>literally a few hours from season 2
>no hype at all
really? dont even pretend youre not gonna watch this
>literally a few hours from season 2
>no hype at all
really? dont even pretend youre not gonna watch this
im gonna watch, I didn't know anything about season one before watching and enjoyed it. Havnt watched any season two trailers either.
do we know how many episodes it is?
I'll watch it, but I don't have very high hopes for it. Seems more like a show that was tailored for one season, and now they're just making more since it was successful. Should have gone the anthology route in my opinion.
IMDb says nine
fuck off viral marketers
why hype a show that's only pretty good, when has anything EVER lived up to the hype?
i lost hype, the first season was ok but this new monster looks stupid how are they even going to properly tackle it with the shitty cgi they have
Agree, was sad when I saw the ending of S1. Would have been better to let it be one season or do an entirely new thing for S2.
yeh season one had that entirely new show vibe, but the reviews are good
American Horror Story > Stranger Things
1. No
2. They're completely different shows
what time does this shit drop?
on the last episode of AHS and waiting on something to watch ill proudly watch it then hate myself for liking something pleb faggots like than hate myself some more then go on /pol and make a nigger hate thread to release those hate then go on /b and watch tranny porn then cry myself to sleep while i smoke a joint deep down hoping ill burn my house down and just end it
There's a timer on Netflix.
I'm planning to give a poke. S1 is pretty comfy, and I'm interested to see what they do with a bigger budget in S2.
i will honestly be surprised if they dont make a Polybius reference in the arcade scene.
Torrent when
>there are people who dont love this shit
How can people not like it.
based froggo
I suspekt they'll fuck it up somehow
>too poor for Netflix
Sort your life out loser
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
Yeah, I hope so too
Can't wait to pirate this. The sucker Netflix customers can and will fund my piracy (and also season 2 of Bill Nye's degenerate show).
I'd rather be a sucker than a nigger like you that can't even afford Netflix
Does this take place during the 1980s?
u can get a free 1 month trial
I'm gonna watch it as soon as it drops.
hope we get more lewds hehe
Ahs is trash
how many hours?
its gonna be shit isnt it?
They gonna realsed the whole season at once? damn I love when that happen
why is Sean penn wearing a bra?
yeah i'm gonna go straight to the last episode and spoil everyone :D
Wrong. This a lot better
I want to enjoy this show but Eleven is such a shit character. All the hype around her like she's something unique and interesting kills the fun for me.
Season 1 already was almost unwatchable garbage, so yeah it will be crap.
Probably not.
this desu~
BR2049 did
*saves your show*
*gets raped*
>people aren't allowed to be excited about something mainstream
You don't know amazing TV then.
who /rad/ here?
The only thing that could have made it better is if Finn had a cameo in the sweatshop
most over hyped piece of shit since breaking bad
Christ, are they seriously putting it up at 3 AM? Considering just making a pot of coffee, and staying up to watch.
Best guy
>monster kills a shitload of men with auto machine guns.
>chad tundercock fucks the same monster up with a wooden bat with some nails in it.
>dodges every atack.
i feel sorry for the kid with the camera following stacy around.
The 80s references are too distracting. When done right I should feel nostalgic for the era even if I am too young to know the decade. Instead it just feels obnoxious. The kid actors are all shit including the teens. Hopefully the redhead Max is fapworthy.
I'm only watching it to spoil it for faggots that like this shitty show
I mean other than a few movie references and music I haven't noticed it too much
>The 80s references are too distracting.
Did you even watch it? There are like a handful of pop culture references made in the show, and they're all fairly timeless. In fact, if it weren't for the lack of Internet/cell phones, the show feels like it could play the same in any era.
Specifically what reference/references bothered you?
its going to be shit, be prepared.
What a charitable heads up then user, from here on out I'm going to avoid all of these threads until i finish watching the show
Used to smoke weed with this dude in college, really nice guy. Was a chad then as well. Still stops to catch up at parties.
What's the show like?
I always planned on checking it out until I saw that weird award show speech from the show creators about beating up Trump supporters. I assume Leddit likes it a lot?
It must be really hard to be such a dedicated alt-reich autist. You literally cannot watch anything, can you? It's like being Mormon.
It’s abot a group of kids fighting a nazi alt right homophobic monster from another dimension
I guess it would be easier to just mindlessly consume everything liberal Hollywood throws at you. I would be too principled for that though.
why is Sup Forums always full of plebs? stranger things is a nice comfy show. it certainly isnt garbage but to call it amazing is really going too far now
Its absolutely amazing.
You must be a real joy to be around, that is when you leave mommies basement.
What's the concern? You can't watch movies because their creators disagree with you politically? Are you afraid that (((their))) Jewish propaganda might taint your pure aryan mind? Why not just think for yourself? Can you really not separate movies from reality?
get out
Very original.
They obviously can't separate their work from their beliefs. I don't see why I should be making the effort to separate it for them.
I want to enjoy the media I consume, not be on the look out for more or less well hidden political messages.
Hidden political messages ? Are we retarded ?
Its not.
>very original
My point still stands
>blanks before question marks
There never was a point.
If you had one.
>hidden political messages
You must have autism, this is completely fucking retarded and you are pathetic if you can't enjoy a movie because someone involved might not have your alt-right political view.
>They obviously can't separate their work from their beliefs.
Just so we're clear, you are aware that you are referencing David Harbour's acceptance speech at the Screen Actors Guild Awards, right? You do realize that actors don't write the show, right? Right? And he was referencing Richard Spencer getting punched in the face. I would certainly hope that you aren't equating ALL Trump supporters with Richard Spencer. That would be precisely the kind of thing that I would assume (((they))) (if (((they))) exist) would want you to think.
The least they can do is shut up about it. I don't actively seek out the political positions of all the creators. But in this case they had to make a big show out of it. No one forced them.
I think that's what we are talking about. I don't pay too much attention to those things. But I got the message they don't want people like me watching their show. Happy to oblige.
Did the writers distance themselves from the person who gave that speech?
redpill me on Varg
Kek mike dies episode 4
>Did the writers distance themselves from the person who gave that speech?
That's like asking if the person who designed Trump Tower is anti-Trump because Steven Spielberg once owned an apartment there. It's two things existing completely independent of one another.
Silly politics in paranormal master piece. Get out or I'll remove you myself. Got it ?
Shut up normie meme man
How is finn always so cool?
Isn't this already out in Fartstralia? If so why can't us fucking plebs into torrents? If not how much longer on countdown?
It releases globally at the same time. Midnight Pacific
>muh synth
Can't wait to see this Amygdala monster though.
>it’ll be Friday afternoon when it came out in my place
Cheers senpai
I really want to hug that boy desu.
>continuation of the same story
>not an anthology series
Soiled it
Does this drop at 12am est or 3am? I was gonna stay up but I’m thinking I won’t now.
It's gonna be a mess but I'll watch it for Finn. This is probably the last time he'll look cute on screen.
I was just going to ask the same question. Isn't it 3am, or 12am PST?
Finn FUDder please go
3:00 AM East Coast
12:00 AM West Coast
this vrethren! She was basically a little fucking dope like E.T