Name a single ending in film/tv better and more jaw-dropping than pic related.
Pro-tip: you can't.
Name a single ending in film/tv better and more jaw-dropping than pic related.
Pro-tip: you can't.
Tommy boy.
>have to watch 25 episodes of an anime series to even hope to get this (likely) pretentious garbage
>can't even shit on NGEfags for spamming their darling anime shit like it's unironically the greatest movie ever
that's a cartoon
Couldn't even make it through the first episode. The anime is just too anime for me
What year is this?
>Wow a lot of random shit just happened
You're right, can't top that.
Thanks for the desktop pic, my dude.
Genuinely a decent shot. If only the entire movie looked this good. And wasn't so redundant. And so many other things...
Came here to post this
although Sup Forums has memed me into watching EoE, I'm on episode 22 of NGE right now. Never seen anime before but I guess we'll see
i mean by the time you're like 4/5ths into a series you should probably have an idea one way or the other
Planet of the apes
I meant I guess we'll see how powerful the ending is
Literally what the fuck did Anno mean by this?
Don't watch 25 and 26 of the show before eoe
The general consensus seems to be that this is bad advice. Either way I believe release order is the way to go, its not like EoE was a retcon
I watched one episode and I was so bored with it.
The last couple of episodes are unforgettable. Not because they're necessarily good.
They are literally and unironically pure anime kino
They did well given that they had no budget, but no, they're not. That's the contrarian opinion. They conclude each character's arc in a more personal way, but it fails to definitively say that Shinji rejects instrumentality (like the movie does). It's also too long.
The first episode is kind of bad and awkward. I'd watch episodes 2 and 3 as well before deciding if you like it.
>"muh plot"
The series ending is better. Only brainlets disagree.
Only brainless contrarians think that. End of Eva is several times better.
Shinji a gay nigga, why he trying to get a THOT to save him?
star wars
Did he kill her or did they fuck at the end?
the most nu male ending of all time
breaking bad
Twin Peaks
Then Twin Peaks: The Return
You mean the ending that ruined a good mecha anime?
it's shite and most anime is too
>when popcorn eaters thought EoE was interesting
It's literally just pleb filler made by an embittered man because "fans" were sending him death threats because they didn't get the ending of the show.
Anyone who saw EoE as anything other than "big robot fights for the ADHD generation" is probably one of the dumbest humans alive. It's one of the funniest shitposts of all time, and 90% of the audience didn't even understand that it was a shitpost.
Most jaw dropping intro honestly
The movie was going to be a lot more serious/darker originally and have Vader kill all the main characters, but Disney reshot it, make it 30 minutes shorter, and added quips
>he didn't see the original uncut laserdisc release with the 30 minutes of frantic post-credits coitus
End of Evangelion is (obviously) a much higher quality production, and a phenomenal animated film. But it's episodes 25 and 26 that elevate NGE as a whole to the status of true Art.
kek, I used to think like OP too watching weird weeb pretentious shit when I was 18.
it is literally nothing happens: the cartoon topped with lolsorandum, if you don't get it ur a pleb ending
hilarious how many weeblet got gooked
the only thing that topped twin peaks S2's ending was the return's
> ignoring the congratulations scene
you're funny
>everyone dies, the end
Um how about no sweetie