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Reminder that CBS does not publish any viewer numbers.
It's /DIS/.
This thread was made prematurely and has been reported to the admin.
Enjoy your shadowban.
choose wisely
This Op
We mirror timeline now?
makes sense and season 2 they would become section 31 because they need to get back.
how about
So this "Star Trek" is a serialization about a black girl who grows up facing prejudice, does her best to overcome but through no fault of her own the paitriarchy ultimately keeps her down. Now the black girl is all grown up and faces bias in the workplace that she must work to overcome? Also, incase no one noticed the obvious parallels, she's black, and a girl. Get it?
Does that about sum it up? I feel like I've seen that concept several times before. Where's the Star Trek?
Why did you delete his first thread if you're just gonna let him create a new one 5 seconds later, mods?
Why not just V and E for Voyager and Ent?
really makes one think..
can't wait for the reveal and answers
so compelling series, hype for next ep!
#trek #scifi #mystery #answers #fuckingcool
FPBP. Every time
Because STV and STE aren't natural sounding. They're also too close to "STD," and despite how bad enterprise and voyager were, no one wants to insult them by calling either "STD."
hell yeah STD thread.
But needs Discovery in the title so ppl would find it easier.
Subscribe to season 2 and find out what every Trecker is dying to know!
ahhhh maybe in the post ? that could work?
/disco/ is such a good show they should remove all other Star Trek shows from canon and also reality so they don't stain /disco/'s incredibleness
no one is looking for these threads, shill.
You know Star Trek discovery is a success when the fan arts are of this quality
Like the cast and creators said the past series are all garbage which is why the new one is the best Trek ever!
Posting discovery in one of these threads or even DSC counts as a demand impression.
This episode really felt like Star Trek. It featured:
>people working together in teams
>a nebula
>an A plot and a B plot
>a framing device (running with Tilly)
>friendship (Michael and Tilly)
>shooting at things on the holodeck
>a lighter tone (relative to previous Discovery episodes)
>a xenophobic extremist terrorist group (reminded me of Terra Prime from Enterprise)
All while telling new stories and being innovative with Star Trek. This is why Episode 6 is for now the best episode.
Writing 'Discovery' in the OP makes the thread way harder to find.
That's not how this science works
What's the difference between an expression and impression?
Got it
are you trying to force this into a meme so it becomes accepted passive grassroots shilling like toddposting?
these feel so fabricated and shallow, holy shit
What we do here, it's expression. What we do in a social media is impression. Impression is an expression with an impact.
>just something fuller likes to do
I hate this faggot.
He is responible for shaving the Nu Klingons.
It's just a friendly remember this is the first show with fan arts of this quality.
And you clearly cannot deny it
>fan arts
I'd be high quality too. If I got paid...
>fan art
sure is, pal
fuck these shill-ridden threads
The janitors/mods are hilariously clueless. OP is pissing all over them
Cmon, they weren't that bad.
I enjoyed VOY more than TNG. It had the Doctor (which btw, I hear will star in Orville) and Seven who were awesome and actually had a better feel than TNG. Cause in VOY they were virtually into the unknown, stranded in the Delta quadrant, while TNG felt like in the backyard of the Federation.
Fanboys were initially annoyed by the fact that the Borg were too weak compared to TNG, but it's TNG's fault for making them nearly invincibru.
And ENT had the best character progression of any ST show in its latter part.
STD is total garbage, everything is wrong. And the abbreviation doesn't even reflect that. It should be ST SHIT or something.
I liked the inside joke where the computer says "BLACK ALERT" for the first time and the cut is straight to a black person in a prison jumpsuit.
The internet
Why are you here if you hate this show so much?
no hes not, he was against it entirely.
>the fan arts are too beautifull
>it must be an inhuman works
You know the show isn't doing well when the only consistent thing the marketers can come up with is insisting that you call it something else especially when the STD name has already stuck. They must realize that their efforts are if anything counter productive so the continuation is even more damming testimony.
DIS >DS9> TNG >>> VOY=TOS >>>>>>>> ENT
Good OP
>The internet
so who /dropped/ already?
New theory : Lorca is the Klingon traitor.
>The real Lorca is still captive of the Klingons. Now Voq is Lorca, undercover.
Proofs :
>Lorca doesn't know about a past incident the Admiral brings up.
>The Admiral mentions how he's like a different person.
>They have sex, she says, "It wasn't like it was before."
>It was Lorca's idea to send the Admiral to the summit that was actually a trap after she threatened his position.
>people working together in teams
Really more like the default team doing the same things as always while Lorca attempts to convince someone (alone) that he is fit for duty.
>a nebula
>an A plot and a B plot
Pretty generic thing to have.
>a framing device (running with Tilly)
It'd be great if Sonequa could run convincingly because as it stands it looked like Tilly was more capable of running than she was.
Not my holodeck.
>Lighter tone
Nah. Maybe relatively to the prior episodes and their focus on death and torture.
>Fucking logic extremists
The Logic Extremists who can't kill an unarmed man who is alone, with the element of surprise, with no chance of immediate outside intervention in a small and sealed room with a bomb (in a suicide attack no less) and no intent other than to send a message through his death by their hands/ His removal ergo no need to be covert about being the ones to orchestrate his demise. I get that a bomb isn't a good choice of weapon for close quarters combat but still.
Shills and casuals don't get passion.
It is the same in other fields. Like sports for example.
>"Property of J.J. Lendl Art Studio" bottom right
Dude's a comic book artist. Go figure.
He also did an officially licensed X-Files poster project.
Go. Figure.
That's why you people hate logic so much.
bryan wanted the series to be an anthology, that the show would take place during different eras each season
i also think they fucked him over when it came to the klingon design
Tilly is the most horrific looking human being to ever be put on any form of broadcast media
user you are off your rocker she is beautiful
How do i mute/block that miniature spacecraft shill?
From the same scene.
Dont reply m8 he is a straight up faget
these klingoffians sexy ? :)
If Fuller made them the way they are in STD, he got dementia or something
The klingoff look like shit and klingoff women look even worse. Sexy they were in the other series (even the human looking TOS ones) with women being tall and strong looking.
they obviously fucked him over after he left
I just really wanted to get the complaint about the terrible running off of my chest and that was a convenient outlet.
Episode 6 Lethe
>no hes not, he was against it entirely.
>The other Bryan Fuller contribution that remains is his redesign of the Klingons.
and here:
>Showrunner Aaron Harberts noted that original series showrunner Bryan Fuller was an advocate of updating the look of the Klingons and was involved in the redesign
and here:
>Mainly, they’re bald. According to Page, there are two reasons for this: It was a mandate from original showrunner Bryan Fuller, and because they heighten Klingons’ senses.
and here:
>Mainly, they’re bald. According to Page, there are two reasons for this: It was a mandate from original showrunner Bryan Fuller, and because they heighten Klingons’ senses.
should I go on?
>In the real image, STD isn't even on the list
This is why I think he's some kind of performance artist. He's stacking layers of irony to see if there is a limit. Like reverse Jenga.
literally lipstick on a pig
I feel so fucking old, everything i liked is turning to fucking shit. Star Wars is irredeemable at this point and Star Trek is dying in front of my very eyes and i'm only 25
> “We will introduce several different houses with different styles.
funny because all the houses look exactly the same
mindhunter is pretty much the best series to come out this year
post the real thing
It just depends on how well you'd pay the artists.
I wonder where all the shekels went...
The numbers are right
STD is funny, DIS is stupid, DSC should be the acronym.
Shameful Display.
I can't tell where the moles stop and its face begins jfc
>Page explained that DSC’s Klingons are bald because of these heightened senses on the top of their heads. The bald look was also a mandate from Fuller.
This is the first google reverse image result. From two days after the STD premier.
I just watched Star Trek VI
They had holocomms in the movie. Memory Alpha says that it takes place like 40 years or so after Discovery.
Also, they say there has been "unremmiting hostility" between the Klingon Empire and the Federation for "almost 70 years." That lines up roughly to when the Klingons killed Michael's parents, yes?
Fellow Trekkies of /STD/ and /DIS/!
Hear me!
I hereby conduct a brand new strawpoll to decide the fate of our thread:
Sep 6, 2016 6:16pm
Can anyone recommend me the best fan made shows/films?
I know axanar got canned but there has to be more right?
>They have sex, she says, "It wasn't like it was before."
>she did not mention his BKC
You should shoop a more recent one.
low energy bait
you forgot /STD/
Oh, great. An online anonymous poll that can easily be rigged. I'm sure this will go just swimmingly.
Has no STD
And still is 83% "Other" lol
So are you Wared, David, Bruce, or Adam?
Walking dead being third makes this list very odd, how is this measured?