No moment in capeshit can ever top this

No moment in capeshit can ever top this.

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Let it Gohan, let it go.

>Everyone he knows is getting killed
>Some Android that was evil "dies"
>THIS is what sets him off
I was dumb as a kid to think this was kino

the best moment was when you think all that frieza saga bullshit was for nothing then trunks shows up and slap chops everyone.

>DBZ after Namek

This nigga just doesn't get it and probably never will. Nobody else respond to him

He's right though. He's standing there like a dumbass watching his friends and family he's known all his life get fucking beaten to death but once this random murder bot he never had a conversation with before dies and that's the moment that sets him off. It's dumb as shit.

I've seen this movie a dozen times and this scene still gives me chills

>5 minutes left before namek is destroyed
>takes 100 episodes to blow up a planet
>every scene involves 5 seconds of blank staring

Thanks vro. Gohan doesn't even know him and he isn't even part of their crew. Like what the fuck

Watch Kai you filthy pleb

Holy shit, this! Has anyone ever pointed this out before? It's so annoying!

sí, sí, pero nada es mejor que Gohan Blanco

gohan never had a thing for fighting like his family had and android 16 hadn't either but 16 was willing to put that aside to protect his friends and he told gohan to do the same sounds pretty KINO to me

Why are mobile posters such rejects?

Can Gohan Blanco beat El Hermano?

You're forgetting Gohan Calvo

>mfw the japanese version of this scene is 10x better, but americucks will never know it

why do you autists have to post this shit everywhere you go?

Fucking this
Dubfags get fucked

I’m eating dinner at Bestia by myself and am bored. Go fuck yourself. No one is forcing you to post ITT.

Why did this Sup Forumsedditor make this thread again?
Why didn't he post it on Sup Forums?

After Cell Games. Dragonball Z goes to shit

vegeta musliming himself on buu or going ss for the first time

I know you're upset that Sup Forums mods only let you have 5 threads at a time, but for the love of god stay in one of those and never leave.


>watching Kai

It's an utter embarrassment.

That moment the part with android 16 is basically T2: Judgement Day but the T-800 dies from the T-1000 and John Conner goes Super Saiyan 2.

What's wrong with that?

I quit watching Kai after Cell and didn't realize they gutted the Faulconer theme. Damn shame
compare it to this

It's cool and all but there's no explanation for how Zod can be as strong as Superman or fly as quickly as he does when he's on Earth for like 2 days. Superman has been there for what, 20+ years? Where's the logic?

>Funimation is in my city
>Don't know where it is

16 had killing Goku as his purpose for fighting. That's why it's dumb when he tells Gohan this shit because as far as Gohan knows he's just some kind of malfunction death machine. It also really strikes me as weird since his dad dies in another pointless sacrifice a few minutes later. You would think that since the writer was planning to kill Goku and needed to give Gohan motivation for a power up and taking over the role you would use his dads sacrifice instead a random robot he never interacted with even once. Also, why the fuck doesn't Gohan already know the shit 16 tells him? He's been fighting for years even though he hates it, it never made sense why he was hesitant to fight and kill Cell anyway.

jesus that's awful, it's like a bad parody that is cheesy on purpose

>compare it to this

I like faulconer, and a few scenes are a little better with his music, but most of the show is better with Kai's OST. I don't like how they had music playing for 99% of the show, some moments don't need music

Gohan sat and watched because he was afraid of letting out his true power, 16 talked him into it. You not understanding it doesn't mean it was bad.
Let me guess you hated batman vs Superman? Because you don't understand?

>there's no explanation
Except there LITERALLY is.
The Krypton eugenics program cultivates births at the embryonic level, identifying certain traits and ensuring they fit into a societal role (warriors, politicians, scientists, etc). Zod was bred to be a warrior, to protect his people. As he explains in depth.
>"My soul. That... is what you've taken from me!"

My own head cannon for this is that since Krypton genetically engineered their children certain roles Zod was engineered for war so he's more adaptable maybe even just naturally stronger physically and mentally. It's a bit of a stretch I know but it's as good as it gets and besides I don't think Superman was giving it his all anyway until the neck breaking.

They're doing an arc in dragon ball super that's supposed to last 45 minutes.
It's been 20 episodes and theres still 25 minutes left

Christ, how underwhelming is that? Falcouner's music with the original voices would be kino.

they explain it by saying that zod was a soldier so his application of new powers is amplified. not that i believe it. weakness is universal and relatable concept so i wish he was blown away by supermans strength and application of his powers. it would humanize him but fuck that right

>it never made sense why he was hesitant to fight and kill Cell anyway.
maybe the large amounts of down time inbetween the frieza and cell arc damaged his character, Made him unsure of his power no one ever really told him about his short burst of strength. then his dad threw him in the spot light to save everyone gohan probable thought his dad made a bad call until 16 told him what he needed to hear. and gohan realized he could do more.

>"I was bred to be a warrior, Kal-El, trained my entire life to master my senses."
and this

Would Final Flash have killed Cell if he hadn't managed to move out of the way at the last minute?

Sorry but that still doesn't explain it when Jor-El states clearly that it's the Sun and Superman's long exposure to it that has made him so powerful. Zod doesn't spend any fucking time soaking up Sun, he's in his suit or the spaceship for most of the time on Earth and he only needs to juice for like 30 minutes before he's on Superman's level.

The real answer is because it would be dumb if Superman roflstomped all the Kryptonians.

There wasn't a large amount of down time though. I think it was maybe one year of nothing and then they spent all their time training to fight Androids. And at least in the dub he's clearly aware he could kill Cell if he tries he just keeps saying he doesn't want to. Maybe that part is different in the Japanese though.

Dude was an extremist hell bent on saving his people. Said people being rendered into literal dust probably pissed him off quite a bit, thus the motivation to focus and push past the atmospheric weakness and power up.

>inb4 that's not realistic/logical
Let me remind you we are discussing a comic book movie... in an anime thread...

>that howling reverberance in the background as he screams

little things like that are what made DBZ so special, like there was a raw power behind what you were watching, more than the typical shonen at least. and it's why the new shit since buu saga feels so shitty in contrast to that

I doubt it cells own self destruct attack couldnt even get the job done and even gohan needed goku and the z warriors to really kill him

Lets get real. DB was an endearing adventure series with a likeable cast and DBZ was for spics and manchildren obsessed with 'epic power levels' and other childish nonsense. I believe there's a strong correlation between attachment to DBZ and autism spectrum disorders.

Yeah I know, I just think they should have had a scene on the ship or something. Like they make an artificial sun and Zod basks in it to get power. Or maybe just do it in space before he comes down to Earth; then all the Kryptonians would be on the same level and it would explain the fight much better.

Genetic engineering probably made him like the captain america of Krypton

Any time shit got real in the og subbed version they always had that Great Ape roar behind the scream and it sounds so goddamn cool.