Other urls found in this thread:
Jon "Not in my gene pool" Jafari
Jon "unload my nine in the welfare line" Tron
and prayers
i'm so glad alt-right retards like this get their lives ruined because of their own stupidity
Literally who?
How did his life get ruined?
He was tricked by Destiny to say racist stuff. :(
I got a kick out of his latest video. Jonny boy is pretty good.
>TFW your channel is so successful you own other gaming channels and are working on projects with Dan Harmon and the dipshit you started it with who flaked out on you can't even do a livestream without fucking it up.
>subscribers didnt take a hit at all
>still making videos few and far in between because hes too busy getting pussy gassin kikels and enjoying life
I know that "go back to Reddıt" is a common insult, but why do you even bother coming here if you hate the (broadly defined) alt-right and :problematic" shit in general?
>youtube subs went up as did video views
>lost 0 advertisers, and gained a partnership
yeah, hes doing terrible
>Siding with Destiny
Dude's a weasel, even looks like one.
I mean all he did was say things supported by facts. Statistics are not racist, Jontron isnt racist. He just wasn't tip toeing around the SJW's like the majority of E-celebs. I know you made this thread to discuss that sort of thing.
Best produced while still hilarious comedy show on youtube.
His subs went UP after that, though
I wouldn't brag about Good Game, Arin.
He dared to imply that white people should be allowed to serve their best interests instead of giving up their place in society for some misguided "altruistic" belief system.
annoying fucking fat chipmunk faggot
Well you worded it much better than me, this.
Basing your "statistics" off of arbitrary things like race is racist.