Unwavering popularity edition
Unwavering popularity edition
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Shit thread for a shit tv show
/tpg/ is the gayest and shittest general, even more than Dr Who
The show is even worse
I absolutely hate you reddit faggots
new shoes
Can I get a quick rundown on the Jack Parsons/Twin Peaks connection?
hate you reddit faggots.
reminder that sheryl lee's son is totally not david lynch's rape baby and whoever said that is a liar and I will see him in court
donate to tm
looks like a fag
but I want to sex him
david lunch lo
is this the final dossier? if so keep posting
just finished the series...
I didn't get sea
don't stahp
It is and this is the end of the preview pages unfortunately
some people aren't aware of them since the preview is only available on ios
Reposting from end of last thread:
So Mark's book is going to contain the actual plot that Lynch was too autistic to show on screen?
>Briggs wanted Coop to be the new Archivist/Watcher in the Woods
>he didn't get his wish and now it's that boring slag Tammy
We're off to a great start.
probably won't give THAT much insight, it's more like a lore book in that is elaborates on whats presented visually in the show. in some cases it will probably explain SOME things that lynch purposely avoided explaining, but probably not a whole lot. iirc lynch said he didn't read frost's first book 'the secret history of twin peaks' or that he doesn't consider it fully canon, something like that.
To the die hard fans, what are you waiting for? Are there a ton of deleted scenes and extras coming? More writing from the creators?
>the fucking co-creator of the show's lore isn't canon
This meme needs to stop, for real. It just makes getting into the series and keeping up with things more confusing than it has any right to be. Either Lynch needs to come out and say that only he has a say in what's canon and settle it then and there, or Lynch dicksuckers need to stop screeching every time Frost puts something new out. It's getting ridiculous trying to keep the record straight when the creators themselves can't even figure that out and fans are making it worse.
Apparently there's like 3 hours worth of "special features" on the blu-ray release
pretty sure lynch has hours of extra footage. don't know if any of it is included in the s3 bluray.
as far as the show, i don't know.
>albert dead
>margaret dead
>several other interesting characters dead/gone
if they went forward with a s4, i'd definitely want a short season rather than the long season format.
They'll have to come up with new characters to replace them, that's the only way it'll work.
I want more JUDY. Unquestionably the best thing about the TP universe. She's been on my mind every day since parts 17 and 18. It's so fascinating, I just hope for Frost to keep a little mystery but add more that would confirm her links to Babalon, Shiva and other goddess.
then Lynch can come out of the closet and admit that Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome was a major influence in season 3
didn't you watch s3? there were like 40 new characters that were never explained (intentionally), i don't think new characters will 'make it work'.
How did /tpg/ react when they learned that the character they memed about ironically turned out to be the most important entity in the series?
>Phillip Jeffries
>the Hornes
Literally the only information worth learning about.
no irony frenlo. original jeffries scene is easily one of the best scenes from the whole series.
You forgot Major Briggs
We live inside a book not a dream. Time is on my side.
It's not a meme when the co-creator can't even keep the canon he wrote straight. Frost made so many continuity errors in The Secret History and when people called him out on it he tried to come up with some bullshit excuse about how it would all make sense when the season was over, and guess what? It still doesn't make sense. He's a bad writer. Is there any reason why people want Lynch to have more authority than him?
>mfw I have a cute girl I can show Twin Peaks to for the first time
Didn't Frost come up with all the Lodge mythology?
I want them both to spitroast me and split me open like a coconut.
Posting /ourmommy/
still a better show
>showed GF Fire Walk With Me for the first time (she'd seen S1 of the OG series awhile back but we rewatched it all to prep for S3)
>she keeps going on about how cute Sheryl Lee is
She doesn't even know what /tpg/ is yet she's becoming a CUTEposter.
Nope, Lynch did when he shot it all for the Int. Pilot. Mark might have helped expand it later though
lol who is that hideous crone
Just got a new iPhone™. It’s still learning how to spellcheck what I write. But I thought you’d appreciate knowing that it interpreted tpg as “together”.
Did they...?
one is art kino made by a suspected murderer, the other is a show designed by intention to keep the UK population submissive and passive to their government.
There's magic in these old threads
*fucks your waifu*
Stupid fucking bitch did all this after reading Secret History and she STILL didn't know who Phillip Jeffries was in The Return? Fuck this fanfiction shit
Best of the best
>calls the reader a dipshit
Learn to fucking act you massive fucking DIPSHIT CUNT fuck this shit fuck Frost NOT CANON FANFICTION DROPPED FACT!!!
This looks like it was written in 2017. Doesn't The Return take place in 2014?
Thanks Mr. Jackpots
Albert Rosenjew died right after filming so if it took place in 2014 then he died in 2014 therefore it's not canon David Lynch will NEVER EVEN READ IT shit's all fanfiction FACT!!!
>expecting Frost to not fuck everything up and just write fanfiction
Lynch wrote S3 by himself, this is probably his "interpretation". IIRC Lynch didn't read Final Dossier or have any input whatsoever
>Lynch wrote S3 by himself
this is an absolute lie
It started as a collaboration, then Frost went to write the book while Lynch finished the show.
What I really can't wait for is Sabrina Sutherland's Final Final Final Twin Peaks Authoritative Report, coming out 2019. 400 pages detailing Laura Palmer's anal bleaching technique. Surely the only CANON piece of literature regarding this show. Even more canon than the show and FWWM.
One did Lynch cut one of the most kino scenes of the entire movie?
I’m going to sleep /tpg/
Don’t die
>Twin Peaks General
but... why
Sheryl Lee is a CUTE, wonderful, amazing, talented, inspiring, sweet, kind, intelligent and caring woman with a beautiful smile and serene voice!
>76 posts
>35 posters
/tpg/ is even more obviously samefagged than the eceleb threads
Holy fug I wish I had a cute laura gf to snuggle with in the winters
>early 1990s
>"trigger warning"
not really feeling these final dossier pages sorry mark.
Is “Laura Palmer’s Prom” canon?
i love thicc mommy legs
i'm literally shaking
TFD is written after the return ended, as evidenced by Tammy being a member of the blue rose task force already
but yeah terminology like that should have no place in twin peaks and it makes it less timeless
>Hey Tammy see if you can find out who put together this archive
>Goes through the entire fucking book and sends her collegues on various errands to "discover the identity" before checking the final fucking page for a signature, wasting FBI man hours in the process
>OH WOW TAMMY WOW I'm so impresses you're a fucking genious why don't you also handle all the follow up investigations and why don't you do it in your underwear and shake your ass more lmao that'd be funny right now go do it
>watched twin peaks to the finale
>liked it, but hadn't really thought about it since
>last night
>had horrific dream
>something about bob ripping laura's face off
>felt as though certain images from the show had somehow become symolic of my life in a way I wasn't sure of
>have had a sense of vague dread all day
>feeling compelled to post this
but that's albert saying that in the autopsy
Yeah, you got a problem with that, you little Trump supporter?
>tfw Windomhead
Stop pretending to be me you little shits. Also delete those book pages. This place is crazy.
>/tpg/ is the gayest and shittest general, even more than Dr Who
>The show is even worse
>I absolutely hate you reddit faggots
>guess who's too cool to appear in this garbage
How do you feel about Jeffries referring to Judy as a person, asking if she'd recently checked in to a hotel, and receiving a letter from her?
>windom earle
> :D
> :,(
It’s really over
Judy works both as a cosmic entity, and a real person. So far the show has confirmed that many things are avatars of Judy (eg: the experiment, jumping man, sarah palmer, BOB, the frogbug, etc).
>Frost likley at least knew a bit about Lynch's vision for the ending
>Still writes fanfiction-tier shit that makes almost no sense existing BECAUSE of the ending of S3
>Judy works both as a cosmic entity, and a real person
she doesn't even work very well as a plot device
Explain? I think she works pretty well, as the personification of neglect and turning a blind eye to abuse. The horse is the white of the eyes, after all. She is never portrayed as the "final boss" or major villain, just a constant presence in the background.