ITT: dead careers

ITT: dead careers

Almost none of the child actors from Harry Potter have careers desu

proof she was only hot when she was illegal to have sex with

Even the ones that do are on the downslope. Same thing happened with the kids from the original Jurassic Park movie. It's to be expected that if you're a child actor who didn't do television you have no staying power.

>Careero Revivum!

she still has a career

just because someone isn't in a fucking million different shit movies a year doesn't mean they don't have a career

Radcliff has a gud career desu

She was never hot.

Yeah, she's listed as the star of Beauty and the Beast, which made 160 million domestic, 1.26 billion worldwide. This thread is pretty stupid.

Her fat little tummie is pretty cute tbqh

OP just wanted to start a waifu thread.

Radcliff is just having fun fucking around for whatever role. He isn't trying too hard for an Oscar

Daniel Radcliffe has a lot of interesting films in the Indie sector.

I wouldn't say good but it's definitely alive.

is she trying to make her tits look bigger by standing like that?

>160 million domestic, 1.26 billion worldwide
>1.26 billion worldwide

So is someone starting to post emma pictures or do I have to put my dick back into my pantaloons?

Yeah, he's worth 100 mil, making the movies he wants to make, and living exactly the way he wants to live. He's a goddamn hero.

you may find this surprising but her Beauty and the Beast turd was hugely successful.
thanks chinks!

and nothing after that
no films in 2018

Didn't she just do a huge Disney movie though?

it made 500m domestic, 760 foreign, 1260 total.

>Can't sing for shit, have to obviously auto tune
>Everyone universally agrees the animated version is superior

Is there anything funnier than when retardanons post the 'net worth' of celebrities?

I mean....baka

What's her stance called? Lick me harvey?

yes, this is what women look like. It's all posture, girls!

box office # are pretty hilarious too hey anons, did you know 'gullible' isn't in the dictionary?

>I mean....baka
You have to go back


>muh net worth sites

get some fresh bullshit assholes

Disney is royally pissed at her because she refused to do the promotional work they wanted her to and her attitude was total shit throughout the entire production. There are literally millions of girls they could have put in that movie and it would have made just as much money, and they know it. All of Hollywood has heard about her tantrums and refusal to do promotion, and, aside from Beauty and the Beast, all of her other kinos have flopped. It's good for her that Harry Potter ensured she'll never have to work again, because she won't.

She's also one of Harvey's whores

Sup Forums is a place for hardcore guys not some fucking weeaboos


look anons, it's an insider here to tell us scoops about this totally real 'industry'!

>tfw defending a weinstein whore waifu

She even got offered La-La-land before Emma Stone but she turned it down because she was too buisy rehearsing for Beauty&Beast. Why does this cunt keep getting roles? is that the power of Weinstein? How far can his hand reach? Does he have dirt on everybody in Hollywood?


Oh please, given that she was starring in the highest grossing movie so far in 2017, she has at least three more movies 'in the bag', if they fail her career will be dead though.

Given that she can't act for shit, Disney princess movies is the best choice for her, a BATB2 would be her best option.

>believing the fake Weinstein 'expose'

I'm sure the news became real journalism 2 weeks ago

fuck outta here


>more box office #s

this thread is awful shilly

>actually bending reality to keep on whiteknighting

poor woman
the price for being open with your sexuality is that in an identity oriented industry you are forced to become the 'gay' actor

Her netflix movie was fucking awful


No he's a predator and she's a whore. That much is prob true.

But the fake news is trying realllllllly hard to sell us it's accounting of events.

They're trying to cut off their nose to save their face.

Ain't hard to tell.

Ah, yes. Huge box office success has no impact on your chance of starring in movies...

She's Sup Forums's problem now


are you going to let me know about political polls next?

When people define themselves by their sexual deviance. Imagine people coming out as foot fetishists,, do you think we should accept that and normalize it by having a footfag in every fucking show?

This is nothing mane, if the Paedo thing starts to be exposed a little, we'll see even worse

they'll just keep throwing pawns under the bus

you know lesbianism has never been illegal or criminalised user

>are you going to let me know about political polls next?

What are you yapping about now ? Try to stay focused user

He's a manlet, though.

throw some more #s at us so we can perceive the reality you want us to user.

It totally bamboozles me!

if she had a half decent contract with those harry potter movies. then she can live a comfy middle class life off the residuals alone.

>Hollywood accounting isn't real

it's just bullshit on bullshit on bullshit

truth is he's depressive and a raging alcoholic, so tell me how is it really working for him?
Sometime you can have it all, but still you're damaged beyond possible repair

fuck off already. no one buys your bullshit Hollywood 'news' anymore.

I legitimately challenge you to post a more JUST picture than this.

>Imagine people coming out as foot fetishists
Tarantino is literally the quirky foot guy these days.

>literally nothing upcoming

what does she do all day?

Are you questioning the logic of: starring in a huge box office success = more roles ?

What would I possibly need to back that up with ?

Neither is foot fetish

Are you out of your meds? You can't even tell who yuo're replying to.

copping to 'foot fetishes' is their new bullshit tactic btw


>that blatant blonde hooker behind them
God damn, I wish there was a video of what transpired

That posture is a whole new level of absurd.

Now that Harvey is on the spotlight she can do nothing but wait


She is not pure, only pure girls can be disney princesses


She's imagining Harvey sucking her tampon

I just don't see her lasting. She's cute but she can't act

she fucks subhuman millionares

She's 27. She smells of Canesten Combi and lies

Talks in front of the UN about how women are really, super seriously oppressed and stuff.

Mila Kunis
Joseph Gordon Levitt

Both were supposed to become A list, now they're nowhere to be seen.

>journalism isn't real there is no objective reality o my what me and my internet friends want to believe!

Doesn't she have a new movie with the universally beloved Louie CK?

Because they are both shit, only reason they had careers to begin with is due to jewish nepotism.

The Weinstein has been raging for weeks and she only made one timid tweet about it without even naming Weinstein. And this cunt has been talking about womyn empowerment for years


Puberty did a terrible number on her.

Everything on her body except her head and tits started growing like crazy.

she knows what she needs to do. that fucking dumb bitch won't ever do it though, and so her career will fucking languish, forever.

I kinda agree but you don't need to be good to be A list. 80% of them are terrible actors


>Everyone who gave up their money already


She is also used up frigid feminist. Not even sex predators would want to risk their career on a sex scandal over her.
She got job when she was young and fresh. Now she is doomed to appear on romantic comedies only alongside with jennifer aniston

Shoulders built for pulling the plow to be sure

>He isn't trying too hard for an Oscar
Should he be? Is this your barometer for a good career? Trying to win an award that has nothing to do with acting?


/bestemma/ is here

Good child-bearing hips!

I'd sniff them leggings

to be fair at least she's talking about other countries where women are actually oppressed and not first world ones. People here make her out to be this raging feminazi but the stuff she talks about in her speeches aren't really that bad

I'm pretty sure she's pregnant atm or just gave birth so it makes sense for her not being in anything recently. As for JGL I have no idea what he's up to, but he had a really solid run from 2009-2013