I thought it was a bit dishonest to pretend like he didn't know his employees were using hard drugs often.
Your thoughts on his new show?
He looked like he was absolutely shitting himself in some scenes, even when he met that London drug dealer who he was like a foot taller than, clear crackles in his voice and not really asking many pressing questions.Even worse when he walked into that Honduran murder den, visibly bricking it.I get that he's no Louie Theroux, but Jesus Christ, they're not going to let you die on camera.
I know I’ve had a manager ask for coke a time or two in the kitchen. He knew.
There was a radio 4 doc could months ago talking about the issue. If you're a chef the likelihood that you are on hard drugs or know of another chef on hard drugs is literally like 80%.
>literally 80% of head chefs know another head chef who uses coke, heroin, etc etc
Gordon "Needs to be on TV" Ramsay
he needs to go back to yelling at fatties and housewives
his tough guy act isn't going translate well in the real world
>I-it's frozen, chef
>dude cocaine is bad but alcohol and tobacco are fine
police state garbage, as expected of uk
lol as if he's never done coke
when he went to his managers with the coke swabs I pissed myself laughing
"people are using coke in the business"
>"wuh?! whaaaaat? we had nooooooooo idea!
literally so obvious that they were bluffing. hospitality managers are the biggest cokeheads of all, they cant even function without cocaine.
>I've done it therefore everyone has!
typical drug user response
hotel hell is best show because it's gordon trying to be genuine, instead of just being genuine. fake fucker, i read your biography, failed soccer player. wuss. heroin brother, deadbeat dad, "mum" who could cook a little mac and cheese
it's like sex. some people are addicts, some do it once, but everybody fucking tries it
no, they don't
alcohol is worse than coke imo
coke doesnt make you jump off the top of a building like he claimed in the first episode they just needed a narrative for the documentary
everyone has done coke and weed tho
No they don't, probably voted Trump too lmao.
yes they do lad
It was a bit much when they handed him a gun and he shot all 3 sicario
I guess you don't know many people then
You must be an east coast fag or an aussie or some shit