what was the last Simpsons episode you watched?
What was the last Simpsons episode you watched?
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The one they played when they ended KOTH
The one where Homer becomes a soccer referee. I had put up with so much shit from the show, but for some reason I finally decided that this was it.
one in like 1998
I lasted all the way up to the lady gaga one.
Then I gave up one the series.
the one with The Who where they actually made a joke about how the show had devolved into random shit
The one where Homer skates Tony Hawk
Flight of the choncords one was the episode where I realized the show had become a platform for celebrities to "cement" their status as cultural icons
It was all downhill from here.
If they had ended it with the Behind the Laughter episode the whole show would have gone down as a masterpiece, despite a few weak seasons towards the end.
>kids needs to have a political aliance nowdays
thanks, lefties
>a few weak seasons
by that you mean 20 years worth of bad seasons right?
Behind the Laughter was season 11.
Never did, masterpiece after masterpiece.
so 18 years of shit. sorry.
I can't decide if you're trolling or just really stupid.
you're pretty dense huh
I think he's from Canada, eh.
does anyone even watch this stupid show anymore? Everyone I know DROPPED this shit a decade+ ago.
read again
slowly this time
E -I E -I (Annoyed Grunt)
It was so forgettable that I can't remember.
>an episode depicting republicans and democrats as capable of being friends
oy vey, we can't have that!
The one where Marge wants to join that fancy country club and the family keep fucking it up for her by being peasants
I read this in Sneed's voice
As a background noise while working
no shit retard. the contention was his use of 'few'. Brainlets....baka
The newest tree house of horror
Seems like a lot of people are interpreting this as, "Which was the most recent episode of the Simsons that you watched." The last for me was episode 24, because I thought I would gain something by marathoning the entire series. Everything past 14, (when the series was still watchable outside of marathons), was pretty much torture to get through. I would not recommend it.
now read again
this is a bait right?
Well, well. Look at the city slicker with her fancy, German country club.
it's season 27 nigga. If he was trying to be sarcastic with 'few' it didn't really work.
Treehouse of Horror XXVIII from two days ago.
It was pretty good.
the most recent one? the lady gaga one just because I heard it was particularly bad
this was correct
That actually was one of the last I watched.
I don't even remember. I think it was one of the seasons back in 2013, but I don't even know. Might have been the Lady Gaga episode before I eventually decided that the Simpsons was just wasting my time.
The world isn't the same once you become aware of the liberal/conservative dichotomy.
>muh nostalgia
I can finally confirm that it is indeed not nostalgia
I have a friend who wasn't allowed to watch The Simpsons as a kid because his family was fucking insane and thought cartoons would ruin him or something. He just broke his arm and can't work now, so I gave him an external drive with every episode of The Simpsons on it.
He reckons it was great up till season 9, noticeably worse after season 10, and unwatchable after season 15
This fits in with the timeline.
>i'm a republican
vile fucking cunt.
Can't even imagine how garbage that is.
I stopped watching after this couch gag
Yeah I went back and watched some of the episodes from season 4 and 7 this summer and I can honestly say that they've held up the test of time. It wasn't just childhood humour, it was well constructed television that was timeless and engaging.
>paths of orbit around the sun are visible for some reason
absolute trash
>series peaked in season 6
Hey everyone, it's skateboarding legend, Tony Hawk!
>Have no fear, we've got stories for years
>like, Marge becomes a robot
>in the new intro sequence, Marge is a fucking robot
The Boston episode
Hey it's also pop sensation Lady Gaga.
>we have an elephant, so let's do a Republican joke
>oh, it's shitty, so let's do Democrat for balance
>oh, it's shitty too
I guess it's interesting to know what some liberals like the Simpsons writers thought of the time about the Democratic party, but they were both terrible jokes that clearly had the genesis of mocking Republicans because the show had an elephant.
Have you been in space? Have you been on the outside of our solar system and can confirm if there are lines or not? You must be retarded.
Last one I watched out of interest of the new episodes was 'Tis the Fifteenth Season. It was around the time bart got a bear, and I remembering there was literally no humor left at this point.
Last one I watched in general was the lady gaga episode after a friend said it was terrible.
Yes, I have
Why is the movie a spike in quality? It's basically a long Zombie Simpsons episode.
Last Exit to Spring field
simpsons gaga was pretty cute
>There are now 4 episode titles that a pun on "Mona Lisa".
Remember this classic moment? youtu.be
I didn't make this, it was by Sol Harris. I don't agree with it entirely but I think it's a neat framework for marking the show's decline. Also while I don't think the movie is hilarous, it at least seemed like they tried and wanted to make something that was at least interesting. It alone is probably more entertaining that the last 10 seasons combined.
I watch every nu-Simpsons episode and will keep doing so until I die or it gets cancelled.
Same, my parents thought it was an awful show I couldn't watch because the kids were rude to their parents, I might pick that behavior up... I later rewatched it and i saved myself from the zombification, stopped at season 9
>We're evil!
>We can't govern!
Fuck, it's so horrible.
>implying the movie was good
What is Sneed's tax policy?
Yeah, it was clear they had a pretty obvious bias even then, but at least back then they TRIED to be fair
I think the chart uses imdb scores
Last Sunday's. i've seen them all
>implying you can read a chart
Teen Titans Go is better
the newest Treehouse of Horror.
It's actually pretty good, don't know how the whole season is, but I really enjoyed it despite being nu-simpsons
>tfw no republican latina gf
Treehouse episodes tend to stay pretty good.
I guess it's because the stories aren't long enough for the writers to inject celebrity cameos or politics.
watching all the treehouse for kicks and i'm on XXIV. i stopped watching around season 15, but in my defence i was like 14
Didn't Lisa throw a little hissy fit after that?
Last episode I watched was the one where the Simpsons discover they're part black.
>does anyone even watch this stupid show anymore?
ya, like an average of 4.8 million people an episode
The skinner plot was a ruse from the beginning.
He is super bitch made but they explain it in some video how it's some old tale that shit. His name was a give away.
What was it about?
I'm watching all of them to judge when it really turns to shit. I'm halfway through season 11. It's gotten a lot worse since season 9/10 but there's still some alright stuff in there for now.
It was some "boot camp" episode that must have come out some time around 2006 or 2007. The running gag was the gunnery sergeant blindly assigning individuals to the "FRONT LINE INFANTRY"
he did it over the credits at various names
I chuckled at it, but my heart knew the magic was long gone, and that was it.
2005 onwards generally felt the same, the awful WoW parody was the worst until the HD eps happened.
what's the joke here
The one where Marge joins a club and tries to rob M. Burns and Milhouse teaches Lisa Italian for no reason. It was terrible
I had decided to watch some of the christmas specials last year, and when I got to that one, it was just so obvious that they were out of ideas
Gary Coleman as the security guard, like that's the joke and that's it
the family guy crossover
Chuck lost his business and you're supposed to laugh at his misfortune.
it's fucking great visual gag and satire on both, you cretin
how old are you?
A season 19 ep, it was dull, i don't really know when simpsons became super bad, in my opinion, up until the 3-4 last pre-Simpsons movie seasons the show tried to be tolerable.
No, it's fucking obvious and lazy.
>gimmick of the episode is that Bart has an Elephant
>elephant goes to Republican convention
>Republican mascot is Elephant
Also, how the fuck does the joke work for Democrats? It's just there for even-handedness? And how is that satire on both? It's just the writers, being stereotypical New York, liberal arts liberals giving their opinions on both parties in lieu of actual jokes.
>A republican
let me guess Duff Man is a republican also? they cant keep getting away with this
But seriously, what's the joke in OP's pic about this girl being a Republican?
I didn't even know what Republicans and Democrats were when I was 8
How is an elephant in the room not a visual gag, you absolutely braindead, cum slurping manbaby.
The one with Anton from no country for old men.
both parties act with jubilance/revulsion to the elephant. even though its a total coincidence. shows how dog-headedly opposed each party are. the humour lies in how it's the same elephant doing the exact same thing.
fuck me sneedposters are children