Is this the moment South Park jumped the shark? Literally smoking crack?

Is this the moment South Park jumped the shark? Literally smoking crack?

And why does every episode tie back to making some stupid fucking dig at Trump?

>And why does every episode tie back to making some stupid fucking dig at Trump?
Because it triggers insecure manchildren every single time without fail, which both gets them talking about it and advertising it, and because its funny to watch oblivious idiots on the internet cry about a cartoon that has long taken the piss out of everything

Oh dear, smoking drugs. goodness gracious, think of the children!

Poor poor Trump ;(

Technically smoking glass familia..

Don't you remember Heroin Hero?

>And why does every episode tie back to making some stupid fucking dig at Trump?

They just try to stay relevant. They don't care anymore.

you realize most people are sick about hearing trump regardless of what side they're on right

It wasn't even critical of Trump. He just came in and blew a guy up with a satellite.

t. trump voter

Most people dont watch south park nor do they give the slightest shite about it. Vocal minority silent majority

Just started watching?

i'm very obviously speaking of people at large not south park's viewership you pedant
good argument

Your argument doesn't make any sense whatsoever and I can tell you're just grasping at straws like a butthurt drumpfy wumpfy baby

if the statement 'most people are sick hearing about trump' is above your grasp then i hope you don't reproduce
oh wait you post here haha

>And why does every episode tie back to making some stupid fucking dig at Trump?
For people who are "winning" you Trump supporters sure are fragile.

>wants to make fun of retarded Trump voters
>while acting like a retard

"most people" arent the ones enjoying anti south park butthurt nor are they the reason for his continued ridicule in the show. I have absolutely no idea how you've managed to convince yourself that this makes sense

Based on this post I have to ask, do americans really dress up as witches, drink liquor and smoke crack on halloween?

We dress up and drink, yes.
I'm actually debating on whether I should rent a tux and go to a masquerade party based on masque of the red death this weekend.

Yes, though families with small children are allowed to substitute corn sugar for crack.

As someone who works in men's formal clothing, even for a Halloween, you're better off painting yourself in dogshit than renting a tuxedo.

It's specifically a regal outfit affair

I'm not sure I believe you. Smoking crack every year would explain a lot of posts here.

This was a Mr Garrison episode.But over all last season sucked,this current one is just a continuation of last one with parts missing to sell their game.

This who Eric flanderization is shit,as well as he him hating his gf.

For losers you leftists sure do whine a lot about one man.

the fact that late night comedy show hosts ratings have gone down ever since they all started bandwagoning trump hate is pretty much a clear sign that everyone is starting to get sick of it.

This episode featured no trump.

They literally shot themselves in the foot when they redid the episode on who would win.

But glass is meth.

That said, they didn't look like they were high on crack or meth. Weird considering Matt and Trey seem to know their drugs.

South Park has sucked since the PC Principal season. By adding in an arc, they changed their show from being what was basically a comedy time capsule from that episode's news of the week to a show which has to satirize ongoing events and therefore society at large. It's the same reason The Daily Show has sucked since like 2013. It's comedy written by people who feel they have an obligation to use their platform to advocate a certain overall agenda. It's the same reason stand up comedy mostly sucks now, because everyone has bought into this idea that comedy has to "punch up." That you can't just have a bunch of vulgar jokes in a vacuum, and it's the responsibility of entertainers to reinforce a perceived public conscience. Matt and Trey are caught in the flow now, they linked their show to current events in an ongoing timeline and now they're fucked trying to navigate the safest possible takes. It's destroying their fucking comedy whether they're sincere about it or not.

are you really sure that modern media is any different than what it used to be? If I recall a lot of comedy in the 70s-90s were highly political and had obvious agendas behind it. Maybe as a kid or out of that old zeitgeist you see this old comedy as being for it's own sake. I think in 30 years people are going to be whining about comedy being too agenda and ideology driven, not like the good old days of the 2010-2020s.

I fucking hate people that say the PC Principal season was amazing. It was barely better than the Pewdiepie season, which was a god damned disaster.

I can't believe they didn't think a well spoken black guy wouldn't curb stomp a war criminal, yet thought that one of the most corrupt politicians couldn't possibly lose to a steak salesman.

>stupid fucking dig at Trump
but Mr. Garrison literally saved the town

SNL poked fun at Hillary and Clinton constantly. Try to find any media that made an attempt to make fun of Obama at any point in his eight years.

and smoked crack for 20 years and while in office

This is a different mindset though. The experiences of the 70s-90s has built up in the popular consciousness, so we're dealing with something more sophisticated. I think you're really undervaluing how much the internet has accelerated social change and social presentation and action.

But garrison saved the day, how is that a dig on trump?

how did so many brainlets miss this

>you realise (dumb generalisation) right?

no you're right keep at it you definitely won't alienate more moderates lmao

Just like how you can say that a nice end point for watching The Simpsons is when the VA for Troy McClure/Lionel Hutz died, I think a good jumping ship moment for South Park is when the VA for Chef died which I think was a few months after he quit the show.

General ratings for shows would say otherwise.

They're making fun of nazis you literal retard.
>not all witches
>we don't approve of that guy doing bad stuff
>stop saying we're all bad people because we hang out together doing witch stuff
>the president analog is shown to be sympathetic to the nazi analog and EVEN TALKS ABOUT HOW HE'S RUINING SHIT FOR EVERYBODY

God you guys are dumb.

Rob Ford .....

Matt and Trey just saw that theroux doc

But user, noone in the town even cares about the other witches. They just think it's kind of dumb to dress up as witches and get wasted. The witch hunt was all in their heads.

How are tuxedos "regal"? You'll look more like the waiters.

Wow, how fucking retarded are you?

This episode was literally an allegory of the Stephen Paddock shooting, you absolute nigger-IQ retard.

Witches = gun lovers/NRA members
One witch goes nuts and starts killing people = Stephen Paddock

>muh witch hunt
Yes, the attacks on gun rights in the wake of these kinds of attacks are tantamount to a witch hunt.
There are numerous dog whistles in this episode, especially referencing the idea of men going out for a night with the lads doing male-only stuff, and the idea that because of one bad witch everyone has to stop dressing up as witches = because of one bad gun owner, people will be banned from buying guns.

On deeper reflection I've come to the conclusion that this week's episode was genuinely quite well thought out: the episode works both as an allegory of Pedowood and the Harvey Weinstein allegations just as much as a critique of the Las Vegas shooting and its aftermath.

Witch hunt is reference to the nonsense about Russia

>he doesn't smoke crack/do hard drugs when he wants to
how fucking weak are you?

is there any other way?

>I can't believe they didn't think a well spoken black guy wouldn't curb stomp a war criminal, yet thought that one of the most corrupt politicians couldn't possibly lose to a steak salesman.

In both cases they went based on the vegas odds. Obama in 08 and Hillary in 16 were both heavy favorites to win.

Sure, the Russia narrative is indeed a witch hunt against Trump, but that is not the subject of this episode. Also, Trump is an NRA member, and is portrayed as a witch in the episode.
But if you construe belonging to this "witch club" as being involved in some Russia affair/being targeted as part of a probe on Russian collusion then it renders all the witch-related events going on in the town of South Park totally nonsensical.

the allegory works as meaning literally every situation where one outlier gets labelled as being the fault of the whole group
gun lovers
men altogether

take your pick

didn't Towlie smoke crack?

>why does 20 year old political show mock the most embarassing moment in american presidential history?

I thought he just did weed?

You couldn't be more wrong.

I love hearing people talk shit about him and hope it never stops

>Is this the moment South Park jumped the shark?
Are you serious? South Park jumped the shark YEARS ago.
That said, I kek'd at
>take the shot

This was a great episode

Towlie was on a bit of it all.

This right here. He practically saved the day in the end, idk one of these false flag threads has to be made after every South Park episode.

This episode wasn't too bad and while they are still obviously butthurt they couldn't see anyone but Shrillary Lying Clinton winning, it was just a passing reference to Trump where he ultimately saved the day.


>south park thread
>triggered drumpf tards fill it up whining
without fail

>weed is legal in colorado
>people use crack instead of weed


the witch club can also be construed as a loose metaphor for people who are secretly indulging in the very same stuff they publicly pretend to oppose, i.e. male feminists

Because this board is shit. Any movie or television discussion that happens is buried beneath Sup Forums bait threads. I voted for trump and I'm sick of the daily show and every late night talk host, but south park is so immature and unimportant that their stupid jokes don't phase anyone but the very most thin skinned anxiety-ridden internet cretins.

I didn't vote for trump (i wrote in rubio, i know cuckservative etc...), but im pretty sick of hearing about trump, especially when they talk about him during sports shows and other shit that isnt political I also change the channel when they show trump speaking because im sick of his voice too fwiw. its why i stopped watching the nfl, i dont give a shit about muh flag, its just that they talk more about racism and politics than football now, and its just too tiring for me.

>watching post 2005 south park
its like you're okay with being a dipshit braindead nigger

because Donald 'kek' Trump is an inherently ludicrous and comic figure, this has been the case for at least thirty years and is certainly not going away soon.
