what do we think so far?
Mr. Robot Season 3
e3 was ok except for the forced narrative part. Trump on TV and the guy calling him an idiot and it would be almost impossible to get him elected, then the black guy saying he killed neo nazis in jail, but hates murder, but it was neo nazis so its ok, broke the flow of the episode something awful.
I think its shit, s01 was interesting to me up until it went more and more into being a fight club knockoff I stopped caring, s02 with all the bitchy women was even worse, and this season is shaping up to be no different, except instead of just the usual over-dramatization we've also got tons of libtard nonsense being written in.
>s03e01 ending
>muh "i caused trump to get elected" meme
>s03e03 ~16min
>muh "trump is a puppet" meme
shit is pathetic, these kikes need to keep their opinions tucked away like they do with the children they molest.
>dude stabbing neo nazis to death is awesome lmao
is it a coincidence he looked like Mr. Robot this episode?
You guys are the reason these threads get raped to death. I get its trolling or if its real you want your daddy trump to fuck your mom, i honestly get it its ok. Trump is literally a fucking jew puppet at this point btw, think about that and contemplate on how pathetic your life is.
Btw 3rd season is miles above the 2nd already and will be better than 1st if they do it right.
>look at me
>look at me
>I am Irving now
>You guys are the reason these threads get raped to death. I get its trolling or if its real you want
nah, it isn't trolling, The problem is that I'd absolutely love to watch a TV show on a public network that isn't trying to foist an agenda on me and try to shame me for disagreeing with it.
you can think whatever the hell you want about Trump, as can I, but don't you fucking dare try and tell me its acceptable because its a unique opinion, there is nothing unique about parroting whatever bile every other public network has been spewing for the past year. It's gotten old.
>look mom I criticized Trump again look how cool and progressive I am: The post
>nah, it isn't trolling, The problem is that I'd absolutely love to watch a TV show on a public network that isn't trying to foist an agenda on me and try to shame me for disagreeing with it.
>you can think whatever the hell you want about Trump, as can I, but don't you fucking dare try and tell me its acceptable because its a unique opinion, there is nothing unique about parroting whatever bile every other public network has been spewing for the past year. It's gotten old.
Get outta here with your sound and logical reasoning and response
it is entertaining to know that sam esmail was probably shrieking and throwing himself into walls and trying to shove a remote control up his ass after the election. So now he's trying to take it out on the viewers with this passive agressive trump bashing subtley inserted into the show
it was about as subtle as a brick to the face
remove that word from the post and i agree.
Do you understand it disrupted the flow of the episode, it didn't fit, but they forced in both messages, and it was so direct you right away know what they're implying trying to do. It's dumb. Think about it this way, they imply trump is a puppet who is worth billions, then go on to make him seem like an idiot, that doesn't even add up or make sense considering he's successful. Neo Nazis in a NYC prison? I was thinking that's downright dumb, doesn't add up, but let it slide, but successful Trump an idiot? You don't become that successful being an idiot, except if you're in showbiz and entertainment. I mean I could understand doing this for Bush Jr. as you could imply easier he did sound like a bumbling idiot and rode on the coattails of his daddy, it would fit better.
not him but yeah, that's pretty much how I'm feeling about it. I'm pretty much done with it, I may watch the final episodes when they are but I'm already checked out.
The Mr. Robot show insists upon itself.
it's OK shalom , you will still get your name in the opening credits for your kino.
I skipped around for a few minutes and it deemed it trash to be avoided.
S1 S2 were okay. they held together a loose story that had some clever turns here and there. I think the story they began has run away from them and they can't get it back, so the remaining episodes are just going to spin on and on into more ridiculous tropes and inconsistencies. oh yeah and KALI LINUX
What's wrong with Kali?
this season doesn't have enough cute FBI girl fingering her clit
>in a fictional liberal world , trump only wins with Chinese support a supper btc plot.
Fuck drumpf. As revenge I shall write him into my story as the puppet of a Chinese tranny! Hah! drumpfkins Btfo
I was one of those laughing at Sup Forums for sperging over the stuff in Ep 1, but the Trump/right-wing references this Ep had me saying "Seriously?". They really took me out of the show. Haven't gotten that feeling since Quantico.
I'm glad I didn't start watching Quantico, something didn't seem right in the trailer.
i love how buttblasted drumpfkins get over some shitty USA show
it makes it worth watching
What's wrong with Quantico? Never seen it
>What's wrong with Quantico?
carefully disguised momcore
They killed best waifu at e2 and i havnt watched e3 yet
That and the liberal crap that was overflowing anyways gets me down
>tfw elliot is going to cuck himself with angela
The first half of season one was OK. I was really interested, the computer staff seemed realistic more or less. But than of turned into fight club, but it was still OK. Season 2 gone full drama, it was shitty. Season 3 is garbage. I guess its fine nowadays to feed people with your political agenda right in their fucking throat. This show is a personal outrage of its creator on current reality. He should have just killed himself.
I thought last episode was unnecessary
let the mystery be
It should've been on season 2
Really good. Probably going to be the best season so far. Also digging based Cannavale.
>then the black guy saying he killed neo nazis in jail, but hates murder, but it was neo nazis
That was kinda weird. It was like the show was telling people to kill "nazis."
I hate real neo nazi scum with a passion, but I can never support murder. Worse yet, the definition of "nazi" to most liberals is just anyone who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton. So that whole scene was very dangerous and evil.
>trumpniggers still complaining about muh political agenda
The segment about trump lasted around 1 minute in the entire episode, you cucks truly are the new triggered bizarro sjw snowflakes in the block.
I loved the new episode, and so far I think the season is developing really well. Tyrell's character and the dark army handler were executed perfectly
It just ruined the flow and episode forcing that in. Were you a Bernie voter?
The left is implying everyone to the right is a nazi. You voted Trump? NAZI! You support Trump? NAZI! Same here, not down with neo nazis feel the same way you do.
Kinda like how every trump voter labels anyone who dislikes or criticizes trump a liberal/antifa, huh?
Its obvious the universe is a simulation and theyre gonna hack it to fix everything.
The show has been pretty r/politics since S2, the writers like to sprinkle in a little treat for the normies watching the show because they think it reflects their deep outlook on the world. Those scenes usually add or take nothing from the plot of the show so they're pretty inoffensive and forgettable.
This season is giving us more to chew on than the snoozefest that was all of S2 up until the end.
One thing I honestly hate about the show at the moment is how central the dark army have become to the plot. The entire story has been hijacked by this boring antagonist, I'm really not interested in Chink tranny genius powerful man being the all-encompassing jew insert that controls everything. The FBI and main characters are now a side-story and it's harder to be invested in characters which is what made S1 so great.
The show should have become more like Dexter after the first season.
>insists upon itself.
What does that even mean?
kinda like you're doing right now?
>They killed best waifu at e2
didn't think it needed to be "subtley"
last ep was alright but i honestly don't give a flying fuck what tyrell was doing that whole time. it was basically a filler episode
Stupid Email gave away the ending with the DRUMPF and BTC shit.
BTC is at it's highest point in history and Trump won. That can only mean one thing for the show.
can someone give me a brief rundown on s3 so far please
Didn't realize it had started
Name a more based character than Tyrone. You can't.
Ramathorn doesn't count.
i like it.
season is going by at full speed.
fuck Dlrumpfht and fuck yt ppl XD
The Drumph shit is unnecessary as hell but that's not the main problem with this show and it never will be. The main problem comes down between the writing staff not deciding between unreliable narrator or liner storyline where every question is answered. You can't have both no matter how much this show tries to give us both.
Kinda like how 95% of news media and hollywood is heavily biased to the left and the people running the show have big noses and help spread the anything right is nazi. Your bullshit doesn't work here.
I don't know why you guys are getting mad. I'm enjoying the drumpf shit.
It's a great example of how detached from reality people can be.
I know, considering Hillary was the idiot in the end who wasted so much money and was actually the one heavily shilling using CTR paid trolls, the show tries to make it like ching chong used a master manipulator to get Trump elected.
10/10 episode cuz qt tyrell
I'm fine with it on its own, but its one of those situations where seeing the showrunner have his little tantrums about it online kind of sour it. Makes it feel a lot more like self-insert whining rather than storytelling.
Just leaves a bad taste in the mouth.
I like how the show did a complete 180.
Ecorp, formerly 100% nonredeemable evil that bears a distinct likeness to Enron, with it's VP even looking like Dick Cheney.
But this season, Ecorp morphed into an allegory of Hilary Clinton- a very necessary evil whose sins can be forgiven.
What's also amusing is how the show turned the Chinese into Sup Forums's Jewish/Soros archetypal bogeyman.
What's next?
>China bans Bitcoin IRL after they write the script in which China adopts Bitcoin as a sole currency
This must be embarrassing for them
>a car salesman from New Jersey teaches a Swede how to split wood
he didn't tho