He's right you know

He's right you know.

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Why did so many professional movie critics have a problem with The Passion of the Christ?

Hollywood is Christphobic

>movie critics are hollywood


Someone post the smuggie

Well Jews hate Jesus more than anyone so not surprising. It's a shit movie regardless

ciao r#ddito!


I will pray for his soul

(((they))) were pissed that the movie painted (((them))) as the villains.
They DID order Jesus crucified tho,

>It's a shit movie regardless

Too much torture porn.

You're right. Fucking Sup Forumstards.

The fact that he's Jewish has nothing to do with the fact that he hates this movie for accurately adhering to the gospels, even though the Pope said "it is as it was" after seeing the movie. The fact that all four gospels point the finger at the Jews as responsible for the betrayal and crucifixion of Christ probably has nothing to do with why this critic hates it, even though movies such as Schindlers List has plenty of needless violence and sex yet the Israelis threw a shitfit when tv channels broadcasted it at a later time slot because of the mature content.

((( )))

why do none Christians always feel like the have any right to speak about Christianity?

jesus was known for beating up creedy money-grabbers aka the kind of people that work in every entertainment industry

>if i was a jew i would approve the Holocaust


i called him a redditor because he clearly doesnt know who jonathan rosaenbaum is, just like you clearly dont know who jonathan rosenbaum, just like probably 99% of this rebbito infested board also doesnt know who jonathan rosenbaum is
if you did, than you would never assume that he would hate/like a movie because of hidden agendas, since he is a guy who praised the phantom menace when almost everyone else hated it, and it's also the only sw movie he gave a positive review
not to mention that your "humour" is pathetic to say the least and it stinks to high heavens of upboats aswell
It's something only a completely braindead moron would find anything but obnoxious, which you clearly are since you reference the pope, and in a positive aswell
in conclusion kys

(((I don't know)))

reddit is ponyphobic af though

It was a pretty bad movie that panders to muh jesus mouth breathing retards.

t. Nosebergyahu Foreskingrabberstein

No one here has denied that it is a pornographic bloodbath
No one has denied this is bad
Instead you attack the critic for disagreeing with you
That says something very interesting

Call it "Captain America: Passion of the Christ" and this Jew would have loved it.

I know you underages don't remember, but when this movie came out, it was non-stop campaign of "muh evil Christians" in the media. But people showed up in droves and it made a huge amount of money. It was like Hillary's campaign in box office numbers.


I was raised Catholic and went to a parochial grade school

Every Friday during Lent we were made to go to a special church service where they did the Stations of the Cross - an hour-ish long meditation on all the tortures the Bible says Jesus endured on the day of the crucifixion

POTC is like a Disney movie in comparison

Isn't he literally trying to speak for christians, though?

Why did you bring some shitty sci-fi movie into an argument about religion, jewish tribal agenda and Jesus, you fucking imbecile?


It was kinda silly, dude. Way too much attention brought to bloodiest parts of Jesus' life, and that Satan walking around? It took itself too seriously for what it was doing, good Jesus movies either focus on his teachings or subverting the audience's expectations on him, but this one thought the most interesting part was the whip

Is this an American thing? What the heck

The beauty of the Passion is that Christ takes upon himself all the evil of the world and man in the form of torture, treachery, betrayal, slander etc. and offers forvgiveness and mercy in return. Its is an example for us to follow.

These people only know hate and slander.

Truly a BvS of Bible movies.

Get your zionist BS to leftpol, scum.


Those jews did much worse to God and you should watch all this and feel ashamed
Theyre doing the same shit even today you know. They just learned how to hide.

this board isn’t for underage, fuck off.

>oy vey, goyim, it’s too violent. Watch this Oscar-nominated Tarantino film instead!

He and Dave Kehr are the most annoying old movie reviewers

His Passion and Resurecction are the most important parts of his ministry. They offer hope and salvation to mankind and show the full extent of Christs ministry

These critics are modern relativists who like Jesus as give it or take it teacher rather than the living embodiment of God.

the movie is trash, but if you're a retarded christian you'll defend and consume all shit that has a cross on it or that seems controversial/pro christian.

If there was no controversy no one would have watched the movie, but now Christians can feel like they're defending the faith by defending this shitty movie

that's why Christians followers are called the flock or sheep, because they're just canon-fodder, replaceable trash

>Zero actual criticisms, just an autistic screed against Christians

Because non-Christians can spell.

God be with you, brother, you're gonna need Him

did inglorious win some awards if so that is funny hindsight

*if you're a retarded romancucktholic

people don't realize that christianism isn't all about christmas flicks

lol christcucks

gee i dont know user but something tells me it has something to do with big noses and rubbing hands and also ((( )))

I can tell you're fat or have a micropenis.

I love Mad Melvin but The Last Temptation of Christ is the clearly superior movie

Pirates of the Carribean?

based mel didnt hold back on the jews in it and it triggers them

she has a point

oy vey

That movie is laughable.



I guess we'll never (((know)))

it's not a "problem" for them

it's more like kryptonite

American Christians love primitive pornographic bloodbaths.

>Lisa (((Schwarzbaum)))

REALLY makes my cranium crinkle

how do these names get more and more jewey?

Excellent bait. At least I hope that's what it is and not the ramblings of the most bluepilled faggot on Sup Forums

I was hoping he was baiting. Nobody is this stupid.

What did Ms. Schwarzbaum mean by this?

I'm an atheist and I think this movie is fantastic. Hacksaw Ridge is also great.

>le blue pill xDDD

Which would be a more entertaining movie: Jack Sparrow being crucified or Jesus on a swashbuckling adventure?

Sup Forums turned shit when the unironic Christians showed up.

the best part was pontius pilate

Mel Gibson is a hack of a director. He's awful. Hacksaw Ridge was fucking retarded for example.

This is as inaccurate as atheists who say, "Christianity held science back thousands of years."

It's a tedious waste of time that Mel tries to pass as art.

Fuck off kike

All you anti-Christian faggots are Zionist Jewish shills so fuck right off

I'm an agnostic, ya goon.

You're ethnically Jewish you're not fooling anyone

Don't bully jonathan

Tell that to my penis.

>Why are the people who sentenced him to death portrayed as evil?
>Why is the movie about the gruesome torture and execution of Christ so violent?
>Why is this historical movie so historically correct?

And you're a stupid, needy fuck-up who wants to believe he's "fighting the Jews" on the internet, what's your point? Certainly you're no genuine Christian.

>actual plebs don't know what a Passion Play is
The intent of the movie was to play up the suffering your sin causes upon God. People have been performing this show for over a thousand years.

it's a Hostile-tier film torture porn film but it has Jesus Christ in it so all of our local Reaganite contrarians have to defend it.

:runs up late:
based mel amirite melbros? mel-kino, /ourguy/ based. women and the racially impure unbellyfeel

I'm more Christian than you ever will be and you're the fuck up here you faggoty dumb Jew

Seeing whipping scene as a kid made me shed a tear and think about my sins, even though I wasn't religious. People referring to it as porn are sick in the head.



is there a more pathetic ideology that cuckstanity?


sounds like a non-Christian

>Let me tell you about your religion...


>an epiphany of excess
What a remarkably meaningless set of words, compared to just admitting that the movie is supposed to create guilt over hurting God

>Way too much attention brought to bloodiest parts of Jesus' life
>It took itself too seriously

>that Satan walking around?
>this one thought the most interesting part was the whip

>good Jesus movies either focus on his teachings
>or subverting the audience's expectations on him

these contradictions are hilarious

I liked it

at least one, user


will we ever see a realistic vision of the life of (((Yeshua)))?

The point of the movie was to create guilt over the way man harms God. This is not a new story nor is it Mel Gibson's vision, Passion Plays have been performed for over a thousand years and are probably the most common performance over that period. Complaining that this movie should have told a different story or interpreted your favorite vision of the Son of God is remarkably meaningless, because the movie is merely a modern depiction of an incredibly important part of a religion's story. The only reason people get all touchy and personal about 'why didn't he tell a better part of the story' is because they're personally offended by it's implications and they're trying to downplay the reality of the way man creates suffering unto God in a religion they don't even belong to.

holy fuck i wish the unabashedly "kekistani" redditors who invaded Sup Forums would neck themselves