How can there be enough friction between his soles and the ice to drag the ship?
How can there be enough friction between his soles and the ice to drag the ship?
Why would be even need to walk while pulling it?
Why didn't Superman just fly the ship?
Why not just fly around the world backwards to where the boat wasn't stuck?
I didn't even notice the background, I thought he was carrying some Buddha statue while doing some Star Trek warp effect or something.
It's actually canon that he has some kind of unclear meme telekinesis to answer questions like this. To be clear, you are correct, this is impossible, as is lifting a car above your head without the pressure causing it to either break in half or pass right through your hand, so they memed themselves a meme response.
There can't be, so logically, Superman must be moving forward while pulling the ship, but also walking, but not actually putting the weight of the ship onto his legs.
>as is lifting a car above your head without the pressure causing it to either break in half or pass right through your hand,
Not that guy but I think what hes saying is that IF a person could life a car above his head the weight of the car would break the car in to pieces.
Imagine if you balanced a car perfectly on two unbreakable hand sized poles, the weigh of the car would impale itself on the "hands." Its not something I think is easy to explain.
Because its fucking Superman.
Pick up a hot wheels car negrow. You aren't being impaled by it and neither would an ant.
oh I got what the retard (or you) meant. The thing is, that it doesn't work that way.
that question can be asked of nearly every superhero with super strength... learn to suspension of disbelief
>pick up a hot wheels car
>its the same thing my man
He doesn't. It's just easier to pace himself "flying grounded." He does this in the comics a lot. It's also how he picks up things so heavy that the psi should drive him into the ground like a nail. You see him do this again hen he stands flat-footed and absorbs the impact of the Batmobile.
What's funny? If a person were to be able to lift a car like this, the massive amount of weight distributed over a surface area as small as two human hands would cause the car to break. It's simple physics. It's the exact reason that a car jack has to be placed in a specific area that differs with each car, and also why a mechanic lifts a car using all four tires and not one hand sized jack placed in the middle of the fucking car.
Hot wheels don't weigh enough. Google says the average car weight is 4,079 pounds or 1850.203 kilograms or 2.04 us tons. The weight is evenly distributed on its 4 wheels that are at the 4 corners of a car. If a cars entire weight was on 2 points (hands) that are holding it a awkward positions for the cars frame it would probably fuck the car up.
A similar effect would be if you balanced a car on its nose, the nose would crumble.
>retard(s) who don't understand how a car frame works
>retard(s) who have never seen a car literally hang off a wall from two points (on the frame) and the car didn't fall apart
stop getting your physics lessons from movies
This thread is fucking funny. Now I need to go find my hot wheels car and pet ant.
>like a bunch of virgins talking about sex
If you can provide me with a formula that proves mathematically that a car can be held up at any given point by a body with the surface area of one or two human hands without causing any damage to the car, I will be more than happy to accept it. Until you provide me with said formula, I'm just going to assume you're fucking retarded.
>a car literally hang off a wall from two points (on the frame)
Is your hand the size of a wall? Do you really misunderstand the concept of surface area THIS MUCH?
>he thinks cars are smooth and flat underneath
If its hanging off the edge of something its on more than two points. The back wheels are two points plus the edge of what its hanging from which if a wall would be a long edge across the underside of the car. Hands are smaller than a wall senpai.
Put your body weight on your big toe, tell me its comfortable. The idea is a large weight is focused on a small area like a hand or a toe.
Explain exactly why you think that is relevant. This is a really difficult argument to be in because you don't even understand WHY what you're saying is stupid. It's like trying to argue why the earth cannot physically be the center of the solar system because of it's weight when the other person is insisting that the opposite is true because the Sun is yellow.
If you don't know why that's relevant, you're the retard in your analogy.
Okay, I'm the retard. Now explain it to me.
>when people say somethings weight on a smaller area won't have a piercing effect
over time yeah, but if you lift it up it wouldn't break through unless it was exerting force that could pierce whatever it is pushing against.
Okay, so to be clear, what you are saying is that if you were to place a car jack in the direct center of a car's undercarriage and lift it up, nothing bad will happen and it will just sit there perfectly balanced, despite the weight of the engine being distributed over an extremely small surface area? Can you please confirm this is what you're saying.
Shut up retard. Car Jacks are metal, hands aren't.
not that guy, but if you held the car by the frame (which the first superman comic looks to be doing) the weight of the engine wouldn't tear it apart. That's not how physics works. If you want to move the goal posts to win your stupid argument, have at it
It wouldn't snap in two but the entire frame would buckle and be entirely unusable.
I really hope for the faith of humanity you are trolling. I hope no one seriously believes this.
Do you have any reliable source for your claims? Because it seems perfectly reasonable that TWO hands with FAR greater surface area than a jack would be able to lift a car. I think you dont know how strong a car frame is. Who's to say he isn't grabbing it on the same places the jacks go because he's done this many times before?
No, you should really stop posting.
cars aren't designed to be lifted by two human hands.
>because of it's weight
Not the user you are arguing with but how much does the Earth weigh? I am curious. Cavendish got the mass pretty close, so I can't wait to hear the weight.
Why not just fly around the world backwards until he can save Krypton?
I'm a physics professor. It's not possible, clearly. At least, the specific way it was depicted and in the case of your specific question. However, you do not need to follow the rules of physics within our universe when creating movie scenes with incredible feats in them.
Then how can a car possibly be lifted by a single jack with a smaller surface area?
because you put the jack in a place that's designed for that.
have you never changed a tire?
Why doesn't he just use his laser eyes to clear the ice and steer the boat through the water while wearing a funny looking captain's hat
You do realize a jack doesn't lift the entire car, right?
This is the comedy genuis I come here for. Thanks user
Well the same goes for you too then, retard
HAHAHAHAHA jesus christ dude I'm fuckin outta here
So he puts his TWO hands on either side of the car where the jacks go. This latest infestation of pathetic newfafs is considerably more dense than the last. Have you come from leddit or neogaf?
>HAHAHAHAHA jesus christ dude I'm fuckin outta here
Good. Nobody who has been on this website longer than 1 year types like this, good riddance
he's not holding it from the jack points, hes holding the body.
Besides, these points aren't designed to hold all (or even half) of the car's weight.
Yes it would user. Modern cars especially are not as solid as you think. No one designs a car to me like a brick, they're closer to paper mache.
Shut your stupid retarded mouth. A car can be lifted by 2 slings at the front and back which lift from these points. Thats 4 points of contact with tiny surface area, much less than hands. The original point was that it simply cannot be done, not that superman isnt holding the car on these points in this particular way. At the end of the day this has never been practically tested so both you and I are playing a guessing game
>2 slings at the front and back 4 points of contact
... so cars can be lifted in ways that resemble the car's standard weight distribution?
like I said before, a bunch of virgins talking about sex
If he held his hands diagonally all he needs to do is balance it. I honestly think you should kill yourself if you are this unintelligent.
protip anonkun: only virgins write things like that
His two hands could become four points of contact?
I could get off the ship and walk faster than superman to where ever he's trying to pull me.
It wasn't a funny analogy the first time and it still isn't now user. Maybe you'd get more (You)s if you added a smug anime girl comment to your le epic shitpost?
Seeing people as dense as you gives me hope that I havent truly hit rock bottom yet. Do you think the car would twist and break where hes not holding it?
Haha omg you virgins are so funny. This entire debate is like a bunch if virgins talking about having sex! XD
Do you think any one point of an automobile is designed to hold all (or half) of it's weight?
Only newfags complain about how people post.
yes, that is exactly what would happen, as lifting something is exerting more force than simply the object's weight.
he's not saying that. Stop moving the fucking goal posts.
>two wheels and a jack
>two points of contact
>i've never changed a tire
The majority of the weight of the car is still being supported by the other three wheels.
... it seems that is exactly what hes saying.
I may never have changed one but it looks like 2 of the tires are being lifted here
then you are as dense as he claims you are.
How many times are you going to use the word "dense"? Holy shit dude.
Goddamn niggers. The weight of the ship is on Supe's feet. His feet have a small surface area. He would break through the ice. That's now knives and other stabby things work. It takes a light force from your hand and puts it over a much smaller area. No matter how strong superman is, it would break the ice. He would be better flying over the ice while pulling the chain.
A car has several spots designed for a jack so that it distributes weight more evenly. Not to mention that a jack only lifts up one side. Try putting a jack in a spot that's not designed to distribute the weight better, go ahead.
Unless the car is tiny, jacking up the front driver side will leave three wheels on the ground.
I guess you don't know what shocks are either.
This has to be bait
different planet you retard
>Its not something I think is easy to explain.
you mean gravity
>what is centre mass
So what size hands would superman need to have to lift a car and not have it crush itself over its own weight?
ha ha I was waiting for this.
But doesn't he have steel hands like the user above was claiming you need to lift this car without it folding like warm taffy.
This thread is fucking hilarious.
I just literally kino marathoned that episode, first time in literally years. Is Sup Forums psychic?
uhhh fortress of solitude ya derp
haha lol
How does he turn in midair or change direction in space?
The same way he lifts off the ground.
It's sorta believable if he only went in one direction, but he has nothing to push against in flight/space.
Or does he fly like the Planet Express ship and move the universe around him?
Superman can nullify earth's gravity at will, so it therefore follows he can increase it at the soles of his feet, producing enough friction to pull the ship.
This action may also be in effect in his actually moving the ship laterally, as the size of his muscles would in now way allow him to produce enough power to pull that shipt.
Of course it's not fucking possible. Neither is being able to fly. Even the more "grounded" heroes are complete bollocks. Remember Iron Man 1 where that tank shot him out of the sky and heand he plummeted into the ground? It doesn't matter how tough the suit is the guy inside would be fucked for multiple reasons
You have to "Turn your brain off" to enjoy superheroes because they completely fall apart when you add any real world physics
made me laugh, I must be tired
Underrated post
I'm sure he was just pretending to be retarded
Because it looks cool.
Also that chain would break before it would pull that ship.
Holy shit, have you guys never used jack stands? I'm pretty damn certain my rusty shitbox wouldn't crumble if I was able to balance it on 2 points of the frame instead of 4.
Not him but he's not entirely wrong. The frame would help yes but you have to remember that the frame was designed to give the car structural integrity, but not necessarily to maintain that integrity under the condition of the entire weight of the car being lifted from 2 small points on the frame (hands). So basically, if the car and/or frame can withstand being suspended entirely by 2 shitty hand jacks alone (comparable with the surface area of hands), then you should be able to life it without it falling apart/crumpling/folding. Thing is, when was the last time you jacked up all 4 wheels of a car off the ground using a small jack on each side? Never, since you only ever need to jack up the one side to fix a tire or whatever.
I think it ultimately just depends on the car and it's specific design as to whether it would be possible for Superman to lift it without it falling to pieces. I'm no engineer, so I could be wrong though.