Lastman thread

how big is lastman in france?
there´s a videogame, an aniamted serie, a hitomi tanaka, they`re huge at conventions
and the author release like two fucking tomes a years, that`s crazy

cheek this shit out, there´s a a giant aldana statue somewere in france or belgium

Been noticing threads for the new animation on here more often

First 10 episodes got fansubs, so people have actually gotten a chance to watch it. Which then got people to start reading the comics because they liked the show, so Sup Forums's been getting it's own little LastMan fandom going as a result.


It's pretty big, I don't know how much.

teal please come back to us

how many tome were released in france?
i know in the U.S they translated until the 6 tome

>how many tome were released in france?
9 are out. 10 is on its way.

is she dead co/?

holly shit thats a lot of tomes! i rea duntil the seventh one and the plot was getting more and more crazy

Just finished Tome 5, about to read 6. This shit is fucking awesome.

busty elorna is my waifu for life

user please i need to know, why Marianne Velba has magic, who is she really?



her tits keep on growing every new chapter

Everyone in the Valley can use magic if they train. It hasn't been explained why her's seems to be so powerful though.

Is the person on the far right Adrianne?

Just finished Tome 6 and all I have to say is F


oh yes, that ending is crazy

thank you user, is she in the christo, aldana tier of strenght?

Nah, she's just extremely strong at magic. She doesn't have Aldana or Cristo's raw strength.

i wanna see a fight between her and cristo too bas that will never gonna happen

>herp derp strip clubs, sex and gang violence, such adult
Face it, even if it's unique, it's still pleb shit.

is there a planned ending?
I'm getting a little worn out of jumping into massive ongoing stories.

Read the first three books not knowing it was up to 9 internationally already.

Tome 7 is kinda the start of a new "arc." Only the first 6 tomes are translated in english, but I'd say you could probably just read the 6 that are out and be satisfied with a conclusive ending as everything is wrapped up assuming you stop at Page 169.

Wait a fucking second. I actually just checked the First Second Publishing website to see when Tome 7 is going to get translated (since unlike the other volumes, Tome 6 didn't have a previews section with a release date for the next one) and I found this in regards to Tome 7:
>It’s the final volume of Last Man and its startling resolution is sure to leave readers floored!

Are they not planning on translating 7 on?

Welp, I emailed the publishing company to get confirmation on whether or not they planned on translating and releasing tomes 7+. Hopefully they get back to me one way or the other. If they don't, then I guess we'll have to go the fan-translation route.

the story goes to all kind of places after the torunament of king valley ends

congrats on not watching it

Shit. I was in Brussels a couple of weeks ago, found a big comicbook shop where I got myself a TinTin poster and The Incal hardcover, but I knew I had to get something else despite not being sure what. I'm sure it would have been there, I wanted the first tome so badly but I completely forgot.

I don't even know French ;-;

i understand some frecnh but i can´t quite get the ending of volumen 6 why they kill her?

Because they figured she had been corrupted by Aldana who they saw as a demon.

It was more so they could blame Aldana for murdering them. The whole pretense for bringing back the Royal Guardians was that Aldana had kidnapped them and was going to lead an army to attack. By killing them off, they could further damn Aldana without anyone to speak on his behalf. It was all a big power play by Cudna.

holly shit!! the guys from kings valley are even more nuts than i was hoping

the guy who killed her was elornas father right?

Yep. Grade A piece of shit, that one.

The show isn't like the comic at all.

Well, it takes place 10 years prior, so yeah.

So what are the chances that Teal actually uploads more episodes this weekend like she said she would last weekend?
