Honestly nope. The Civil War II tie-in ruined it for me. Didn't even bother to pick it up again post-Civil War II tie-in.
She was abducted by the skrulls shortly after the CWII started, then a relaunch detailing every single experiment the aliens made to her brown anus.
It can't and in all honestly the second volume was shit long before cw2.
This is probably the end of her run soon, but they've had enough overall success with the character that she'll probably end up on a team somewhere for the foreseeable future.
No tie-in. Continue letting it be its own story. Add some tie-ins, but let it be its own storyline and it'll be fine
Bendis made a shitty event and this series has to make tie-ins with it.
Personally, Marvel should just do a tie-in to an event that actually has meaning rather then just publish even more events and have this series be forced to tie-in to it
>she gets stuck in champions
>she gets stuck leading the nu-humans after ivx
"Digital sales" that are used as an excuse for books they want to keep around even when they're failing.
Already on Champions and Secret Warriors. I honestly don't think they will keep Champion going for a lot longer consider how the sales fell. With books pumped up as much as that one they like to "end it on their own terms" rather then let it run the full cancellation route.
It's Marvel, they only have one solution.
Renumber until it's unsalvageable, then bury until everyone forgets, then bring the character back for an event to get martyred to spur forward whatever the fuck it is Cap and Iron Man are doing, while also roping in pissed off fanboy sales.
It's never failed.
Kamala is too prominent to just vanished. I mean, the entire line is hurting right now. I doubt this new street level push will do that well either.
Her fanbase is mostly composed by illiterate tumblrinas that don't really buy comics. They have to change it.
When the writers figure out she's been cancelled, can they have her get back together with Bruno and maybe have that fatty rebound girl as a third?
This constant cycle of events makes it so hard for comics to build up anything anymore. You maybe get 6-8 months of being able to focus on the actual character before the new BIG IMPORTANT STORY THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING FOREVER UNTIL THE NEXT EVENT THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING FOREVER and then they relaunch and lose all momentum with the new status quo changes.
Spider-Man and X-Men can survive that kind of shit because the readers are Stockholmed at this point, but it hurts these kinds of books.
The latest solit implies Bruno's return.
• Kamala’s life has been a bit of disaster ever since the evil sentient computer virus known as Doc.X learned that she’s also Ms. Marvel and threatened to expose her.
• Luckily, Kamala’s got a plan to take down her digital enemy… She’s just got to convince an estranged ally to lend her a hand.
It could only be Bruno, or Lockjaw. Bruno makes a lot more sense since he knows tech. That being said Bruno coming back one arc later makes his leaving feel pointless in the first place.
get rid of that faggot SJW and political shit
>everyone saying it's CWII that ruined it
>it's been trash since secret wars
>while also roping in pissed off fanboy sales.
>It's never failed.
>Pissing off fanboys = increased sales
>But comic that pissed off fanboys is still same level or lower
I don't think that's increased sales.
Kamala will be fine. She's too lovable to just have her series end. Maybe they'll end Champions or another shitty series. Like Bendis's Spider-Man run
She needs a new writer
20k is the cancelation line for marvel.
Kamala joining the Avengers is what killed her book.
>kamalafags blame everything else on the sales besides the book itself
Been like that the entire time
It was at least telling a story before SW, then bam reset none of the last 3 months stories happened.
>implying Rosenberg is bad
The worst thing that can happen in Secret Warriors is if they bring Kamala's Champions characterization into the book.
Who is Kamala's archnemesis?
Stop shoving her in events
Stop shoving her on big teams
Build up her rogues gallery
Focus more on her normal life
Put Gurihiru on the book
The Inventor, but he's gone
20k is the cutoff point
Moon Knight survived about 3 years on 21k before they handed him to Bendis
Marvel Comics.
The infidels. .
She looks pretty sexy as a skeleton. How did that happen? I need to know for reasons.
>Turned white
>sexy now
Adds up.
1 1 Justice League Suicide Squad 1 $3.99 DC 179,643
3 2 Dark Knight III Master Race 7 $5.99 DC 119,114
4 7 Batman 12 $2.99 DC 111,391
5 9 Batman 13 $2.99 DC 108,407
10 6 All Star Batman 5 $4.99 DC 87,422
Not bad at all.
I honestly think people way too much stock into Willow's writing ability.
Sam was selling at 18k and got to go 36 issues. Then sold even worse on his next volume, and he still gets to have a book.
I think Kamala can survive for a very long time.
Are her Vertigo books good?
>a Mignola book in the bottom 10
So much for the new face of Marvel. Selling less than "Wonder Woman 77 Bionic Woman".
Well if you ain't black, you are white.
People dropped off because of the CWII bullshit.
Events always kill books.
Sam is a cosmic book, they have a lower bar
Miss Marvel movie
Marvel Zombies
Roberson is utter shit and he doesn't even understand the kind of story the Mignolaverse is. I hate him and hope his books bomb. I'm terrified of what he's going to do to B.P.R.D.
>22k is cancellation territory
its not.
>115. Ms Marvel 13. 23,621
not the amount of copies sold.
those charts literally hold no useful information to fans.
who cares kamala a shit
I agree. Secret wars was a pretty good dropping off point for me.
>The Civil War II tie-in ruined it for me
Same. The book didn't even stumble with the ANAD relaunch like most other books, but the CW2 tie-ins were just awful.
It's already got back on it's feet and while the writing has recovered, the damage has already been done.
you'd be right
People who care about things besides cuteness
Make her a lesbian
You are right. I forgot about the 10% overship
>Marvel's only promising teen heroes both ruined by executive meddling
If you had to sacrifice one so the other may live who would it be Sup Forums?
Sacrifice Ms. Marvel for Ghost Rider, only to reveal that it's not Kamala under the mask but Hellcat. I then reveal I made another bargain to sacrifice Patsy Walker for Kamala. And to complete the hat trick I reveal that I wagered I'd be able to save both of them in exchange for giving Riri Williams a better writer.
>John Constantine Saves the Marvel Universe
Hook her up with Ahura
>20 k is the cutoff point
>so few people actually read comics that the possibility exists that you could single handedly save a comic by buying a few issues
I still find it hard to rap my head around how influential comics are and yet how so few people read them.
>22k is cancellation territory
No it isn't? It's not great, but cancellation territory doesn't start until 15-20k.
Increase her breasts and give her a boob window
put Cho, Silk, and X-23 in the book and remove most of Kamala
she could canonically increase her own breasts
Just let her die. Her book hasn't been good since SW. Marvel ruined her. She went from a down-to-earth street hero to a shitty wolverine on every team and mouthpiece to writers like SJWaid. Just let her die.
Sacrifice Robbie, Danny is the superior Ghostrider anyway.
One would have thought that, with all the noise that she causes on Tumblr, Kamala would sell well.
Nope. She sells worse than dick pics.
>tumble popularity
Miss America Chavez gets a ton of fanart and on twitter and tumblr and is a popular cosplay choice. But that hasn't done shit for Ultimate's sales.
The issue shouting how important voting was releasing the week after it didn't matter was the icing on the cake.
>22k is cancellation territory
Marvel ain't gonna cancel Kamala any time soon.
She's popular on the internet, gets brownie points, and is their first new character to be even slightly popular in ages.
If fucking Squirrel Girl and Moon Girl aren't cancelled, Kamala's got nothing to worry about.
MG&DD literally sells less than 10k.
She sells well in trades and supposedly in digital form. I'm half expecting them to make it a twice monthly title despite the floppy sales so they can rush out her trades faster.
I WANT TO KISS...Uh...um. Well, maybe cremate Kamala?
sacrifice Kamala, Robbie may be sidelined in his own book but he hasn't been reduced to cringey author mouthpiece
I read the first 3 issues of Ms Marvel and it was garbage. After seeing everyone on Sup Forums love it I assumed it must have gotten like 30 more issues and got really good in that time, with a lot of interesting story arcs, characters and villains. Are you telling me this shit only has 13 issues? I can't believe it improved in any substantial way with so little content.
She probably has 30 issues of content.
But Marvel doesn't know how to count anymore. They go as high as 15 and then go back to 1.
Isn't she one of those books that largely sells in trades and online? Kinda like how prereboot Jonah Hex never got canceled due to being super strong in Trades despite very weak monthly sales.
She was relaunched with a new #1 after 19 issues due to Secret Wars.
Overall she has 33 issues currently.
Nothing got reset. Those stories still happened, but the trade-off is that she jumps eight months ahead and is now an Avenger without any build-up or reason.
Robbie's gotta live, if only because he's distinct enough that he can survive the eventual legacy blowback.
Moon Girl just got cancelled, m8
Folks who dont give kudos on Ao3
That might be because they have not only been relentlessly spamming 'piss off your audience' card so damn much, but actively go out of their way alienate it.
Make her lewder, and not just the costume.
Robbie's not a "real" ghost rider AND he's constantly evolving so he can eventually assume his own title.
Maybe his powers could progress further so he'll be more visually distinct from Danny and Johnny.
lightning instead of fire maybe?
>too prominent to vanish
remember Hope?
Hope was literally a living plot device.
Nobody was hype for a Hope ongoing.
Don't worry OP. I'm sure there will be a relaunch in a few months
just saying. for a couple years every mutie book and a whole company event were centered around her, and they tried real hard to make her a thing with gillen's generation hope, only to have her vanish completely
ironically her last appearance was on a pretty solid series that kind of fixer her as a char
>those charts literally hold no useful information to fans.
Well yeah they do because we all know that there is no possible way she can be selling over that number and the numbers reflect Marvels cut off point. If stores want less than 20k Marvel will kill it
its their biggest diversity faux pass atm. they wont kill it and risk losing willow to dc
Hope had no chance, the agent of her undoing was the most powerful enemy of fiction in 616 or the real world- the Mouse.
Movie synergy is all. Properties not under the Mouse's total control must be buried.
Wilson signed an exclusive contract with Marvel. She couldn't jump ship even if she wanted to.
How long does a exclusive contract last?
As long as the ones who made the contract wants it to, and I don't think Marvel wants her leaving any time soon.
>this character is kinda popular
>let's put it in everything
>what they expected: kamala pulls the rest up
>what they got: the rest brings kamala down
They really need to rethink their strategy, but well it's a bit late for that isn't it
All of them. I can't read Marvel anymore. Any good idea Bednis eventually takes over and ruins it. He is already showing interest in the new Nova book.
and thank god for that
>kamala pulls the rest up
You mean the rest pull her higher. Kamala was doing 30k at her she was in no position to carry anybody. The problem is her becoming a main line hero directly conflicted with the tone of the first volume. It would be like if punisher stopped killing and became a cosmic hero.
Mother of god. Even Ms Marvel got Bendis'd.
>The problem is her becoming a main line hero directly conflicted with the tone of the first volume
So much this. She's supposed to like an underdog, a literally who who learns the ropes.
It makes sense for her to eventually become a big shot, but she became the big shot without a story in-between that tells us about how she became one. One month she was meeting world's end in her high school, next month she was derping around with Avengers