Has there ever been a more cowardly leader than Augustus? Reading his wikipedia its cringeworthy AF he literally "falls ill" and dissappears without explanation before every major battle and at every critical point in his life. Wtf was wrong with him? Even in the show they portrayed him as avoiding combat, but they didnt really highlight how much of a coward he actually was. Was this character low-test? What the fuck was wrong with him?
Has there ever been a more cowardly leader than Augustus...
Tacitus certainly blames him a tremendous amount for the corruption that followed his rule.
I guess he didn't want to die and got a bunch of suckers to do the killing and dying for him.
As a hardened Sup Forums warrior I can only feel contempt for anyone who can't buck up and face the unyielding slaughter of the battlefield.
he's was a weird character, he was a real piece of shit and rat, then as soon as he took over he became the example of a great ruler and man.
In my head he fully embodies the Appolonian end of the Appolonian-Dionysian spectrum. He was extremely neurotic, spiteful, angry, yet principled and intelligent. He was all mind, no grounding. Definitely one of the most interesting characters of history.
sure but when was the last time a US president went anywhere near a battlefield? It's actually smart: let the generals do the fighting, something Hitler and a lot of others forgot.
The graveyards are full of middling swordsmen
> tiberius
> hands the military over to one after another incompetent favourites
> retires to his villa on Capri to fuck little boys
> Caligula
> declares war against the ocean
> makes his soldiers pick up seashells for tribute
you tell me.
>What the fuck was wrong with him?
Based Agrippa was doing all the fighting and impregnating Livia for him. Augustus was literally a cuck who compensated by claiming to be a Son of a God (which btw is a precursor to the kike urban myth that led to christcuckery, look it up, some historians think Jesus is actually Caesarion)
So what’s your month called OP?
I think Washington technically led troops in the whiskey rebellion and that's it. Madison wanted to, but basically was told no, let a general.
this. Based Agrippa
>(which btw is a precursor to the kike urban myth that led to christcuckery, look it up, some historians think Jesus is actually Caesarion)
Dude, it's all about the Osiris myth, dude! Read this blog post on JosephCampbellRapeMyFace.org.uk.faggot!
>Jesus is actually Caesarion
that's actually a pretty interesting theory
sounds like /our guy/
wait a minute, are you assholes getting your information from a fucking american TELELVISION SERIES? go read fucking Suetonius, you moronic shit-stains.
Might not be theorybtge elites always given us our heros, they got sick of all these Christ like characters causing mayhem that they finally put one of there own up front and centre for the masses to fall in line behind.
He was intelligent enough to know that he wasn't the best at everything so he spilt responsibilities to more competent individuals. He had Agrippa do the fighting for him, Maecenas create propaganda all while he ran the government from the shadows and people from the streets.
>still worshipping a homeless kissless virgin kike who was crucified like a low thief
>muh Jesus died for our sins!
NO! His "sacrifice" is ultimately hollow and pointless since christcucks think hes coming back. true sacrifice would be him dying and never coming back This sentence baffles and befuddles the christcuck
>implying hes ever coming back
>implying hes not a dead random kike who was the Soros of his day, subverting the Powerful and white and masculine Roman Empire with his meek ideology and socialist bs
I don't care, fag. I was making fun of people who post the kind of shit you posted --about Jesus as a myth. But your lack of self-awareness caused you to just sperg out with even more. *tips fedora*
he had an effeminate aura to him, even his mother noticed
Jesus probably at least fingered Mary Magdalen. She was totally dtf, she was a former hooker.
Retarded namefag you only ever post garbage for attention. Every fucking thread.
exactly this, he had Agrippa to do that for him. Agrippa/Octavian were history's absolute greatest bromance, no question
I just saw Zeitgeist BRO! Fuck mom and dad for sending me to Sunday school!
dont you think its a little too convenient the kikes had a "Son of a God" in the exact same timeframe that that sort of mythology became prominent for the Romans? you dont think its the least bit fishy?
At least I have an excuse for posting garbage. What's yours?
They also stole a lot from Babylonian and Egyptian myths for the Old Testament.
I am sure you think you're telling people really interesting stuff, but anyone who cares already knows it, and the fact you're so enthusiastic suggests you've only just learned it. It goes deeper than that, in fact, and myths are more complicated. The truth is we're all controlled by memes. God is the ultimate memer, and Jesus was a super-meme.
no hes not. and no i dont think im saying anything interesting, its just your brainlet cant comprehend that 2+2=4 and all of Jesus story was a failed kike rebellion against Roman authority that eventually ended up spreading through the empire like a cancer until it killed it.
fuck jesus and fuck jews desu. if it wasnt for christcuckery, Rome wouldve conquered the world and we would be living in the glorious Roman Empire to this day
Brainlets put things into incredibly simplified narratives --just like you're doing. Life is complicated, history is complicated, the causes behind any movement are complicated. Stop being dumb.
stop replying to me. if you still ascribe to the jesus is god bullshit i dont have anything to say to you. go sit in the corner and worship your dead kike quietly. i dk need to read your christcuckery and kike delusions
gonna need some bigger bait
not bait at all. read his wiki, he "falls ill" before every battle
based cunt poster
so he loves men? is that why women were repulsed by him?
>he thinks Christianity brought down the empire and not a combination of complex factors such as the breakdown of the military, the collapse of the economy due to its dependence on expansionism, foreign grain, and slaves, the increasingly porous borders due to the replacement of client states with roman provinces, the concentration of power in increasingly unstable autocrats subject to assassination by a variety of kingmakers and potentially the mass scale lead poisoning of the upper class.
I'm just lmaoing at your entire life right now f a m
You dumb motherfucker --have you even read the Nag Hammadi library? The Gospel of the Apocalypse of Anonymous's Anus, in which Immanuel Esu Sananda (Jesus's true name) upon returning to Earth in the year 2018 ravages the assholes of men and women alike in an act of divine forgiveness --the holy sacrament received as a sticky load blasted right into their assholes. You're a novice, kid. Sit down and be humble.
Thank you user, I couldn't be bothered to correct him. Sup Forums and Sup Forums talking about history is always so fucking embarrassing.
>implying the abandonment of ancient Roman principles wasnt the root cause of the ills he listed
>implying Rome didnt start to disintegrate the moment it stopped worshipping the Gods of its founders
That's not how you spell Gilgamesh
>Europe abandons its Gods, converts to Christianity
>Slowly Christianized Europe prospers due to God's Grace
Jesus loves you.
fucking christcucks are cancer. they get butthurt over everything.
literal fucking slaves of jews, a literal heretic cult of judaism. if it wasnt for that one faggot roman emperor Theodosius that forced everyone to convert on pain of death, christianity would never have grown past what it is, a heretical kike cult.
Diocletian shouldve genocied the christcucks. He wouldve literally saved the world from their evil
He was a politician not a warrior.
Antony was the opposite, how did that work out?
Sure Caesar was both, but a man like Caesar is pretty rare.
It's you who looks like the butthurt one, desu desu kawaii desu. There aren't even any Christians in this thread --just people who think you're retarded.
Time to filter this cunt. He shits up every thread he posts in. 90s born queers were a mistake.
>Name's his wife's son as his heir
Julius Caesar was certainly a greater man
>Gets killed off by people that he was trying to tame.
>His adopted son goes on to build founding peace of the empire and is considered greatest statesman Rome has ever produced.
I'm sorry my dear colleague but you're in error.
Reminder that Diocletian was actually the best emperor and Augustusfags are delusional
Julius did all of the hard work, his only mistake was being merciful for the sake of the Republic. He had all of the political acumen of Augustus but was also a great general and well respected by his men. Plus Augustus's legacy is certainly seen as greater because he had 40+ years to create propaganda praising himself and all future emperors needed to use him to justify their own rule.
>Based Agrippa was doing all the fighting and impregnating Livia for him
Pretty sure that was just the TV show m8
>which btw is a precursor to the kike urban myth that led to christcuckery
full retard. Roots of the Christian mythology go much deeper than the Roman empire, so do men descended from or physical aspects of gods.
Augustus wasn't a coward, he just knew how to win. He was cold, calculating and the best politician of his day. Like a terrorist leader who knows how to appear respectable. He knew how to best utilize the resources available to him. Need to win a battle or build some engineering project? He has experts like Agrippa to do those sorts of things for him.
He was able to get the Senate and plebs to go along with his "I'm the permanent autocrat, but we're all going to pretend I'm just the greatest citizen, so I'll just sit as princeps and the Republic is still functioning as always" facade for his whole life. The whole enterprise didn't start to collapse until his successors.
Which he did in a den of vipers. Every leader that came after him, used his process to cement their rule.
You say he is the greater man but he was killed off by same people Augustus survived.
If you can't win when it counts, your battles that you win to get there mean nothing. I agree militarily Gaius is better, especially if you look at what Octavian loses in germany. On other hand diplomacy and politics, He bested him, survived in a much better fashion and had a long life in a place that saw many people barely able to survive a few years in same seat he held for nearly a century.
You cannot have propaganda if you can't hold the laurels. That's why his propaganda works, because he bested some of the most renowned men that we have ever recorded to history, and mythologized them because of people like Shakespeare, who we also mythologize.
He is a legend, built out of many other legends. That is state of his victory.
brutus ruined everything
Brutus is an honorable man
Stop reminding me I have a Classics essay due in two days.