Just saw this, i dont even know what to say.
Its just, a complete total fucking crock of shit.
Almost every single scene has a joke, none of the plot or character progression makes any sense.
Just saw this, i dont even know what to say.
Its just, a complete total fucking crock of shit.
Almost every single scene has a joke, none of the plot or character progression makes any sense.
Other urls found in this thread:
>OP is no fun
Fuck off, it was a great watch, had loads of good comedy
Its a fucking fiction movie, do you want it to be super serious?
I chuckled my balls off when Matt Damon and Sam Niell appeared
op is neither FUN nor FUNNY
Doesnt look like he's ready for Family Kino
also is the more really bright and colorful or is just the same dull colors from every marvel movie that critics call "COLORFUL" even though they aren't
> I can see everything
> I totally didn't see that wolf at the end of the bridge
stupid shit like this aside, the movie was pretty fun. The overall "infinity stone" story didn't move along one iota, though.
He can see everything when he focuses. Do you even Heimdahl?
>OP hates fun
Okay, thanks for the info, OP.
Seems like you didn't turn your brain off, am i right shillbros?
Me too
I stood up pointing at the screen shouting 'I know those actors, they were in films I have watched before!!'
Then I just kept laughing for the remainder of the movie, i cant remember anything about what happened but i know it was fun FUN FUN!!!
>The overall "infinity stone" story didn't move along one iota, though.
This has been buttering me for a while now. They stopped doing them since like Age of Ultron, and it really weirds me the fuck out since before that they were constantly pushing the purple alien meme.
What happened? Did they grew up out of Infinity War or something?
I honestly just hopes Guardians of the Galaxy 3 has Star war cameos
wtf, I hate fun. Sounds like I will not enjoy this movie.
>The overall "infinity stone" story didn't move along one iota, though.
The """story""" is that there's a load of magical macguffins lying around with arbitrary power levels conveniently adjusted to suit whatever the fuck the writer wants to do with them at the time, and a big space asshole is going to collect them in the next big crossover movie and beat everyone up, before the writer pulls a loophole out of his ass and the heroes team up and defeat the space asshole in the most smug, cocky-funny way possible. Were you expecting something more detailed than that?
It was a funny litty il' space beach raunch romp. The perfect summer movie! Get the family together and go watch it, and have tons of raunchy fun!
>Were you expecting something more detailed than that?
Yes, a movie.
What franchise do you think this is?
Was it like GotG 2 jokes like where someone quips after someone gives a dramatic monologue with tension rising music?
Or like the just repeat someone's name (Tazerface) over and over? It's not even a joke. They just wrote him in to have a stupid name and kept saying it.
>Was it like GotG 2 jokes like where someone quips after someone gives a dramatic monologue with tension rising music?
nail on head
there is a big musical number in the middle of the film where Hulk dances with Thor to fool Jeff Goldblum
i was sitting there watching the movie and then the entire audience got up and started to dance too
It was a generic fun movie to have a good time. Luckily, not like the Tazerface thing.
Im going to put a turd in your bed Rey!
>we find our Norse god dangling before some horned demon, whose portentous monologuing is undercut by Thor’s continual interruptions, as he slowly spins around on his chains: “Hang on a minute… coming round again.” For a relative newcomer to the Earth, Thor has clearly got the knack of 21st-century comic timing.
>It’s what you’d call a “romp” – and one whose lurid 1980s-retro stylings bring it closer to the Guardians of the Galaxy end of the spectrum, though its spiritual forebears would also include Mike Hodges’ Flash Gordon, He-Man and the Masters of the Universe, and possibly Red Dwarf.
>Chris Hemsworth ... diffuses his character’s beefcake machismo with a quick tongue and a barely concealed insecurity – he’s like Ben Stiller in the body of Dolph Lundgren.
>good comedy
does RT actually count Fan Blogs / eCelebs in their reviews?
They're not supposed to, but the line between those kinds of people and professional review sites is pretty blurry these days, so they inevitably do.
>muh DC superheroes are supah serious no fun allowed!!
Keep watching those "kinos" while we have good and fun time with quality Marvel movies.
>Just saw this
why. how is anyone who doesnt know they enjoy this shit still watching it
Only top critics should ever be counted if you use RT. It gives a much more accurate representation of the MCU. Thor 2 being rotten for one
Nobody mentioned DC before you
>Chris Hemsworth ... diffuses his character’s beefcake machismo with a quick tongue and a barely concealed insecurity
When did being manly became this huge no-no?
Marvel movies are anti-cinematography, anti-music, anti-beauty, anti-wonder, anti-amazement, and anti-awe; yet they will still be the most successful, renowned, liked, and influential movies in history.
Dread it. Run from it. Marvel's destiny will still arrive.
I also saw it today. I thought it was pretty amazing. The pacing was good and stayed captivating throughout the movie, it looked and sounded amazing, the ending wasn't predictable.
I almost didn't go because the reviewers kept claiming it was a comedy. But considering all the shit that goes on I wouldn't call it a comedy. Although there is a lot of comedic relief to break the tension. But with this plot they could have easily turned it into a very heavy movie.
>"exciting, funny, and above all fun"
>"funny" and "fun" in one sentence
And these people are considered ''''''reviewers''''''.
It's down to 96% now
>with this plot they could have easily turned it into a very heavy movie
that just makes it worse
I think a lot of comic book fans will also hate the movie for it. They skip over very serious things quite easily. But movie goers like me who just sit back and enjoy it for what it is will love it.
If anything user you could argue that it's TOO funny
>Even though there was all this comedy and comedy breaking any tension I wouldn't call this a comedy
Does Hela die at the end? I've not seen any synopses which are clear about this point.
It's strongly implied Hela dies, but the heroes don't kill her
>Or like the just repeat someone's name (Tazerface) over and over? It's not even a joke.
They spend half the movie trying to get through a wormhole called devils anus. We hear all the characters exclaim about how they are getting ot the anus for half an hour.
Holy shit that is porn parody-tier writing
>But with this plot they could have easily turned it into a very heavy movie.
That's my major take away from this film, frustration. I think this movie unlike many (any?) other Marvel movie actually had the ingredients to be fantastic.
Blanchett was a fantastic villain, cast was stacked, story was good, serious shit went down, cinematography for the last charge of the valks was class and the act 3 fight scene is marvels best.
But they totally undercut it with jokes and quips. Obviously Marvel will tend to play it safe, that's the formula, but it was their loss this time around because I think they were actually onto something.
Also, that scene where Strange abducts Loki was at my irl front door, they shut that road down for a week to film 1 minute of footage the cunts.
>Does Hela die at the end?
That's definitely the inference, but we don't see a body and Loki who is supposedly in the same area that was destroyed survives without issue.
There were times I felt the movie was a bit like "meet the spartans" or "not another team movie". The piss take was that heavy.
Pfft just turn ur brain off bro
I can't think of the movie without thinking of this.
>Its a fucking fiction movie, do you want it to be super serious?
What exactly do you mean by this? That fiction can't/shouldn't be serious? That is honestly one of the most preposterous things I have ever read
It's totally okay to laugh at racial stereotypes as long as it isn't black Americans.
I wonder if there will be backlash for using a racist stereotype for comedic relief.
just came back from watching it with my gf and a group of friends, first time I've ever watched cape shit in the theatre.
absolute schlock, just inane low brow 'humour' intended for manchildren, like all capeshit.
I was hoping it'd be a bit better because I like the director's other works. But no, it was just pure shit.
It was also one of the worst movie experiences i've ever had, because the cinema was filled 20 year old something faggots in their grubby fucking marvel hoodies talking at every opportunity. Not that I mind, because the movie was actually terrible, but it just goes to show the type of fucking pleb that actually watches this shit.
Only good thing was goth cate blanchett
>I stood up pointing at the screen shouting 'I know those actors, they were in films I have watched before!!'
I imagined someone doing that, pretty funny.
So no then. If they don't explicitly show it and nobody clunkily explains it then she ain't dead. These are kid's movies, you can't infer anything
>but it just goes to show the type of fucking pleb that actually watches this shit.
You mean people like you.
Imagine thinking a Marvel movie would have good plot progression
There is no sensible way she could have survived it.
And I wouldn't be surprised if she was death, she was Thanos his waifu and Thanos now wants revenge for it in the MCU.
I mean, they don't have to follow the comic books.
Personally I think she is dead after watching the film and if they bring her back with the tag "lol she survived" it will be exceptionally cheap.
They didn't show her body. But we see:
Low spoiler
The place where she was standing exploding into a big ball of green/black. Her colours
Mild spoiler
A giant demon with a sword the size of a planet crushes the living piss out of her
Movie wide spoiler
Asgard, the planet, is totally destroyed and there is nothing there.
I liked it. Based Taika Waititi.
Imagine having shit taste and hating this movie unironically
What´s the basic plot ?
Hela, Thor and Loki's sister comes to take over Asgard. They fight her, lose and end up on the fighting arena planet. They meet Hulk, hijinks ensue and they need to find a way back to save Asgard.
>When did being manly became this huge no-no?
In a movie about fucking Thor, no less
notice that Hemdall is still "Le stoic badass"
The movie has one giant plot hole that cannot be explained.
How on earth can the God of Thunder get shocked
Loki's meddling to usurp the throne brings about the death of Odin.
Turns out Odin was the only thing keeping an unknown sister, Hela (the God of death) away.
Hela shows up and demands the throne, after a quick fight she tosses Loki/Thor to a junkyard planet and seizes control of Asgard. It is made clear that Asgard is the source of her power
Whilst Hela uses the eternal flame to create a zombie CGI army, Thor is captured and forced to fight his way off of the planet. Making friends and learning lessons along the way (that's the intention, but the whole thing is pretty much ruined with quips)
He encounters Hulk and the last Asgardian Valkyrie. They team up, get off the planet and arrive at Asgard. Beaten back by Hela again, Thor realizes that Ragnorok is the solution to the Hela problem and destroys Asgard, the movie ends with all living asgardians escaping on a ship as the planet explodes. The ship bumps into Thanos.
Dr Strange came out after Age of Ultron, didn't it?
Imagine having shit taste and unironically thinking the MCU is anything other than absolute schlock. See what I did there?
I don't even care if people like capeshit. I've seen most of the major releases and some of them are decently entertaining. But to pretend like any of these movies have any value other that cheap popcorn entertainment is absolutely pathetic for a grown man to insinuate
Taserface is an actual marvel villain.
Which is exactly my point, chucklenugger. You should only hate these films ironically. They are still entertaining enough to watch throughout.
>dude everything needs a layer of irony lmao
Maybe some people are just not entertained by them, ironically or not
The joke was that both those things were foreshadowed in a way that it makes sense in the film.
no, it's the same gag as
>i killed ur mom
>lolzers hasselhoff
just because they go "we should set this 'punchline' earlier so it's a punchline" doesnt make it non hack
it's predictable af and tiring
Was the pacman thing foreshadowed at all?
>it's predictable af
it's like when you're stoned and watching a sitcom and realize the tempo of when the laughtrack is gonna come because it's been too long so every dialogue becomes fake as hell and just setting up for the next beat
>this is reddit, this is memes
"i'm gonna do some weird shit"
still hack
When he was being told what he could do with his powers he went "So I could make a giant pacman?" and his father goes "yes" and then Chriss Patt goes "cool, I'm gonna do some weird shit", or something like that.
Was pretty kino if you ask me, and I prefer DC films.
GotG gets a total pass from me. They never presented themselves as serious and the first one opens with him dancing around in a cave taking threats in a very unserious manner. That sets the tone for the series and it's never stepped outside the mark.
Warriors Three died and Thor gave no fucks about them.
No. James Gunn just has a massive erection for the 80's. It's why the Society or the Collective or whatever the fuck they were called had their battle stations sound like an 80's arcade
Could hela take on WW? Is she real powerful?
How much was thors power amp? He get any good combat feats?
Can he finally tussel with a DCEU kryptonian?
So Thanos kills Thor before the inifinity war?
epic simply epic
Loki stole the Tesseract again
the problem is the joke structure gets predictable unlike things like calling the pretty girl ugly for instance which is funny
i mean the best bit in the movie is blueguy's funeral because it allows itself a breather (and still has a joke, though funny at least)
>predictable unlike things like calling the pretty girl ugly for instance which is funny
drax's actor has good timing and delivery, unlike shit like "lol taserface" and the usual jokes
Loki had a ship and you saw it at the end on top of the other ship, he clearly used it to fly back
They say Anus like 4 times in one scene. They don't even mention it's name once after they actually start the plan.
>Could hela take on WW? Is she real powerful?
Hela was essentially limitless, she would snap Wondy. Thor/Loki didn't stand a chance, even in full God mode. Hence why they Where forced to destroy Asgard itself
>How much was thors power amp? He get any good combat feats?
He actually felt like a God and we get a really satisfying fight scene. We see him solo an army.
>Can he finally tussel with a DCEU kryptonian?
No, he didn't seem to have the ability to sustain full God mode and even then we didn't see him get to Supes level.
Encounters. Any conclusions beyond that are your own.
I think it was fine in terms of his development with Loki yeah they were dicking with each other the whole time but that's basically their relationship. Hulk was just kinda there I think to appease people who think he's not friendly with the other avengers, Valkyrie was just meh though I'll say that.
Maybe he does fairly easily overpower the Hulk once he realizes how to tap into his god powers.
My biggest issue with Loki is that he has now been transformed from best MCU villain to certified jobber.
>We see him solo an army.
Like King Arthur? Because that one was terrible
It's satisfying, Thor actually felt like a God in act 3.
ITT: Salty fedoralord DCuck alt-kike crybaby neckbeards think capeshit should be dark and super serious like their LE BASED SNYDER DADDY makes his terrible excuses for capeshit films.
Get fucking real.
thank god it didn't have as many jokes as gotg2, even though some scenes are "scary movie 2" level of shitty comedy.
Same thoughts.