Watch shoah

>watch shoah
>google it
>mfw it actually happened

Other urls found in this thread: TableTalk_djvu.txt

tell me it's not about jews.


oy vey

>it actually happened
got some bad news OP...



No, you see, what really happened is that an ethnoreligious group of about 15 million people, which is secretly responsible for every major historical event of the last 1000 years, managed to pull off an enormous hoax and get almost the whole world to believe that half of them had been killed by the Nazis even though it didn't really happen. They even managed to get both Cold War superpower rivals to play along with the hoax, even though their intelligence services would have known the truth and could have used it to discredit their rivals. I know all this because I'm too smart to believe that a group of people who openly advocated social Darwinism and destroying Jewish power would have tried to kill as many Jews as possible once they had the opportunity to do it.

>mfw I learned that the Talmud teaches that 400 million Jews were genocided
>mfw watched a video where an orthodox rabbi instructs his students that it has happened and not to believe in this would be heresy.
>400 million Jews


The widespread use of the "logic" implied by this post is why I honestly believe holocaust deniers are the possibly least intelligent people who have ever existed.

I don't even see why people say it was fake. Hitler literally said if Jewish financiers plunged the world into WWII the outcome would be extermination of the Jewish race.


t. kike shill

>1) Because the SS wanted it's own everything. They didn't want to rely on the Heer for anything. The eventual goal was to be the only military force in Germany and to phase out the Wehrmacht. A good example of the extent of the distance between SS and Heer was the fact that the SS put patents on their camouflage patterns and wouldn't let the Heer use them.

>2) They knew that they were most likely dead either way. We know from several sources that their families were threatened with extradition to the USSR if they did not cooperate with the allies and the Holocaust narrative.

>3) They will literally go to jail if they did that and their families would be ostracized. Really a no brainer...

>4) Haha oy gevalt.... Because they know Jews are liars. Interesting side note about the IHR, they publicly offered a reward of $50,000 for verifiable proof that gas chambers for the purpose of killing human beings existed at or in Auschwitz. A man named Mel Mermelstein was awarded $40,000 for proving it with evidence. His evidence? A signed testimony of his experiences in Auschwitz. lmfao

It's pretty crazy to me that thete is a whole subset of people that deny a whole genocide happened. Is insane because it's this huge event that is widely sourced yet there are people who think it didn't happen. I wonder if in 100 years there are gonna be people who say that 9/11 didn't happen or that something like the Katrina hurricane was just a hoax.

>5) The inflation of Jewish deaths is a proven fact, even for non-revisionists. They blame it on lack of destroyed records and other crap, but the number of dead at Auschwitz alone has risen and fallen several times. That has no effect on the "survivors" reparations. I don't think I've ever heard of or met a Jewish man or woman in the Holocaust age group that doesn't claim to have been in a camp (obviously anecdotal). Semi-sidenote, where are all of the gay, handicapped, gypsy etc etc survivors that were supposedly put in camps that weren't or aren't jews?

>6) I don't know and neither does anyone else. But I would surmise that it didn't mean jacking off little boys to death, shoving wood up the asses of men or driving rollercoaster-like cars into ovens, making lampshades from skin or soap from the fat of Jews (all things Jews claimed the Nazis did).

Anyone that ponders what you ponder is an example of a person who has never read one speck of opposing information from your own accepted narrative.

>7) Lice control. The delousing of the hair after it was cut is not a crazy thing to do. As far as storing it goes, hair can have a myriad of uses, especially during wartime in dire conditions. Lining coats or jackets for example.

>8) Because Jews were being transported to concentration camps in vast numbers. Nobody denies that.

Tchhh! Be quiet, you are going to trigger the Sup Forumsturds

>I know all this because I'm too smart to believe that a group of people who openly advocated social Darwinism
Calling Nazism social Darwinism is retarded. By this logic, Marxists were social Darwinists too, but instead of favoring a particular race or nationality, they favorite a class of people.

didn't read lmao

How do you know 9/11 happened? Were you there? How do you know every single testimony wasn't fabricated? If you were there, how do WE know your testimony was not fabricated? We will never know for sure, it still needs to be open for debate. Are you afraid of the truth?
t. Sup Forums debating

>9) The Nazis lost badly in the later stage of the war in large part not because they lacked rations, ammo and other war stuffs, but because they lack effective logistical lines to get it to the front. That being said, when there are hungry men on the front lines fighting, you don't give the food they need to prisoners. You keep it and hope the logistical situation improves.

>10) In the scenario that large scale disease and pestilence broke out, which is never uncommon in wartime. And guess what? It did.

>11) Lots of them probably died from Typhus. Many did reunite with their families.

>Nobody denies that.
Holocaust deniers love to say this, even though the truth is that when it comes to the Holocaust/WW2, you can find people who believe in pretty much any level of nonsense. People exist who literally believe that Eisenhower committed a genocide of a million Germans in camps right after the war ended.
My own experience is that many deniers live in a state of doublethink. Other than the ones who actually believe the Holocaust happened but deny it for reasons of recruitment and camouflage, most of them don't seem to really advocate any specific alternative theory - they just try to pick holes the mainstream theories. Not that there's anything necessarily wrong with that, but the level of rationality these people have is typically low, and the levels of agenda high. By "doublethink" I mean that they live in a strange vague world, in which the Holocaust happened to various levels depending on who they're talking to at any given moment.
One thing that's pretty obvious is that the vast majority of Holocaust deniers are neo-Nazis or, at the least, sympathetic to the Nazis. This is strange, if you think about it. If Holocaust denial was advocated for actual rational reasons, you'd think that there would be people from all sorts of political-ideological backgrounds who question the mainstream narratives. But there aren't. Almost all Holocaust deniers think that Nazi Germany was a force for good in the world.
Another weird thing is that really, even if no death camps ever existed, Nazi Germany would still be one of history's most murderous regimes. But Holocaust deniers usually avoid talking about this. They focus on the camps, rather than the Einsatzgruppen or the Nazi suppression of political opponents or the aggressive warfare the regime waged.
It all makes you go "Hmm".

The actual Nazis would have disagreed with you. Read Hitler's table talk. He rants on and on along social Darwinist lines. He believed that history was a battle between strong races and weak races and that Germany had to purify itself racially in order to become strong enough to be a dominant world power.

One person might and that's enough

Nobody claims that planes didn't strike the towers. Many people claim that the details are bullshit. If they do anything else they are fools.

Nobody claims that many Jews died in camps. Many claim that they weren't systematically eliminated. If they do anything else they are fools.

For the record I believe the accepted 9/11 narrative is true.

>He believed that history was a battle between strong races and weak races and that Germany had to purify itself racially in order to become strong enough to be a dominant world power.
Not social Darwinist. Had he said the same thing about people, that would be Darwinist. I don't care what Nazis think, (I bet they think they were right and knew what was best for Germany).

>Nobody claims that planes didn't strike the towers.
>Nobody claims that many Jews died in camps.

>Nobody claims that planes didn't strike the towers.
lmao, how naive are you? I bet you think there was an actual rocket in the faking of the moon landings and the footage of the liftoff wasn't made using claymation.

Prove that planes actually hit the towers. And don't post any of that CGI fake news bs. I'll wait.

I think the base narrative for the vast majority of Holocaust revisionists is as follows.

1)Jews, POWs, Political Opponents,and several other groups were rounded up and placed into camps at a certain point in the Nazi regime.

2)These groups including the Jews were given a chance to leave Germany prior to the war.

3)Many died in these camps because of disease, lack of food and clean water near the end of the war.

That's literally it.

The "brutal" wartime actions of the Nazis were tame compared to almost all other major powers during the course of the war.

The Einsatzgruppen, famed for it's brutality, did conduct anti partisan operations and used forms of brutality to try to stunt the recruitment of local populaces by said partisans.

Well then that's just crazy. I've really never met anyone that thinks that myself.

Go here: TableTalk_djvu.txt
(Hitler's Table Talk)
And search for the word "selection".
I don't know why you make a big deal of the distinction between social Darwinism when it comes to race and when it comes to individuals.

Also, disregard all testimonies proving them false as jewish tricks

>12) The same reason you can't go to a penitentiary and throw hamburgers over the fence....

>13) Why did the doors open inward? The chamber was used for delousing clothing and other artifacts.

>14) They could have been processed and sent to other camps instead for many reasons. The logical conclusion isn't "Because they were gassed and burned!".

No-one, not even Jews, thinks so highly of Jewish power as neo-Nazis do. These guys basically believe that Jews are demigods with incredible powers of manipulation. Now, no doubt, Jews are extremely powerful per capita - probably the most powerful ethnic group per capita in the world - but neo-Nazis go beyond reality and ascribe superhuman powers to them.

Show me something that proves it that isn't a lie or trick. I mean that seriously. I'm not an unreasonable person or a skinhead. If I saw a piece of evidence that was airtight (pardon the pun) and proved that Jews were systematically exterminated I'd change my way of thinking.

I accredit Jews, not with "superhuman powers" but with the ability to selflessly work together with other Jews to achieve a common goal and not waver from it better than any other group in history.

There's no such thing as airtight evidence in history, there's only combined weight of better and worse evidence.
The combined weight of evidence makes me think that the Holocaust happened. But there's no airtight evidence, and there in principle cannot be.
There's no airtight evidence that Napoleon ever existed, or that the Roman Empire existed.

Do you ascribe 15 million Jews with the power to hoodwink the entire world by perpetrating literally the biggest hoax of all time, even somehow getting literally BOTH major Cold War superpowers to go along with the hoax?
That's basically ascribing supernatural powers to them, man.

how dare you. my grandpa survive 88 gas chambers and i inherited his trauma

Actually, seeing the absurd hodgepodge of ideas that people think social Darwinism is, and how it could basically apply to thinking any group or entity succeeds because it's better than another, the I suppose Nazis would be "socially" Darwinistic. I was making that distinction between individuals and race because that would make it a distinction between social Darwinism and actual Darwinism.

>15) I'll be honest I'm not familiar with this anecdote. It sounds fishy to me because why would a doctor be tasked with shooting massive amounts of prisoners? By fishy I mean complete horseshit.

>16) No documents show evidence of exterminations. So no I don't think that happened.

>17) Saying something doesn't mean doing it. Trump said he was going to build a wall...

the fact that it is illegal to question it is enough for skepticism

I'm not claiming that the Nazis were actual Darwinians. They never cared much for actual science, only for ideology. But they were influenced by social Darwinism, which was a phenomenon or movement separate from actual, scientific Darwinism.

If you are comparing the amount of evidence that proves the Roman Empire existed to the amount of "evidence" that proves Jews were systematically exterminated during WWII I feel just plain bad for you user.

I think you should read or watch some alternate opinions to your own. You strike me as a person without much knowledge of history as a whole. No offense, I'm not saying you're stupid.

I think everything should be questioned. You don't even really need a reason for skepticism. It's not like I'm not skeptical of the mainstream narratives. But, having looked into arguments on both sides, I think the mainstream narrative is vastly more likely to be closer to the truth.

>I think everything should be questioned.
You'd be put in prison in many european countries for saying this.

Its only illegal in parts of Europe because that continent as a whole is a shithole.

>If you are comparing the amount of evidence that proves the Roman Empire existed to the amount of "evidence" that proves Jews were systematically exterminated during WWII I feel just plain bad for you user.
Hmm. Nazis repeatedly say they hate Jews and want to break Jewish power. Nazis also repeatedly both say and prove that they believe in using violence to advance racial and political concepts. Kristallnacht happened. Jews say they got genocided. After the war, Jews act basically just like you'd expect people who got genocided to act. Rudolph Hoess's memoirs exist. Himmler's Posen speech exists. Train records exist. Einsatzgruppen kill estimates, created by Nazis, exist. Etc.
Maybe there's more evidence for Rome, sure. How about Queen Elizabeth I? Do you think there's more evidence that she existed than that Jews were systematically exterminated?
>I think you should read or watch some alternate opinions to your own.
I have. I've read tons of denier writing.
>You strike me as a person without much knowledge of history as a whole.
You're incorrect.

>it happened

That's not my understanding of the laws. In any case, I don't think that those laws should exist, but their existence doesn't prove that the Holocaust didn't happen.
Keep in mind that there were some good reasons to go hard with de-Nazification after WW2. Germany had been handled with kid gloves after WW1, and the right-wingers there created a stab-in-the-back narrative and then chimped out. I don't agree that those anti-free speech laws should exist, but I completely understand, given the historical context, why people want want to totally stamp out even the hint of Nazi apologia.

>They never cared much for actual science, only for ideology.
... u fucking wot m8?

I just learned that my country had a holocaust of Jews as well. The Norwegian holocaust.

>good reasons to go hard with de-Nazification after WW2
Yeah. America and Britain didn't want to compete economically with Germany. Do you seriously believe anyone gave a shit about the jews? Not an ounce of sympathy is drilled into students about the ukranian genocide, the armenean genocide, the rwandian genocide. Why do you think that is? It was all about the money. The narrative was fabricated to keep germany down, and a puppet government was instated. And it worked.

Follow the money goy. Open your eyes.

Good work

See: "Jewish Physics"

great bait

i like this post

It's the only logical conclusion. The capacity of krematoria was so big they were able to cremate the whole camp in 3/4 months (there were some 160.000-200.000 prisoners in Auschwitz I, II, III and all subcamps.

Letter from Kurt Prüfer of 8 September 1942 on "the number of muffles [37 with a capacity of 1850 corpses per day] is not yet sufficient; we should deliver more ovens as quick as possible" [Schüle, Industrie und Holocaust, p. 442]

>Yeah. America and Britain didn't want to compete economically with Germany.
So they gave Germany enormous amount of help with rebuilding after the war?
Why would NOT de-Nazifying have created an economically stronger Germany, in your view? It turned out to be pretty fucking strong economically in the real timeline, in which there WAS de-Nazification.
>Do you seriously believe anyone gave a shit about the jews?
Well, stormtards usually believe that everybody bent over backward to help the Jews with their Evil Holohoax Conspiracy. So which one is it, did nobody care about the Jews, or are the Jews secretly pulling the strings behind everything?

Disbelief in the holocaust is a sign of mental illness

seek help

Why do we need film after film about the poor Jews?
Why not films about every other genocide all throughout history.
Funny that the Jews get so much attention in an industry dominated by Jews.
Never forget the 66 gorillion.
You were taught about it. Your kids will be. Your grandkids will be. And on and on and on.
The goyim must always be made to feel guilty, and they must always be denied the right to unite in their own ethnic self interest, because if Europeans are every allowed to live in anything other than multicultural nations where the banking and media is owned by Jews then another 66 quadrillion could be gassed 7 times each.

Oy vey, Ezra, best right another script to remind the goys about how the Nazis tried to remove the Jews for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
Just like Jews have been kicked out of nations hundreds of times through history.
It's all to do with everyone else and nothing to do with the Jews themselves.

There are almost as many countries with legislation that punishes denial of communist crimes. Mysteriously, a neo-nazi can never be found complaining about this, or saying they're "skeptical" of communist crimes.

Yeah you are right. It's all jewish tricks
t. Sup Forums

>ancient maymay

Holocaust was quite special and very successful. For example more than 95% of Lithuanian or Latvian Jews were killed, more than 80% of Polish Jews and so on.

New poster. If you think germany post war, as successful as it is, wouldnt have been an existential threat to the us and uk pre defeat with substantially bigger territory and resources then i dont know what to tell you.

The most retarded post in this thread by a tiny margin.

>ukranian genocide
Never happened.

>tfw can't tell if people are memeing or really believe the Holocaust didn't happen

>actually happened

I'm not saying germany isnt economically strong I'm saying they didnt want to compete with germany. Note the NATIONAL in national socialism. They needed to brainwash germans into hating their own country and themselves.

The soviets (who were founded by jews but didnt necessarily remain jewish for its entire existance) put in a great deal of work in fueling the hoax in order to keep their biggest rival down. They were building fake chimneys for christs sake. Is it just a coincidence that every camp inspect by the us turned out to be a regular war time concentration camp and every camp behind the iron curtains a magical death camp with futuristic cyber ovens? I'm not saying every world leader actively conspired together, but they wouldnt have bothered disproving it because they didnt give a shit. People dont care about things that dont directly affect them. World leaders dont do things that dont direct benefit them. Your average joe american just works his job and sees after his family, meanwhile jews secretly lobby pro isreal shit, and demand that holohoax shit be shilled in public schools. It is fucking bonkers.

You guys are idiots.
Obviously the holocaust happened but it wasn't a fucking murder-fest. It was a tragedy. Jews are smart and a lot fought eachother, tried to escape or began rebellions (leading to deaths).
There were also diseases and lack of food.
The jews later hyped this into a genocide, which is really just a case of semantics.
The thing to remember is that this could have happeend to us in the USA too had we been invaded while holding onto the japanese camps.
Yes, they "burned" bodies but only dead ones. The jews, having a prediliction for drama, and viewing cremation as insult to their faith, played this up for effect.
Even the gas chambers were fake, they were de-licing and de-contamination rooms. Watch Schindler's list, there's even kind of a (non-lighthearted) joke about this historical fact.

TLDR: It happened but not the way it was described.

>Why do we need film after film about the poor Jews?
Cause Jews control Hollywood, lots of them are rich, and the US has more of them than any other country besides Israel. That doesn't mean the Holocaust didn't happen.
>The goyim must always be made to feel guilty, and they must always be denied the right to unite in their own ethnic self interest, because if Europeans are every allowed to live in anything other than multicultural nations where the banking and media is owned by Jews then another 66 quadrillion could be gassed 7 times each.
Hmm... many members of a group of people half of whose ancestors got killed by European racial supremacists tend to support ideologies that go against racial purity ideologies. You don't say... Wow. Surely the only explanation for this must be a secret united Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world!
Look, even if Jews control the media and banking, it wouldn't mean the Holocaust didn't happen.
>how the Nazis tried to remove the Jews for absolutely no reason whatsoever.
We know the reasons. They thought as you do, plus they also wanted to steal the Jews' money and redistribute it to non-Jews, both for their own profit and also to create an economic spike that would legitimize the Nazi government in the eyes of the people.

I love the irony that this wojak meme has become. Only retards seem to use it now.

>Is it just a coincidence that every camp inspect by the us turned out to be a regular war time concentration camp and every camp behind the iron curtains a magical death camp with futuristic cyber ovens?
It baffles me how stupid you guys are. It takes 2 minutes to find which camps were liberated by the allies and which by the Soviets (pro-tip many concentration/labor camps such as Stutthof were liberated by the Soviets and aren't considered death camps).
You guys are just so fucking naive and brainwashed.

Read, dude, read. I was replying to someone who was arguing that POST-WAR DE-NAZIFICATION was an Allied plot to prevent Germany from being an economic competitor.

I think that the level of butthurt they show when you argue with them is a good indicator. More butthurt = more likely that the person actually thinks it didn't happen. For example, I'd say that most or all of the deniers in this thread are being serious.

Obviously the holocaust happened but it wasn't a fucking murder-fest. It was a tragedy. Jews are smart and a lot fought eachother, tried to escape or began rebellions (leading to deaths).
There were also diseases and lack of food.
The jews later hyped this into a genocide, which is really just a case of semantics.
The thing to remember is that this could have happeend to us in the USA too had we been invaded while holding onto the japanese camps.
Yes, they "burned" bodies but only dead ones. The jews, having a prediliction for drama, and viewing cremation as insult to their faith, played this up for effect.
Even the gas chambers were fake, they were de-licing and de-contamination rooms. Watch Schindler's list, there's even kind of a (non-lighthearted) joke about this historical fact.

TLDR: It happened but not the way it was described.

>The jews later hyped this into a genocide
Poles already reported genocide of Jews in 1942.

Oy vey it's anudda hillsbroah

Deniers who pretend they are objective are the funniest.

If the Nazis killed all the Jews, how come there's so many Jews today and they rule the world?

remember the jews are smart and have a predilection for drama and persuasive language.
They were liable to call their whole history a genocide if it would help their cause (and in many ways they would be right, but it's also a very one-sided perspective that ignores the root issue).

>They needed to brainwash germans into hating their own country and themselves.
Is that why they let numerous former Wehrmacht commanders continue to have high-ranking positions in the post-war government, and worked closely with them in order to defend against a possible USSR invasion?
>I'm saying they didnt want to compete with germany
If a German factory makes a thousand tons of steel, it doesn't matter whether the factory was run by Nazis or multicultural US-lovers, it'll still cause basically the same level of economic competition for US steel-makers.
>is it just a coincidence that every camp inspect by the us turned out to be a regular war time concentration camp and every camp behind the iron curtains a magical death camp with futuristic cyber ovens?
It's not a coincidence, it's that way because the Nazis didn't want to suffer the PR hit of having death camps on German territory where random Germans would be more likely to find out what was going on (see the backlash to the Aktion-T4 program for an example of why they would be concerned about this), and also because there were more Jews in Poland than in Germany. So they put a lot of death camps in Poland.

I'm talking about Poles, not about Jews.

I'm actually jewish.
I'm also just not an idiot.
Every conspiracy on earth revolves around money. It's all quite simple really.

9/11 was a call for help from this reality. 9-1-1. but that's not how we phrase it to protect the jews.

Lots of polish jews.
The thing to remember is that not all jews were on the same side and many owned publications.

what are you even trying to say?
>successful post war
>pre defeat
>substantially bigger territory and resources
if germany had somehow won the war and expanded its territory to an unknown and purely theoretical extent it would have, at some point, been able to defeat the us and the uk? sure
there existed some more or less plausible scenario where germany could have defeated the us within a time frame it's possible to have a discussion about? dream on

I wonder what kind mental gymnastics you'd have to go through to think it didn't happen. Also, if you're an anti-semite, wouldn't you want to believe the Holocaust happened?

>9/11 was a call for help from this reality. 9-1-1. but that's not how we phrase it to protect the jews.
No offense man, but... really? Are you going to start talking about holographic planes next?

no. I'm just not a moron.
Symbolism is important in terrorism, especially on that scale.
The same reason they chose the world-trade center.
Dates are important in a lot of faiths and there were rumblings for years about some sort of turn-of-the-century type event, especially leading into 2001 (part of why many people see the attack as anticipated).
Obviously the holocaust happened but it wasn't a fucking murder-fest. It was a tragedy. Jews are smart and a lot fought eachother, tried to escape or began rebellions (leading to deaths).
There were also diseases and lack of food.
The jews later hyped this into a genocide, which is really just a case of semantics.
The thing to remember is that this could have happeend to us in the USA too had we been invaded while holding onto the japanese camps.
Yes, they "burned" bodies but only dead ones. The jews, having a prediliction for drama, and viewing cremation as insult to their faith, played this up for effect.
Even the gas chambers were fake, they were de-licing and de-contamination rooms. Watch Schindler's list, there's even kind of a (non-lighthearted) joke about this historical fact.

TLDR: It happened but not the way it was described.

It was always an anti-israel attack.
The arabs of the region had been calling for aid for decades, always denied and insulted by the fact that more aid was given to their opressors, one of whom now owned "the world trade center". It's symbolism.
Glad i could do the thinking for you.

9/11 was an inside job.

The entire reason why Jews became such a fucking horrid force on the world and caused gommunism was because there were tons of jews in Poland, who peddled their usual degenerate vices and usury which made Poland very powerful and expansive economically. This pissed off Russia, Germany, Prussia, Austria who then conquered Poland and divided it up. The jews that got stuck in the Russian side came up with communism as revenge for getting stuck back into a system that said they had to live under Christian morals and weren't allowed to peddle alcohol and predatory lending practices like they had before.

Im glad people like you are never taken seriously irl except by neonazi losers.

Not really. If theres no holocaust theres no eternal blackmail to hang over everyone.