Pretty Sure This Is French. Probably

Can any user identify what comic this is from? Every couple of months I start trying to find it again to no avail.

I'm pretty sure I got it in a thread about European comics, but for the life of me I have no idea what story it was supposed to go to.

So far I've tried, Google, Yandex, Saucenao, and TinyEye. Nothing.

Other urls found in this thread:



It's very pretty.

>old man about to fuck a hot schoolgirl

I am erect. Please, continue.

Imagine if Rick and Morty were really drawn like that.
Or I that was the artstyle of TroLLHUNTERS.

That's the whole point of this thread. I have no idea what it's from. Though I'm pretty sure it's a Euro Comic. I'm hoping some user comes alone who can ID it.

For now I"m just bumping with art.

It breaks my heart that we've all but abandoned quality 2D animation (at least in America.)

Imagine if Kung Fu Panda was animated like Ponyo. Or Troll Hunters like Nausicaa. That'd be something.


>I'm pretty sure I got it in a thread about European comics

Sure you found it here? That pic is not a repost, according to archive.

Of course there's the possibility the thread happened during some archive downtime.

Pic unrelated.

Aw man, 2d kung fu panda is beyond awesome. While I like the cg of the films, I do wish they were 2d just because their use of it in the dream sequences and the spin-offs was so damn good.

It's from Lastman

Does the old man actually get to boink her?

No she takes control of his mind with her psychic abilities and makes him attack the pimp and he his killed by a robot

The weird thing is that this comic is in black and white. I don't know where this colored version is from

bump for underrated comic

I think the digital version is fully colored

I can't find it

It's on, in french of course.
The volume where the picture in the OP comes from is in the 8th volume.

I'm looking for the colored version. Delitoon is in black & white. Maybe Op's pic was colored by a fan?

I think I've read somewhere that the volume 8 was fully colored, but I don't really know if it's true (I didn't buy it).

But what I can say is that the beggining of the volume 8 is in color and it's where OP's pic come from