Why did aussies ban this documentary?
Aussie ban
Other urls found in this thread:
source on ban?
Australia is one of the most cuckolded countries on Earth.
>no right to free speech, hate speech laws out the ass
>downright draconian gun laws
>need a license for fucking air rifles
>need a fucking license for paintball guns
>need a license for crossbows
>airsoft is banned
>LASER pointers over 1mw are banned (effectively banning the vast majority)
>fucking YO YO WATERBALLS are banned
>novelty toy-like lighters are banned
>smokeless tobacco is banned
>toys containing beads are banned
>need a helmet to ride a fucking bicycle
>plain packaging on cigarettes
>absurdly high taxation on alcohol and cigarettes
>e-cigarettes are banned
>many violent games and movies banned or censored even after the R18 was introduced
The whole world is fucked. Not just Australia.
why would this be banned in austria?
Read up on the Port Arthur Massacre of 1996, and how the subsequent governments have been cuckolding Australia more and more, since then. If you're American, you can learn from this. NEVER surrender your right to firearms.
I'm glad I live in Australia and not a place where tons of niggers wander around with guns.
not banned just cinema's refused to show it because of SJW whinging, you can still watch it on whatever streaming service you want
the lady appeared on some shows
They did? wtf?
This is on TPB, I highly recommend checking it out
Retarded lefties claimed it was (((hate speech)))
So the cinemas bowed to the screaming SJW's protesting outside?
Did they even watch it?
All it does is talk about the plight the modern man faces these days in situations like family courts.
It also showcases the insanity of the SJW's protesting mens rights. It does this in the film as well as outside the cinemas in real time.
Of course not
I unironically think the First Amendment alone makes the USA better than any other country on the planet.
I think they had a petition or something
it wasn't gonna get a wide release anyway but independent cinema and chains like Dendy refused to show it.
Agreed. I remember being disgusted when I found out a lot of other countries ban certain speech.
generally western countries have free speech until it becomes inconvenient for someone with some power to shut it down :(
They didn't ban it but the media stirred shit up over its mere exsistance. Most cinemas refused to play it for fear of being associated with "problematic" opinions.
I wish melbourne wasnt filled with fuckwits
most of these are either blatantly wrong or misleading
it isn't banned you stupid faggot.
its just that some feminists stirred up shit and some major cinemas decided not to show it as a result.
you wont be arrested for buying or watching it for fucks sake.
Yeah, they just have knives and clubs and shit.
Did you vote no?
mccarthyism shows that even if it technically exists it can just be ignored
TPB is blocked here
Just don't live in Melbourne or Sydney and you wont experience niggers
change your dns to
LMAO, all opinionated and shit on a film they haven't watched.
Quintessential feminists
Criminals still have guns and many people just buried their guns in 96
are you sure?
I can access it just fine
takes 2 seconds to put "proxy" into google and get any torrent site you want
Pretty retarded that they've actually blocked torrent websites though
Deal with it Melburnians
>McCarthy era ends
>10 years later the Oscar winner is a comedy about a gay prostitute
he literally did nothing wrong
Yeah, TPG has blocked it, dunno about other ISPs though. I can't access it.
Can you use an NZ proxy? it's all good here
>it's another make-me-laugh-with-predictable-sociopolitical-memery thread
This desu
Just spend a few bucks user
What ISP are you with?
>government website
>"blatantly wrong"
I take it you've never been to Darwin
Yeah just like every other person in the country
Fuck off Bryan Brown your ads are weak and don't convince me of shit
Abo capital mate.
Had to get a VPN
Abos are pretty different to niggers though
Just open the properties of your internet connection, click on IPv4 properties and then change your DNS server address to
fucking hell mate, I hope this shit doesn't spread across the ditch.
Make sure you're on a non-7 eyes VPN, do some research
>Giving my information to Google
Care to explain what this does?
Who and where is
Not OP but read this en.wikipedia.org
>The Guardian
These are not government sites
tfw Telstra doesn't give a shit and lets you connect just fine
I'm on telstra and get this, still never had letters about piracy from them
as if anyone would call that number
>the red pill
>no one speak trials of the free press
Two of the most satisfying documentaries you can watch from the past year.
The latter is hilarious, based Peter Thiel BTFO Gawker over a decade long grudge.
this, the fact that anybody can comfortably live in a country that is completely within their rights to arrest you for your opinion baffles me to no end
Send Crazy Noonga a message, tell him to ring that shit
>giving more information to google
ew is googles public dns server
dns is like a phone book
youre asking the DNS server what IP address thepiratebay.org lives on
if you use TPG's DNS server, it will redirect you to the denied page instead of the real thing
most internet providers don't disclose the internet history of their users to the feds because it's anti-consumerism and would hurt their finances, they only provide it if they are issued a search warrant from court because of an investigation
just use opera browser it has a vpn built in
At least we don't let gays get married ya poof yanks
nek minit
>Australia is one of the most cuckolded countries on Earth.
Imagine if ALL the power in the US was concentrated in New York and San Fran, that's essentially what happens in Australia.
you know for a country that is renown for banter and calling friends cunts and being a bunch of beer drinking kangaroo punchers, they sure are pussies when it comes to media censorship
>tfw there is literally nothing we can do about it because 70% of the country is desert
They're worse.
It's even worse when you look at our history of rising against the government for unfair things
Best way to put it is that we've become institutionalised
Australia is based, I love how the entire post 'MUH GUNS', seething seppo.
They aren't, 95% of the time they're too drunk to do anything
There are no laws protecting free speech in Australia but no one gets arrested for saying what they want. They just cop shit from the media just like America
They didn't.
Some cinemas refused to show it. Same as America.
This is true however.
And in a few weeks faggots will be allowed to marry, unless Muslims carried us over the line.
They don't get arrested like in Britain they just get sued for tens of thousands of dollars for hurting their feelings
Australia is fucked. Its illegal to defend your home and family
Regardless of how accurate it is or isn't, hard stats argue against it's legitimacy. In many countries, especially after what happened in the USA during last year's election, anything that cannot be verified by the numbers is considered nonfactual and therefore "fake news."
Now, what stats don't tell you are all the assault and rape stats that men don't report coupled with emotional abuse stats that almost never get reported either. That doesn't get a pass because no numbers.
>mfw Amerishart arse-lickers are bitching how we aren't like a failing state
Go fucking move there, if you love it so much. I'll gladly pay for your tickets.
>And in a few weeks faggots will be allowed to marry
dumb dumb the vote is only for if the government should vote on it or not
The cinemas are RUN by SJW's.
It was Dendy and some other joint. Literally like the U.S. version of Alama Drafthouse.
She got lectured by Waleed Aly about muh feminism, which is funny because he makes his bitch where a garbage sack on her head so none of his fellow Mosque attendees can rape his property.
I don't give a shit about guns, but the lack of free speech sucks beyond all belief. It was bad enough when they just banned bomb manuals and porn, but now they've made it illegal (or legally culpable) to say anything that might upset someone. The 1st Amendment is the greatest thing America ever produced.
Well...space shuttles too.
Havent they said they'll push it through before christmas if the yes vote wins?
It's not even that, its literally just an opinion poll
Niggers don't have rampant child abuse in their communities to the extent Abo's do.
>tfw Australian
>tfw one of our states made it illegal to disrespect Islam
>tfw liberals and normies say: "lol wut u care, the fine is less than a DUI"
It's like the entire concept that we've made it illegal to criticize ONE random religion, or even DISRESPECT it isn't weird to them at all.
Who's been successfully sued for thousands of dollars for free speech?
This. Australia is like America if you remove Florida, Texas, Ohio and just leave New York and L.A. in charge. It fucking sucks.
>cares more about two-men marrying than the government stealing 1 billion dollars from taxpayers to make their billionaire buddies rich AND harm the great barrier reef
Distracted, dumb Sup Forumsposters.
Not really user. The government WANTS to vote Yes, but the Liberal party knows it will kill them with their voters if they do it. So they're going to get a Yes response on the survey and then say "lel wut can we do? the people wanted it!" - which strangely isn't a strategy they use with mass non-white immigration policy making...
Yes and ALP said they'll push it through regardless of the postal vote outcome
I care more about faggots being allowed to marry than the Great Barrier Reef tbqh.
Andrew Bolt
how can one """""""""""person""""""""""""" be this fucking stupid
Are you a queer?
Even if you didn't give a fuck about the fish, we are making some Indian fucks rich on OUR TAXPAYER DIME and destroying our tourism industry.
Yet you care about two consenting adults marrying each other more
i just arrived back in australia after 6 years. theres fucking niggers everywhere these days.
who the fuck let them in. Seriously
Australia is great because it's also unnecessary.
Howard, then he banned them then Kevin Rudd allowed them in again
I started using JDownloader/Zippyshare, I get really good speeds.
and if they come for your weapons shoot them!!