What did she mean by this?
What did she mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
viet cong are much better people
Jane Fonda is a Goddamned traitor who gave aid and comfort to the North Vietnamese.
She should hang.
That people don't care shit about things until someone shits on their front lawn and it suddenly effects them personally.
Hanoi Jane can burn in hell.
They were famous and white twenty years ago.
Wow she's really piling up these interviews. Is she that broke?
Jane Fonda can afford to say those things because she's famous and white. I'd check my privilege if I were her.
Jesus Christ, I'm so fucking sick of this shit all over the goddamn place. Fuck them and their jew bullshit. I can't take it anymore.
Shouldnt she be banned from the USA or something?
Reminder that Fonda's visits to N Vietnam allowed PoWs to send letters home to family, were enjoyed by American PoWs and any Vet who claims her visit caused them harm is a lying, attention seeking loon.
Reminder that this user is a lying, America hating piece of shit.
Reminder that white female privilege is the sole reason Hanoi Jane wasnt jailed and executed
thanks for correcting the record chaim
jesus christ
> Snopes
Was a link to MSNBC not available?
i agree tho, think about it.
Is ROGAN about to be HARVESTED by sexual assault allegations? Is ROGAN a fan of cheese or pasta? How much longer will he get away with it, bros?
Former Rogan producer Brian Redban has accused Joe Rogan of gay male rape. "It went on and on, for YEARS."
Wow. What stamina!
If what has been happening to these victims has been happening to black ladies then there would be more black starlets don’t you think?
These white women were not all Harvested yesterday, this bitch just mad no wanted to casting couch her after that shit in Vietnam.
Besides lupita nbongo, which WoC actresses have accused him?
i like how this shit has tricked hollywood women into admitting they are no talent eye candy while trying to spite muh rape culture..
lol might as well post CNN while you're at it.
He's too much of a bro-bro-dude-bro lunkhead
The only thing he cares about is UFC ju-jitsu
He's supposed to a conspiracy theorist and he can't even do that wholeheartedly
Black bitches quite literally have NOTHING to fear from non-black men when it comes to rape and sexual assault. Non-black men have absolutely no interest in general raping or sexually assaulting black women.
They were mostly goy. The tribe don't abuse their own women.
>people finally care
>implying I care
You know the jews are going to win, I've seen this enough to to know not to get involved. It would only anger me getting emotionally invested in roasties sleeping with sleazy jews for careers.
She's not from this earth, she can do whatever she wants
That's why all her sins are automatically forgiven
Uh, is this supposed to be a rebuttal? She did all kinds of propaganda for the North Vietnamese. She even conveniently apologizes for it whenever she's got a movie to promote.
The US is made up entirely of symps
This goes for Sup Forums as well
>the second jews get exposed they start attacking victims for being white
I swear to G-d you can't make this shit up
lmao no one rapes a nigger
>people finally care
no one cares slut!
I still would.
I don't really care about the casting couch situation in Hollywood.