W did so many people drop this?
Like millions.
W did so many people drop this?
Like millions.
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W was the season premiere so bad?
Like terrible.
Same boring shit every season with 3/4 of each season being filler episodes
Find nice village to live > oh there's a bad guy > someone dies > Rick kills bad guy
It got boring. I got up until the scene where Glenn gets his fucking head smashed in and haven't seen an episode since.
>Decide to do 16 episode seasons
>First 8 are ALWAYS filler
It doesn't help the the entire show is finding new places to live, killing the residents then leaving.
I did have some small hope with the whole neagan thing and then him killing glen but every episode after was boring trash
It's trash
maybe now they will actually have something out of sheer panic of everyone dropping it
not even piraters give a shit, its that bad, like they track torrents too
millions wanted a zombie show. what millions got was a soap opera drama with zombies sometimes walking by in the background. so millions dropped it. just look at OP's pic. no zombies. it has a fucking tiger but no zombie.
not enough lauren cohan
i'm glad it ruined the zombie genre for normies so people can start making zombies great again
>Rick's group should be dead at least 3 times over
>Rick should have been killed in at least 7-8 different scenarios
>so many filler episodes
>the only good characters are the antagonists and they lose/die in really stupid ways which wouldn't happen
The show would have been way better if the governor was made into the main character and Rick was killed in season 3
Bad directing and lots of ignorance from the higher ups at AMC. They never should have fired Frank Darabont and cut the budget. Also the comic is better.
>zombie show
>zombies stopped being a credible threat 3 seasons ago
I downloaded the new episode out of curiosity and god damn is this produced cheap as fuck. Just look at that supposed firefight at Sanctuary. It consists only of weird cuts and garbage looking cgi bullets impacting on stuff. Feels like 95% of the budget went into costumes.
1. They kill off characters as soon as they start getting interesting
2. Last season they killed off two fan favorites at the same time in the Premeire
3. The budget has gone down the toilet
4. Episodes that focus on a single side character
5. The main characters have been written to be complete retards now who shoot at FUCKING WINDOWS INSTEAD OF THE MAIN VILLAINS
It's fucking stupid that a 90lb woman can apparantly stab through a zombie's skull with a knife without any visible effort. Just makes them an absolute joke.
Engaging groups of zombies hand-to-hand should be borderline suicidal and a last resort, not something you can do without breaking a sweat.
Stopped watching at the end of season 3 and havent looked back.
Have I missed anything?
Prediciment stagnation
Nope. There's still zombies, they still aren't safe, they've made no effort to improve their lives and everyone is still angsty and miserable.
Because everyone just assumed it was just part of that endless marathon they insist on showing right before a new season.
The show itself is a zombie, shuffling around aimless and vacant.
It's the show where literally nothing happens.
Why didn't they just shoot Negan when he stood there right in front of them. I mean they were right there on a silver platter and they had scoped rifles.
Ruins the story even more because zombies are such a joke there's really no reason for human factions to keep fighting over anything. They can easily gather enough resources for everybody now that zombies are irrelevant creatures that you can corral anywhere or use as security device
>swiftly and quietly dispose of sentinels
>can hit the broadside of an exposed big guy from 20 meters
Just feels like they're repeating themselves over and over.
Negan doesn't really seem any different from The Governor, their village doesn't feel any different from the prison.
Sucks they are all living in pre-zombie houses too. You don't even get a sense of post-apocalyptic comfy where they've modified the structures and stuff, they're literally just houses. You'd think they'd fortify each house in case of raiders/zombies overrunning the walls.
Just looks like a gated community, you wouldn't know they're post-apocalyptic. They're not even growing shit in their gardens or keeping animals.
they should have broken this cycle years ago , but it seems the the budget doesnt allow for it. i dont even remember the last time we saw a city skyline , its like they are doing laps forever in rural and semi rural locations that all look the same , shit have they even done a winter shoot with some snow?
Z nation despite its flaws is a more entertaining watch.
I'd love to see zombies in the snow. You don't seem to see that very often. How shit would trying to move through locations covered in three feet of snow that will not only slow you down and make it easy for other humans to track you, but also make it possible for zombies to hide from you.
You could walk into what looks like an empty field then all of a sudden have 50+ zombies pick themselves up off the ground around you.
im guessing it's just cheaper to film in rural areas, easier to shut down roads and stuff in the middle of nowhere.
I guess they have the logic of there is more zombies where there used to be more people, but there's regularly massive swarms close by whenever the plot requires it.
The best parts of the show were when they were inbetween settlements like between the prison and the cannibals/escorting eugene.
Post-apoc shows need a sense of desperation.
Really makes you wonder what the fuck happened to the US military given that a bunch of fucking gangbangers like the Saviors or Rick's group can apparantly take out hundreds of the things with sharp bits of metal. We saw some National Guard guys who immediately got rekt by the governor and thats it. You'd think there'd be marines, airborne or special forces, any kind of military unit designed to operate independantly if neccesary, that survived and that they'd be a major player,
Magic lion
yeah, imagine having good writing in the show, it would blow everyone's mind
Walking Dead has always been a shit show that people watched only because it had great potential. After 7 shitty seasons though, it's now become clear to many people that greatness will never be achieved.
too much filler and meaningless things that dont lead to stuff happening
boring characters
Too much talking, not enough action and horror, too many niggers, too much race mixing propaganda
>Just feels like they're repeating themselves over and over.
I mean fucking look at the actual dialogue of an average season
>>We can't live like this anymore!
>>Things aren't like they used to be!
>>We gotta do X to survive!
Like really how about something interesting instead of this repetitive garbage
Negan is such a good villain he literally scared off all the normies and middle aged women
Ratings will go up again after Corl dies in episode 8. It will cause a pretty big shitstorm and make people curious about the aftermath.
What are the comic book fags saying about this season?
>using W to abbreviate "why" when we literally have the letter Y
>abbreviating "why"
Boring ass show about nothing. The zombie genre is done for now. Give it a break, nobody cares anymore.
What kills him?
The premiere was pretty bad but I still like negan and think there's moderate potential
they're shitting the bed though that's true
Comic fag here.
First episode was shit. Big surprise.
I hope this show dies so JDM and maybe Lauren Cohan can go back to Supernatural
At least they still put the creatures front and center instead of keeping them in the background 80% of the time to break the drama like TWD does
I love reading about how shit this show is. Adds to my smugness for having dropped it after s2. So many hours saved
>make a movie about a zombie apocalypse
>zombies are merely a background nuisance
>zombies are so weak that a child could wipe out a horde of them with a kitchen knife
>kill off all the interesting white characters
>replace them with boring niggers, spics and faggots
>main protagonist is a beta cuck trying so hard to be alpha
>main protagonist is always crying and threatening to grow a pair
>all couples on the show are of mixed race
>every 5 minutes a white man is shown kissing a sheboon on the lips
This guy stabs him to death in a battle at Alexandria
Carl dying and rick going craziest ever will save this show
>its like they are doing laps forever in rural and semi rural locations that all look the same
As someone that used to casually watch it years ago, this is what made me quit all together. Every fucking scene of this show looks like it was shot on the same wooded road with the same reused compounds. They have an entire country to work with; the US is one of the most geographically diverse countries in the world. Taking the characters across America would at least give the impression of variety of storytelling.
Fuck this could be good. I want to see Rick go full antihero for a while and just become more ruthless and unhinged than ever.
It could also make for a good storyline with him and Morgan, they've both lost their wife and won now and will be in the same place mentally.
I heard about it, and it felt like a cheap death for building up long dead tension.
And the zombies were the draw. not crazy humans
>Taking the characters across America
I'd like to see them in a desert, where walkers disintegrate.
I mean shouldn't the initial wave have just all rotted by now due to environment?
only jam stakes in peoples skulls after they die.
no show can be saved after 5 seasons of nothing
They forgot to buy their pair of shitting pants to shit in.
The ironic thing is they did snow in the comics and the drama aspect of the comics is more grounded. The comic is also more confronting with its violence and actually has adults swearing in it although the comics are alright it does get a bit slow and boring with the drama filler and character arc/development.
How the fuck does everybody in this show have a silencer
No Glen = no buys
Isn't that what fear the walking dead just of bunch of survivors traveling through zombie infested America. Also because it will never happen on the show due to the fact Robert going to stick with comic books story location in other words they never really leave Georgia.
>The state of Sup Forums taste
If you didn't drop this after the 3-4 episode you have a double digit iq and are no better than the normies, women or reddit boogeyman you're always shitposting about.
That's all that's on TV these days... kikes and kike wannabes.
>not dropping it by season 2
The moment it was clear the show had no intentions of creativity and was a clear cut melodrama.
If you liked season 3 watch season 6.
It feels like every time they have a good episode they have to have 6 or 7 shit ones to compensate
literally every character has the same fucking arc
>i'm a good person and in this new world we have to stick to our ethics
>no wait i have realized how hard the world is now and i had to kill a bunch of people
>now i am going to brood for an entire season because i have gone too dark
rinse and repeat. rick has been through the cycle like 3 times already
how on earth did you get through 'prison rick'
and that was almost 5 years ago iirc
been watching couple of episodes of fear the walking deads third season and have been liking it so far. The drama makes sense and characters are getting more interesting(the ones i hated in first two seasons). Now at the episode where the injuns move in. Does the quality keep up?
Can't wait for alexandria to fall and the characters get separated wasting half of season following one or two characters either crying about it or trying to find eachother.
Some of us prefer a fun zombie show over a soap opera that uses zombie attacks to break up monotony & fill in time!
*leans backwards*
*leans further backwards and winks uncontrollably*
*breaks spine and smiles while making clicking noises with mouth*
*gets closer by crawling on the ground like a snake*
*makes long and unnecessary pause while smirking and looking all around*
*touches beard*
*opens jacket*
*swings lucille on his shoulder*
*30 seconds of eye contact*
>WELL.................. YOU WILL
This is why.
>old dude behind a thick concrete slab being shot at by numerous automatic weapons
>decides to get up and run COMPLETELY EXPOSED to a car
>just so we have an excuse for one of the side characters to be left alone with negan
The writing in this show is genuinely terrible. The speeches they all give constantly are the only thing on television that genuinely makes me cringe. It's so obvious that the writers are trying to make something quotable so it becomes a meme for free marketing but they're all so over the top and rambling most of the time that I find myself just playing on my phone for 5 or 10 minutes until they shut the fuck up and let the episode start again.
Don't even get me started on that panning shot through the groups gearing up.
>hey you need some help
Literally 6th grade english class tier dialogue.
oh yeah do you like watching Sharknado too faggot?
Guys guys what if...
Chase made Sopranos 2 ... with zombies
>not enough lauren cohan
Of course, B movies aren't pretentious they're actually entertaining.
Fiction + taking itself serious = FAIL
Same boring shit every season but with more added diversity (miscegenation) and degeneracy (lesbians) each time.
Why did so many people even get into it? It's literally boring, and it always has been.
Everything after season 1 was garbage. I mean what do you expect when you swap a director whose movies had dozens of Oscar nominations (back when Oscars actually meant something and movies competing for best picture weren't simply glorified minority quotas) with some corporate yes sayers ruining on lower budget.
The fucking slogan for s2 was "Fight the dead. Fear the living."
Go be retarded elsewhere
What living were there to fear in s2? They killed like 2 dudes at a bar and Shane went crazy, but most of the season they fucked around at Hershel's farm.
I started losing interest when the mains kept getting saved by deus ex machina after deus ex machina.
After being forced to wait a whole summer to find out what happened, I wasn't gonna sit through the filler for it to happen again. I expected shit but fun shit from walking dead and it would deliver with season finales and midseason finales usually, but when they did that shitty cliffhanger, it lost all the "fun" that it had with me.
>So many hours saved
>reading about how shit this show is
I'm sure the logic of your statement is just beyond me
It just stopped being good, I watched the first episode of the new season and I'm done with this show.
It was a good run but the creators really need to let it die at the end of this season.
To be honest it should have ended three seasons ago.
>Rick gives big speech saying how Negan has to die for them to be safe
>Negan appears from behind cover and they proceed to chat with him for ten minutes
>When they finally do start shooting they shoot the windows and not at Negan until he has chance to get behind cover
Whoever is writing this shit needs to be fired
Use the letter y retard!
They fucked it up. That faggot is a terrible Negan, in the comics Negan is a dingus but he's fucking reasonable, this fucking negan however burns matress just because he can
Why would you burn them
how to make good series
>interesting characters
>plotlines that make sense
>world thats interesting
Characters stopped being interesting long time ago because they all transform into "survival" characters when other films of the end times genre have shown that other types of characters are possible, heck even resident evil is more original than twd in that aspect
>plotlines are mostly sensible but also predictable and boring (did anyone really think the assasination attempt on the one guy who keeps the show interesting is gonna work?)
>the world is BORING AS FUCK, theres no diverse factions who strive for power, theres only one type of zombie and they dont evolve in any way which makes them predictable and boring
I like some of the romance plotlines because they're different than the rest we're getting but mostly i just skip through episode cuz theres nothing interesting happening
>I like some of the romance plotlines
Rick and Michonne is probably the dumbest, most forced "romance" in tv history
>Why would you burn them
Because in a post-apocalyptic world, nothing mattress.
The show peaked during the pilot, and became utter shit after Shane died.
Season 2 is absolute pleb filter. I am sorry you didn't like it.
Killing their only doctor was also beyond retarded.
This tiger shit with kings and all is retarded
Should have gone different from comics.
Also kill Carl
I think my favorite episodes were when Rick and co. first get to Alexandria and they're a bunch of feral savages compared to the citizens
How they deal with whisperes