The Wailing

Sorry for the shitty picture, phone posting. Dying to talk with someone about this movie and no one I know has seen it.

Not as good as Chaser. Can't wait to see what the director does next.

I've seen it. Was pretty good, unsurprised by the xenophobia throughout, many Korean films seem to be like that.

It was good but I feel that it dragged on a bit around 2 thirds into it. The ending was pure kino though and the exorcism scene was exalted desu

I like it

Xenophobic towards who, the Japanese?

Yeah. Crossed the line into xenophobia for me when the Koreans who defended the rights of the Japanese stranger to stay in the village were proven wrong, and the Jap actually was the devil the whole time.

I only saw it once when it became available, but didn't the Japanese dude turn out to not be the bad guy?

He literally turned into the devil, did you push your eyes into your skull while watching or what?

You couldn't have seen all of it then, because the final scene is pretty memorable

>tfw no qt tree spirit/village guardian gf

maybe, if you like black metal

I liked that the movie seemed anti christian and then turned it around on us even though it starts with a quote from the Gospel of Luke which gives you a clue about one of the characters:

> 'See my hands and my feet, that it is I myself. Touch me, and see. For a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.''

The Koreans were wrong for the right reasons, and kust because that specific Japanese dude was the devil doesn't mean the director was insinuating that all Japanese people are evil or something. I don't understand how that makes the movie xenophobic.

I heard about this movie from here, but I found it so boring that I just had to stop watching it. I started it again but stopped and forgot about it and never went back to it. I dunno. I just found it to be not scary and not really that interesting.

What did you like about it?

This is a movie you need to watch to the end just so you can decode it in a second viewing.

Lol I finished it but wasn't the biggest fan, as someone who really likes the director and Korean movies, I just thought I remembered it being the exorcist/mystic-type guy who was behind it...

The mystic guy was in cahoots with the Japanese devil man.

Still, i can't blame you for not picking everything up. I still have no idea what the hell the director of this movie was trying to do with this movie. I had no fucking idea what was going on until the very end.

This was a fucking RIDE

Can someone gimme a quick rundown on the order of events and who was actually who good or bad

That movie was meh : The main guy was annoying. Nothing happening. In the end he was fucked, because he had 0 clue about who to trust (just like the spectator).

the movie is basically Book of Job, but this Job can't hold the faith for shit.

>tree spirit
She's literally an angel though.

The last thirty minutes are fucking kino m8. Although if you didn't get a kick out of the exorcism scene (about halfway in) it may not be for you.

Hmm, yeah people said this the other times too. IDK it just seemed lame somehow. It wasn't scary to me, and seeing the dude eating the deer with the red eyes just made me roll my eyes.

Hmm, yeah I guess maybe I should give it a chance. I'll see what I can do.

I tried to watch this but the lack of jump-scares couldn't push my adrenaline.

It was shit, way worse than his other films

its fucking great. unbearably tense, so many great scenes including the ending. also one of the absolute best child actors ive ever seen. only real negative for me is the handful of out-of-place comic relief scenes scattered throughout (particularly when the party tries to fight off the zombie the old man raised) that kill the pacing and atmosphere.

personally, i don't think so but i'm happy you enjoyed it

Japs and koreans hate fuck out of eachother, Chinese hate koreans and japs as well; basically all the chinese countries hate eachother

Movie was a fucking mess.

Felt like they didn't know what they wanted to do with the story.

Also, i guess it is true what they say about Koreans hating the Japanese.

Good: Nearly everyone in the movie, including the one chick who is a guardian angel or whatever
Evil: The Jap and the shaman

>I've never watched Korean movies
Korean movies are a lot more fluid when it comes to genre boundaries than Western movies are

no i know that, ive seen a good number of korean movies. the zombie scene in particular just struck me as the worst possible moment to place a goofy moment.

I figured the shaman was a fucking snake as soon as I saw he had same disgusting underwear as the jap

Imma add a popular interpretation of the movie in Korea.
The movie is about belief. The protagonist got the tragic end because throughout the movie he could never hold onto one single belief. He keeps on trying out different things but is always full of doubt and betrays his own beliefs halfway.
>The modern civilization
at first he denies that it has anything to do with occult and brings his daughter to the local hospital, but gets persuaded by his mil (and his own doubt), stops medical treatment, and seeks exorcism. He should've at least try out big hospitals in Seoul (like the Catholic priest firmly told him).
>The shaman
He spends a fortune to get the shaman to do the exorcism but always had a seed of doubt and throws a wrench in it halfway. (and yeah it is commonly thought that the shaman was in cahoots with the outsider because a. the underwear which is exclusively Japanese and really fucking weird for a korean to wear b. the camera in the end)
>The girl in white
at the end she was the only hope he had and he looked like he would believe her but no he had to go before the third cry.
(a lot of people think that she is God. In Korean shamanism many among the most powerful gods are women, like mother earth that kinda thing, you know as in the land itself becomes the god and has personality. And her character alludes to Christianity too, as in 'He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her' and her throwing stones, the rooster crowing thing, etc.)

I'm not saying that he had a clear path that he should've chosen. It's more about how he could never hold onto ONE belief which leads to how people compare the movie to the Book of Job. Especially concerning the dialogue between the protag and the girl. he asks, why me, why is this happening to me, and her answer makes no fucking sense, it's without any logic. Like she has her own logic that we dare not understand.


>it's a dumb kool aid drinking faggot doesn't understand historic and ethnocultural division and aversion between foreign countries