what are some movies where a worthless, pathetic 25 year old virgin who's never had a job and is a disappointment to his parents finally manages to turn his life around, get a girlfriend, a job, and win his parent's respect?
a-asking for a friend
what are some movies where a worthless, pathetic 25 year old virgin who's never had a job and is a disappointment to his parents finally manages to turn his life around, get a girlfriend, a job, and win his parent's respect?
a-asking for a friend
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Any movie about that would be too unrealistic
batman minus the parents bit
right in the feels...
Star Wars
Jeff who lives at home
I was going to say this. Except he doesn't get a gf.
Watch Welcome to the N.H.K. (anime series). It's about a hikikomori who is so terrified of people he can't get out of his aparment. It's really comfy, great music and the english dub is great.
>worthless, pathetic 25 year old virgin who's never had a job
Is this a common theme for Generation Z? It seems to be quite prominent on Sup Forums.
Lars and the Real Girl
Taxi Driver sorta?
The World's End?
yeah, a lot of men are clueless people who are throwing away their youth
>Generation Z
> 25 year old virgin
you forgot fat
>tfw no misaki gf to the rescue
this is one of those rare /biz/ and Sup Forums crossover threads.
This OP, NHK is fucking amazing especially if it hits close to home
this. There's no show like NHK. When I saw it the first time, I really couldn't hold my feels. It hit way too hard in the feels. It's funny, comfy and painfully relatable.
>the english dub is great
lmaoing @ ur life
>tfw when there will never be a sequel to Ratatouille
>tfw ywn know if Colette and Linguini get married or have kids
>tfw ywn the struggles of La Ratatouille
if you don't actually know japanese and you're a subtitlecuck, your opinion is automatically discarded
still lmaoing @ ur life over here man
projection jej
wild strawberries
gas, food, lodging
what's eating gilbert grape
repo man
The Dark Knight Rises
His autobiography/future biopic.
isn't that the guy who used to own this site?
>The antisocial network
literally me
You're white and bald?
no that's mark zuckerberg, the creator of 9gag
>wallowing in your grief instead of improving yourself
Christ dude, turn things around, get a job, then we'll talk about bitches.
no I'm ripped but am mentally wojak
Watch The Haunting or read The Haunting of Hill House
> I still get choked up during Ego’s monologue.
Find someone you trust to help you with your resume and then apply to shitload of jobs
I know it's hard to hear but it all comes down to effort. Applying to jobs makes you feel pathetic, true, but you gotta do it
>show quality peaked at season 19
>main character has spent the last few seasons floundering as an adult after moving out
any shows like this? asking for a friend haha
nathan for you - the hero
"Fusi" and "Jeff who lives at home" are the two closest.
25 yr old is almost universally still considered Gen Y
How does it feel to know that every movie is a life but God doesn't watch yours?
How do you become this pathetic
my family is too dysfunctional to have the classic disappointed parents
my parents had 3 kids without getting married and then split up when I was 8. I was then raised by mentally ill single mother in poverty.
me being a socially fucked up 24 year old virgin neet is just a natural response to my environment. I never had even a chance at a shot for any kind of semblance of a normal life. by the age of 10 I decided that life has no inherent meaning and by age 12 had all the symptoms of classic major depression that went untreated because nobody ever asked how my day was and I just drowned out the world through video games
from where does he get money
literally who
enligh dub fucking sucks
>being too retarded to read subtitles
as someone who actually learned japanese I can tell you that your opinion is fucking retarded and never applied
Yeah, dont blame yourself
I don't. but I just want to die. But it would wreck the already fragile nature of my entire family so I'll just wait for a while and just exist as a ghost
Except for the part about having brothers, that is me. Throw in lots of drunken beatins and you'd be spot on
I'm sorry bro
'Dont blame yourself' was sarcastic. Im sorry for your guys' upbringing but if you dwell on the past thats your problem. You could be normal if you put effort into it but youd rather tell yourself its ok to not be normal because of your parents
A lot of people wont make an effort to become your friend unless you do something that makes them want to, this often times is just striking up conversation and putting on a smile
But again, i doubt either of you will care to do this because of fear of rejection so you will carry on being lonely without ever putting effort into anything
spoken like someone who has no idea what a toxic childhood environment can do to your psyche
I'm literally doing my best. it takes my entire will to get up in the morning and make coffee and something to eat. I try to exercise daily and socialize when I can but it's all just masking an inherently damaged beyond repair person
I've been trying to be normal my entire fucking life but there comes a point when you realize it's futile.
It's a Funny Story.
First sentence is exactly what i expected youd say. Go to church even if you dont believe in that stuff and you can have that supportive community youre craving
man if you cant have a normal and loving environment when youre a kid, then you'll have a world of problems all the way down the road into adulthood
its kind of a snowball effect
Cry more. If you don't want to be a fucking loser, just stop being a fucking loser, lol.
>wah wah my childhood wasn't like a Disney flick, that's why 14 years later I'm a loser!
Spoken like an actual norm.
Yeah if you want to use it as an escuse for everything bad that happens to you
'I cant get a gf bc my dad beat me'
Dwell on the past and theyll only become more pathetic and off themselves.
Or, they could put more of an effort into being happy and they will find people who love them
my mother would refuse to speak to me for a week sometimes when I was 8
also there was a time when we were out with my 5 year old sister and baby brother and my mother slumped to the ground in a middle of a shopping mall and laid on the floor for an hour completely catatonic
The first act where he lucks into a stash of NZT-48 and transforms his life is the most cathartic thing I've ever witnessed
Somehow, deep down I felt it was me
Holy fuck
Do you want sympathy from everyone is that what you crave?
Yes you had a shit childhood. I sincerely do feel bad for you
Is that what you want to hear from everyone in this thread too? Everyone you meet?
Keep dwelling on the past and you will kill yourself
That's funny, because normals love feeling sorry for themselves and thinking their lives are unique tragedies that magically excuse their shortcomings. No one likes a self-pitying faggot except other self-pitying faggots. No different than people saying the only reason niggers are so violent is because inner-city schools have more beat-up textbooks than wealthier schools or some shit like that.
I'm only going into detail because people genuinely don't understand
>just stop being a loser lol
to my frame of reference that doesn't even register. My experiences shaped my brain into seeing people only as threats and I'm completely unable to trust other people no matter how hard I try.
I don't want to be this way but my brain is so fucked up that I can't even complete the most basic of daily tasks
you sound like a tumblr girl
Quit being a fucking woman dude, you literally sound like a roastie who has PTSD from getting hit on at a party
that picture is me except I'm an officer in the army and I work like 14 hours a day lol
Legit good name for it. Would be even funnier if they brought Jesse Eisenberg to play him
I can guarantee I'm 10x tougher than you silver spooned suburban faggots
Man i genuinely want you to succeed but if you continue thinking like this you are going to kill yourself. And you will be the only person to blame
Agreed. My buddy called me up a few days ago and started crying because he was apparently diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. I laughed on his face. Like, okay sure I'm sorry to hear you have an unpreventable and incurable genetic disease but why let that stop you? "The doctors say I have three months to live" okay and? It's like he just wants to be a victim lol
I can guarrentee youre not. I take steroids and im not a pathetic fucking faggot who bitches about how hard his life was for sympathy from anonymous losers on Sup Forums
i am going to kill myself
i almost hung myself 3 years ago and I should have. life is a waking nightmare and it's becoming worse. i think i'm starting to develop schizophrenia
This is literally a tumblr reply.
If you put no effort into fucking anything you wont be happy regardless of your background. But yea keep blaming your parents. Nobody else has ever had a hard childhood its only you
>cries like a hysterical woman over things that happened when he was a child
Reminder that as recently as like 60 years ago child abuse was a much more common and socially acceptable thing, and at the age of 24 back then you probably would have been drafted and spent your late teenage years or early 20s running around a jungle watching people get blown to pieces and cutting off ears to make necklaces out of.
Thats pathetic that you'll throw your life away because you had a bad childhood. Make a fucking effort in life or sink deeper and die then
How do you know these people are "putting no effort" into improving their lives? It's hilarious to me that upon reading a post in which some fag on the internet says "I had a really shitty childhood and I think I'm fucked" your immediate thought is "lol this dude has never put any effort into becoming a better person"
That's some Sup Forums-tier edginess
>How do you know these people are "putting no effort" into improving their lives?
They're on Sup Forums whining about how hard they have it at 1 AM on a weekday.
>I take steroids and im not a pathetic fucking faggot
kek. Go play in traffic, child.
This. Also the fact that he says he cant teust anyone. Thats the most common and pathetic line in the book used by people who crave sympathy
this life i'm living now it the most effort I can manage
I don't sit around stewing on this stuff all day long. It's hard to understand unless you are living with severe mental in capabilities. it's like living perpetually in quicksand. the more you try to improve your life the further you sink because you realize none of this stuff is going to help.
for example I'm a musician and have 10s of thousands of plays on my music/ been played on the radio,people tell me they like it and how I should make more but never once have I felt happiness derived from that
Its ok user. I cant help you becauze im in a fucked up position as well but i do empathize with you. Normalfags are incapable of understanding.
Anything like that but with a 29 year old?
>normalfags will never understand my unique background
How so?
My life, but they have yet to film it, lol
Lmao brah i take steroids! Im tuff!
Yeah thats how they work
Goddam you sound like a fucking little child. kys
>Be unemployed for 3 years while on welfare.
>Get put through the interview mill going to interview after interview not getting each job I applied and feeling like it will never end.
>Finally after a 5 interviews this week I get a phone call form one of the jobs I had a interview for.
>I start my new job on Monday.
the thing with people like you is that you don't want to acknowledge people are suffering unnecessarily. you want to think that everyone who is suffering in the western world is entirely to blame for it. because it this underpins the entire way you think about life. And despite the fact you probably had a pretty good childhood and family/ support network. you want to feel as if all your achievements are of your own doing. and to believe this you also have to think that people like me are entirely responsible for our failures.
and that's clearly demonstrated by the fact that your idea of my situation is akin to a suburban tumblr girl
looking for the same but with a 27 year old character
asking for a friend too
You're a gay little show pony. I bet you've never been in any kind of physical altercation.