and sometimes successful people (Wendy specifically was analyzing the psychopaths that are successful businesspeople and white collar criminals with no empathy). But you didn't watch so you didn't know that.

>ignoring your serial killer bff isn't wrong

He should have at least written Ed back. Just write some bullshit to say why he can't go

Why though? Kemper has already been mined for all his worth (otherwise they would have actually bothered to go back).

Holden and Tench never gave a shit about him. Holden even openly tells Tench in the car after one interview that they only need to use him for what he can give them that is useful.

There was never any suggestion (to me at least) that Holden gave a shit about these people. He clearly understood how to get what he needed from each one; using a different approach for Kemper, Speck, Brodos to get them to talk but he never gave a shit, even if they themselves had to think otherwise.

>So the serial killers are rubbing off on him right? He started out as a squeaky clean goody two shoes and now he's coercing confessions and redacting evidence.
I disagree, he started out as being 'off'. By the second episode I was wondering if he was supposed to be a sociopath, the same as the killers he researched. And I think I'm right, there's a lot that points towards him being a sociopath too (just one that isn't interested in killing). I wonder where they are going to take his character next season.
