Would he have voted for Trump?

Would he have voted for Trump?

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Nah he hates those kinds of people and is a gullible idiot so would probably love Hillary.

Yeah, he would have voted for the big New York City real estate mogul who eats well done steaks with ketchup.

He would have been a Ted Cruz guy but gave in to the inevitability of Trump.

Hank would probably support a more classic Republican than Trump

It would have been quite an episode.

Hank would have written in Jeb! with the exclamation mark.

Probably would have had an episode where he didn't know how to vote, because he didn't like Trump and REALLY didn't like Hillary. Someone would tell him to vote third party and he'd laugh it off as some new-aged nonsense and then he'd meet Gary Johnson or something and vote for him.

>a more classic Republican

You meant a cuckservative or neo-con.

He would have voted Jeb!

Pretty sure he just means normal people with political opinions, and not radical teenagers who base their entire identity on politics.

Jeb supporter, reluctant Trump voter

he's a loyal republican so they'd get his vote but he would hate trump and leaders are important to him so it's hard to say

probably this

>Hank is a big Cruzmissile but reluctantly votes for Trump on Election Day because he despises the Clintons
>Dale Gribble doesn't vote but Rusty Shackleford votes for Trump so the government won't take his guns
>Bill meets some super liberal girl who pussy whips him into voting for Hillary
>Bobby is a Bernout and triggers Hank with muh socialism
>Octavio votes for Hillary at a dozen different polling locations

As opposed to the REAL conservative Hillary Clinton.

Yes but I like using the cuck meme, it's so hilarious and insightful!

most people dont realize that a huge majority will never vote for anyone prochoice. hank is one of those.

Did Hank ever criticize Obama or would that have been "racist"?

At least she was honest, she never claimed to be a republican.

Hank: Jeb
Peggy: Hillary
Bobby: Bernie
Ladybird: Hillary

Kahn and Minh: Trump
Nancy: Stein
Dale: didn't vote
Rusty Shackleford: Trump

Bill: Hillary

Boomhauer: Bernie

Buck: Trump

Luanne: Johnson

Enrique: Trump

the show wasn't political in that way
he praised bush a couple times that was pretty much it

Last I checked, PRESIDENT Trump has been doing some awfully Republican things like that Supreme Court nomination.

Unironically this, or Ted, would have voted for Trump reluctantly

This, WITH the exclamation mark exclusively. When asked to "Please Clap", he would clap

Now I need this to be a real episode.

>Ladybird: Hillary
>not Ladybird: Hilldawg

>Dale Gribble having Rusty Shackelford vote on his behalf

Honestly kind of fishy, I think those guys might be in cahoots

>Please clap
>Well alright!

>Kahn and Minh: Trump
Why do Asians do this? I live in a very Asian area, and for some reason almost all of them were Trump voters. Do they not realize they're a minority?

(Political affiliation and votes)

Hank: Republican for no one
Peggy: Republican for Hillary
Bobby: not interested

Kahn and Minh: Democrat for Trump
Kahn Jr: Democrat for Hillary

Nancy: Republican for Trump
Dale: didn't vote
Joseph: not interested

John Redcorn: Independant for Hillary

Bill: Republican for Trump

Boomhauer: Libertarian for Johnson

Buck: Republican for Trump

Luanne: Republican for no one

Enrique: Independant for Trump

>Welp, he asked nicely!

Asians get lumped in with whites whenever the Democrats peddle their diversity horseshit.

Also high IQ and strong work ethic made them more likely to vote Trump.

>implying Bobby wouldn't be a Berniebro

It's like you didn't even watch KotH

>Also high IQ and strong work ethic made them more likely to vote Trump.

>Okay dad, I guess I didn't need free stuff after all

The last season was probably the only 1 produced during the Obama administration. Maybe season 12, too, but Fox cartoons tend to have longer production cycles than you'd expect.

Are you going to deny science?

Wrong, he would've been a John Kasich guy, he then would have had a crisis upon discovering his ravenous eating habits

I honestly don't think he'd be that invested in it. He's a comedian, they feel detached from these things and like to criticise both sides.
I think he'd be a centrist but vote Republican by tradition.

No, he would've voted for a real constitutional Christian conservative instead of some populist liberal from New York.

Yeah Hank knows a good tax plan when he sees it.

He would have wanted Cruz

are you?

Asians are racist as shit, I thought everybody knew this

Ted Cruz drawn in the style of KOTH would look like adult sized dark haired bobby.

nah he'd be a #nevertrumper and gribble would be the strawman for trump voters

>random unsourced infographic

Look at what you've become.

t. stevie wonder

>several months ago

Only if he doesn't take after his brother.


>Do they not realize they're a minority?
Why does that matter?

This, why do you think Asian countries have the lowest ethnic diversity on earth?

Drumpf is going to kill all the minorities.

Because they're mostly smart and successful and especially at Kahn's income would get some tax relief.

I'm dying, how long did it take you to make this, brainlet?

>has an identity crisis when Bush gives him a limp handshake
>thinks he'd vote for someone who eats their steak well done

How does being completely and unironically brainwashed feel?


It would have been a big to-do about how he has to decide between whether he wants to bite the bullet and vote for a womanizing loudmouth in order to stop Hillary from being president, or just throw his vote on Libertarian this time around. Peggy would of course be campaigning for Hillary, and in the end it'd be left ambiguous whether or not Hank voted for Trump, or just left the top of the card blank.

Also maybe they'd allow time to skip or pass if seasons went on to allow Bobby to be old enough to vote, and Hank now has the quandery of trying to talk his son through his first vote when he himself really doens't want to vote for either candidate.

Hank Hill would write in Ron Paul.

This is very very plausible.

And he hates Thatherton

He'd basically be voting for that guy

>at least she was honest with wanting you dead.

I don't think people meeting Gary Johnson would be more likely to vote for him. He embarrassed himself a couple times last election cycle.

>standard deviations that low
From that alone you can tell this graph is bullshit. I'm not even conservative.

This. Hank Hill would write in Kasich. He would never vote for Hillary and Hank would find Trump's behavior abhorrent. Bernie is too much of a socialist for Hank, Ted Cruz is too slimy, and Jeb is too weak in how he comes off. I have a hard time imagining Hank voting Libertarian and I'm sure as hell he wouldn't vote Green Party. Kasich seems like the most well rounded, respectable, and moderate candidate out of the bunch. I'm 98% that's who Hank would vote for.

>american blacks vote liberal >95% of the time
>american blacks have an average IQ of 85
>american hispanics vote liberal ~70% of the time
>american hispanics have an average IQ of 90

hmm really makes me think. Yeah, I'm sure this isn't just texas sharpshooter bullshit or completely fabricated.

Source on those stats?

Jeb probably had a good handshake

Hank is definitely a Rand Paul bro.

He wouldn;t vote for Bush because he has a weak handshake. He probably would have been a nevertrumper and a Cruz Missile


Hank would have been a Cruz missile

>Do they not realize they're a minority?

They do and they also realize the nation will to go shit with the Black and Latinos in charge

Hank would 100% vote for Trump


Not sure on the IQ but the racial voting tendencies are accurate including for last election.

>All these leftist shills who think Hank would vote for a moderate Cuck like Kasich over Trump or go third party
Hank is a hardcore Reganite and he despised Bill Clinton. Get fucked you dumb lefties your favorite Conservative Dad would have worn a MAGA hat.