What did he mean by this, Sup Forums?


Other urls found in this thread:


i told you fucking cunts he was a scamming liar
i told you all along every time he pulled one of his stunts for years and years

I feel like he could do it with far less, if any, fundraising money if he cared enough...

It means he probably has next to nothing but wants 10 million dollars in his pocket so he can toss money at hookers, drug dealers, and bottle services. Also, this is just another attempt to return to relevance.

Be a real man asshole, if you have names name them. If you're afraid of the hollywood mafia talking sooner is better than later.

It's only right that we, Sup Forums and our sister-site Reddit, make a gofundme or a kickstarter to give Mr. Feldman the $10 to save countless children.

He's not a liar, but he's greedy or really desperate for money. His rape victim story is the only thing he has to make money. That's disappointing but eventually it will finally expose those Hollywood pedos.



he was just quoted for saying

“I’ve been silenced my whole life, but just over the past few days since I made that announcement, I’ve been arrested, I had a near-death experience last night where I felt like I was almost going to be killed. Two trucks came speeding at me at the same time on a crosswalk.”

It's just his way asking money from the pedos in exchange for silence.

Do you guys think a guy talking about his experience as a rape/pedo victim is capable as getting the same amount of media/public attention to his thing as a gal? Not sure either way desu

who in their right mind gives the slightest shit? we're talking about Corey "Kickstarter" Feldman here, kiddo. not some 2017 gender B.S.

Friendly reminder that Feldman was envious of Haim and had him set up to be raped.

That's the real reason he won't name anyone. He was complicit in all of it.

>oh look it's another fading celebrity talks about pedophiles in Hollywood, but is really just making it up so you guys will pay attention to him again episode

You guys fall for it. Every. Single. Time.

>give me 10 million to say it!
What he really means is "Hey jews, make me a counter-offer of 10 million and I will shut up".

>yfw he gets the funding and makes the movie but it ends on a cliffhanger before revealing any names



i unironically enjoy that song


he looks like he came from the same alien planet as michael jackson

>not posting the link so we can contribute


>This campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its goal.
So basically nothing will actually happen ($10m? come on) yet he'll pocket the money.

>corey feldman begs for money


>"Feldman was raised Jewish,[2][3] and also holds beliefs in the paranormal.[4]"


Despite what has happened to him, he's still a complete scumbag. The fact that he has put off naming names only endangers more children and he is complicit in the defiling of every single one of them that came after himself. The only payment he should receive is a clean conscious over his friend's death.

He's got nothing. He just wants money.

He will never expose the names of those who raped him and Haim, he is just desperate for money at the moment.

Once he has the money, he will say he can't tell because of 'threats'.

He and Haim and countless others were raped by Hollywood producers/directors, but this fuck will never point them out even though it killed his best (only?) friend.

>wants $10M
I will do it for just $2M
Capitalism in action, watch out pedos

Either all the Hollywood pedos will be outed and shamed or Corey will die in a mysterious car explosion accident
>Feels good

He doesn't even need to come out with the names. I will admit it right now. It was me, it was always me. I did it and I'd do it again. Are you happy now Sup Forums?

He a lie ing b i t c h

It's pretty obvious that at least one of the people he's referencing is David Nicksay, producer on Lucas.

>tfw I went to the same prep school as this pedofag

What's probably going to happen is all these people will come out and deny allegations before they even happen, so when they do, Corey looks like a lying fool and nothing can be done.
Plus I would expect a few actors to get pay days to say none of what he's saying happened ever did in interviews.

This mother fucker was able to raise over 100k in a day.

Even if he is not relevant anymore it still must be nice to be able to do absolutely nothing and get money. Shit he was also randomly performed on the Today show.


Anyone feel like it is a coincidence that this happened around the same time a year ago?

Nice source he has

If he was really abused then he'd want to do anything in his power to stop other kids getting abused too but he never does anything, he's enabling the abuse

>it's a Corey realizes that paying hookers to live in his house all day is expensive so he has to beg for money campaign

He needs 10mil for legal fees when no one else takes the risk to expose the bigwigs.

They'll keep going on and on about how toxic Hollywood is and Feldman's going to end up in the Sierra desert

>"Hey just so you guys know, if a movie by Corey Feldman happens to come out sometime in the future and he just so happens to name me a pedophile/murderer - it is absolutely NOT TRUE. Just wanted to make sure you all know this, you know, just in case. Also I will be focusing all my efforts on taking down the NRA so no more of our children are harmed by deadly assault rifles."

What's wrong with one of Corey's angels?

Tommy Wiseau?

It means he wants to use the sex scandals going on right now as a way to get money and attention. A shame he's not doing anything actually useful but I can't blame the poor guy for trying really.

Like hell he needs legal fees. If he got sued by an executive, some sympathetic actors would just foot Corey's bill. He's not doing this for the legal fees or to protect children. He's just doing this to maintain his delusion that he's a successful singer/playboy.

he needs 10mil for a shitty movie about his life.

I think he was abused but people forget that the abused become abusers. I wouldn't be surprised if he diddled a few in his day and he's probably got drug/sex issues anyways. He wants money to secure a future for himself. He probably figures he'll be a joke and never be on TV again after this. No more rap albums or anything. He's building a nest egg. He also said he wanted to wait to name names after he makes a movie about it. Obviously he wants a movie so he can take royalties and such.

What is libel user

Corey activated her buttplug to release a large dose of crystal meth.

I guess this takes out of the question him participating in the upcoming Big Brother Celebrity /bbc/

Why haven't any actors told Corey to quit the ASCENSION act and go retire quietly with the residuals he gets every time Goonies airs on TV?

It'll more be blanket statements by studios and crews on movies he worked on.

Something like:

>In recent days, we have heard that Cory Fieldman, who has previously worked for or with our crews and extended studios, has made allegation of pedophilic activity within the entertainment industry. We applaud his efforts to expose such individuals, however would like to note through the years we have done extensive background checks on all our employees to avoid such a conflict. In our findings, no current or previously employed members of our studio have ever participated in these alleged acts. We offer our services to Mr. Fieldman in his continued pursuit on this matter.

Done. They don't have to worry about anything. His credibility is ruined instantly by them basically spitting in his face.

I don't care for Feldman, but there are too many shills on this thread.

Does anything about him lead to you believe that he has ever taken anyones advice seriously? Right down to the way he dresses just screams of zero self-awareness. Also, I'm sure most actors are told not to be seen with him by their handlers.

Yeah, because Ben Affleck totally sued that girl for libel last week, right?

why does he look like charlie sheen so fucking much?

Probably Aids


>ruining corey feldman's credibility

Calling a Hollywood executive(s) a part of a pedophile ring is vastly different than calling one actor out for sexual harrassment.

Not a difficult concept

And if an executive were to sue, that would be admitting guilt according to public opinion, which would fuck up their career and their life no matter what the outcome is.

Now if I were an executive in that case I'd try and get one of Corey's Angels to turn on him for harassment, even the playing field

Help pay my drug charges

How do you think Corey's career would turn out if he was not raped?

he ends up raping someone

Free enterprise is best enterprise.

He also wants another 5 million to keep his mouth shut about what he saw in the pyramids


>getting money from the goyim to pay for his GFE

He needs 10m in cash so that the jews can't steal all his money and extort him into keeping his mouth shut.