Ultron is the new Pym

>Ultron is the new Pym
>Nadia is the new Wasp
>Raz is the new Giant Man
>Cassie is the new Stinger
>Darren is the new Yellowjacket
Was 2016 a good year for the Ant-Family?

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Is pym built for sex?

>>We will never have superior pym tron about ultrons and pym bonding and sorting out there problems in space


Was it a good year for anything in Marvel?

>>Ultron is the new Pym
It was a good idea, that could have generated some good strories. But in the end it was all for nothing, because they realised no one really cares about Hank Pym. I hope they leave him dead for a while
>>Nadia is the new Wasp
I just don't know what she is doing in the Avengers book. My guess is that soon she will be demoted to some young team like the Champions
>>Raz is the new Giant Man
The nerdy gay muslim. Could it be more sjw than this?
>>Cassie is the new Stinger
Cassie should've stayed dead.
>>Darren is the new Yellowjacket

What a rip, Pym doesn't look anything like Michael Douglas

>Cassie should've stayed dead.

Hey. Fuck you, man. I've been waiting years for this.

Wait, Cassie is alive again?

Yeah. Happened in one of the Axis tie-ins.

>Cassie is the new stinger
But I liked her as stature...

Cassie is a good character, great on serving her purpose on the character development of Scott Lang, but she should never have become a superhero.

I simply don't see the point in this.

It's the same stupid ideas as, I don't know, turning Gwen Stacy a superhero

I really wish Pym had just died so that Marvel can't rape his character anymore. He's the only schmuck in 616 whose not allowed character development to stick. They completely threw away all his progression in the 80's and 90's during West Coast Avengers.


At least an extended Ant family makes more sense than all the damn Spider powered people that are roaming around.

Pym at least had a family, invented like 20 different costumes for himself alone, and his powers can be shared pretty easily.

But I do wish Marvel would give it a rest with inventing 5-6 new people with the same powers and gimmick each year.

Didn't Ultron just commit genocide and tell everyone he was an Avenger?

Hank Pym got shafted hard. He was a founding Avenger who had a genuine issue, being bipolar. I liked his mental issues an Avengers A.I. sort of dealt with it. I was hoping PymTron would give use some cool stories about the dormant evil in Hank and how he had always had to overcome it, but instead hack writers just blew their load for a quick buck.

Well he did it with Hank's face, but yeah. I think that's why that alien invasion everyone keeps talking about is coming.

Hank Pym is why I stopped following capes closely. After years of having him be the only character I could actually relate to cause of mental bullshit I realized that nobody gives a shit about that instead they want cute Muslim girls and gay fat chicks doing stupid pointless cutesy shit.

>>Raz is the new Giant Man
What book is he in right now?

I agree. Pym should have been a background character before the big Ultron reveal. They rushed the story and the reveal too much.
If it happened over a span of two or three years, with clues being dropped, and a mystery building, it would have been a huge moment.

Instead, they just wanted to write out Pym to make the comics more like the movies.

>movie synergy
I don't understand how this is ever good. Like, sales gained from people who are interested in a series after a movie or show cant be that big, right? And it never has once made for a compelling story. So what's the point?

Plebian! It's just the first step towards the real future of the marvel universe: MC2.

Personally I think Cassie's great as a hero. Finally adds some competence to the Ant Family

It's a tactic to get new readers. Make it more like the version everyone knows, and new readers will be able to easier understand it. It makes it easier for older readers to describe it to people.

The trade off is that it can destroy legacies, ongoing character arcs, and interrupt current stories, or rewrite continuity, which can alienate a (previously) loyal fan base.