Can we have a comfy Tolkien thread?
How did we go from this
to this??????
greedy jews
feanor did nothing wrong.
I mean, except for the the obvious things.
Why does Manwe look like a chick?
These LotR threads come up pretty regularly. Just like Simpsons threads used to.
>Simpsons got ruined by sneed
>LotR is still pure
I will draw up a meme and force it on Sup Forums so LotR threads will be forever ruined by some shitty meme.
cya nerds
>muh jewels!
Fingolfin was the real King of the Noldor
I dunno but being a manlet might have something to do with it.
Many have tried and failed. You will be no different, ya simp
Ted Naismith was goat
Probably one of the most underappreciated people out of those who made the movies a success
Hi Ted
hurr where are the wheat fields etc.
>muh glowing stones
>muh wheat fields
>muh rings
>muh weed
>muh glowing trees
>muh gold
>muh stolen gold
was tolkien /muhguy/?
What the fuck is this shit?
>no black wall
Attacks on Titans
What do you think of Alan Lee?
>Hey dol merry dol Tom Bombadillo
>If this book was x-rated I'd fuck a magical armadillo
Ahead of its time really
Why does this still look so good?
Alan Lee was here. Ted Nasmith is a fag.
He was contacted by Jackson in pre-production to join the team but was going through some sort of personal/family problems at the time and declined, its a shame.
wow that's fucking ugly
can't he finish his paintings?
This is so awesome.
>having taste this bad
What kind of tax policy could pay for this?
>muh grandma paintings
Too bad the dwarfs in the movie was a bunch of goofy cartoon characters and good looking manlets
lol dude has an axe in his head
2nd best to Nasmith but great non the less
Fuck this goofy cartoon numale shit
Do you watch blacked? Serious question.
Did anyone else get the citadel miniatures magazines that came out with the films? Used to live for those fucking things but only ever managed to get 4 of them including pic related, the Gandalf at Khazad-dum, Theoden and Lurtz.
LotR has tax posting.
it's hilarious though
why was melkor such a dick?
How come the elves in The Hobbit were such smart asses? “Don’t dip your beard in the river father! Hahahahaha” Fucking fairy looking gay boys.
>black outer wall
any more non-hack art?
I wonder what they go for on ebay, but GW still makes fellowship miniatures
>tfw you will never live a peaceful life in the shire
Anyone got a comfy shire folder to dump?
Whoa! now that is a really well painted Aragorn user.
I love the citadel game, still got plenty of them figurines and an army of easterlings.
>tfw had a full set with hundreds of soldiers and a battlefield but i can't find it
That's because it's a children's movie
The thing that does it for me is their trimmed eyebrows.
Eru made him that way.
Then eru is responsible for all the suffering ever.
Balin and Dwalin and the only good dwarves in the company in the three films. Everyone else is either not Dwarf-like and too Man-like, or just plain irrelevant.
I'll drink to this.
What do you think Tolkien would have thought of the shadow of mordor games?
Did some solid work with "10 years after"
Now it's perfect!
I do, got like 100 hundred or so before stopping, had all the company, saruman, some elves/rohirrim/orcs/uruk-hai and gondorians.
Minas Tirith
Ah yes, Cloud Ruler Temple
He would probably be disappointed with the intense violence and overall dark theme of them. They portray evil fantastically but there really isn't much of the beauty and good he wrote of.
I think he probably would have wished they could have made it without butchering the lore
Because the fire on the ground and around the balrog is only ""CGI"" as in it's modeled from real fire they filmed.
Also talented artists
the design is relatively 'simple' in that it doesn't have skin textures and hair and eyes etc. Plus it's obscured by fire, smoke, and darkness.
Ive been trying to get into this game, i missed out in it when it was popular, hopefully when forge world gets its house back in order and the new rulebook they promised gets released people might buy into it.
you'd probably have to explain to him what a video game was, and what a computer was, and so on and so forth
>ywn be a bitchin' dragon chilling in some legendary hall you stole from the dwarf lords and packed full of gold and jewels
>ywn do flyovers of middle earth and be the boss nigger of everything you can see
>ywn die some epic death that ascends some hero's name into legend