If arwen had to give up her immortality to be with aragorn, why did her dad show her a flash back of her grieving aragorn's death? wouldn't she have lived as long as him if she turned mortal?
If arwen had to give up her immortality to be with aragorn...
I think you have it backwards. He tries to spook her by showing she's immortal and will grief for him, so she gives up her immortality
Wat. She died a year after Aragorn did, at the ripe old age of 3000 or something.
She didn't give up her immortality to be with him, she gave up her chance to leave with the other Elves and return West across the ocean. She died from heartbreak, not old age.
Why wasn't Bilbo sucked into the shadow realm when he used the ring for his little disappearing act?
they just didnt show his pov
Bilbo reappearing in his house didn't strike me as someone who had just been terrified by a giant fiery eye.
>She didn't give up her immortality to be with him
Elves weren't going to be immortal in Middle Earth anyway- they had to sail west if they wanted to keep living.
Sauron hadn't returned in power at that point. Remember that he is the necromancer practicing in dol Guldur. I think that's why the Ring was less outright dangerous for mortals to keep during the time of the Hobbit and before. Gollum was able to wear it in the tunnels with no real I'll effects other than it galling him if he kept it too close for too long.
The time that Bilbo puts on the ring to escape his own party and Frodo first wearing the ring is separated by about 20+ years.
Sauron gains a lot of power in that 20 years.
yea but only nerds know that. everyone else thought it was just like three days max
Isn't Aragorn like a super human?
Hes descendant of the ancient humans that were 7ft tall and had long life. He lived for 200years but Idk if he was a big guy though.
he definitely was for you
For you.
Also, it seemed like Aragorn was able to hide his power level. There are a few points in the books where the Hobbits realize how kingly he is. Also when he meets Eomer, they notice how much taller Aragorn is.
100% wrong
Their immortality wouldn't fade, but their bodies would. These elves were called "Lingerers". Invisible spirits that would continue to roam nature for eternity. Only in Valinor was this process halted indefinitely. Thranduil and his people most likely became these unless they eventually sailed west.
Yes, he ran solidly for three days and nights and was fully expecting to fight a mob of orcs at the end of it.
His ancestors used solid steel bows and, along with the Elf king, managed to win a 2 v 1 duel with Sauron, a magically empowered demi-god.
>when he meets Eomer, they notice how much taller Aragorn is
Must have bad posture.
I'm looking through the wiki and it says aragorn and eomer are both 6'6. In fact nearly even male character is 6'4 or "tall". apparently gandalf is 5'6 though. i think the elves are all 6'
The wiki or the gateway? Gateway is accurate.
The Rohorrim spend most of their time on horseback or toiling in the fields. So they probably had a sort of bowlegged swagger and a hunched posture when they walked around. Not much unlike the orcs actually.
I'm checking both the tolkein gateway and one wiki to rule them all.
The middle earth history is kinds confusing. Im reading that there are dark elves, middlemen, lesser folk, greater folk.. apparently numerians were all chads who subjugated the middle men of middle earth.
Its possible I've misremembered and the comparison was actually Aragorn with Boromir. The point is, the Hobbits (as well as others) don't recognize his glory when he hides it, such as when he is Strider or travelling as one of the fellowship.
Its just a fucking movie you nerd faggot
>Its just a fucking movie you nerd faggot
It's actually literature, that's even how you spell it, thanks spellcheck.
That's not true, you faggot.
You are right but this is not at all obvious from the movie
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Arwen is descended from some elf bitch that chose a mortal life and the gods were so moved by it that they let her family do the same.
Every half-elf is related to the first miscegenators.
Aren't Arwen and Aragorn technically something like 30th cousins? Arwen being Elronds daughter and Aragorn being the great-great-great (...) grandson if Elros?
holy fuck i just finished extended return of the king.
the last 30 minutes are all in slow motion. my head is killing me
>"that retard is right behind me, isn't he?"
technically his great(x30)-aunt I think
>She died from heartbreak
Ooba ooooba
so what was arwen's star necklace?
It really goes to show what a masterpiece this trilogy was when it's still being discussed this extensively to this day. Memery or not.
Something like this will never be made again
>Aren't Arwen and Aragorn technically something like 30th cousins?
Yes. But you're probably more closely related to some random dude on the street than they are.
Well I don't go around fucking random dudes in the street
your loss
Just a fancy jewel that ended up fulfilling a prophecy in gondor.
When aragorn went to the house of healing he refused to announce himself (because reasons), and the people of the city referred to him as "elf stone" for the broach. There was some ancient prophecy about the return of the king being known by such a name.
they needed something physical to represent the abstract concepts of arwen's love/immortality. its just a regular necklace
But that doesn't happen in the movie, that long doesn't pass.
Arwen's parents were also distantly related. Like, Elrond was the son of Earendil, who was the son of Idril, daughter of Turgon, son of Fingolfin. Fingolfin was the brother of Finarfin, who was Galadriel's dad, who was Celebrian's mum. I'm pretty sure Aragorn's parents must have been related in some way too, since his line was the last of the pure ones or something.
It replaced the Elessar, a green magical stone that belonged to Idril, Elrond's grandma. Or, in true Legendarium fashion, it might have been the Elessar that was remade for Galadriel, who gave it to her daughter Celebrian, who in turn gave it to her own daughter, Arwen. They end up related anyway.
damn son, do you have whole lotr family trees memorized?
I'm actually surprised I remembered desu, I haven't been too involved with Tolkien stuff in the past two or so years, although I did finish rereading Fellowship last week.
Based arda historian
> In fact nearly even male character is 6'4 or "tall"
Someone make "The virgin man of westeros" vs "the chad man of westernesse"
sure it will, with a 40% black cast in 5 years when people forget about the hobbit movies
LOTR gave me an elf fetish, among others.