Who is the best living director?
Who is the best living director?
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get Scorsese the fuck out of that reddit picture. My lord.
Tarantula is the most consistent.
george lucas
consistently bad
villeneuve fucking easily. Guy has made no bad movies. They're all fine to fantastic
he hasn't made a bad movie though.
the only thing he was really bad in was From Dusk till Dawn, but that was a bad movie over all.
how is that even a question?
>Guy has made no bad movies.
He made like a half dozen forgettable movies. BR2049 is literally his best one.
>fine to fantastic
None have been bad.
Sorentino or Wong Kar Wai.
These are good craftsmen, but not artists.
Sicario had one of the worst scripts of a supposedly "good movie" I had ever seen. Prisoners is full of worthless symbolism that drags the movie down below "fine". Incendies has hackneyed edgy plot twists and a Nolanesque fractured narrative that is frustrating as it is cliche'd. Arrival has no wonder to it whatsoever for a movie about aliens. Also a fractured Nolan-narrative.
I really enjoy Nolan and Villeneuve, but if I was going to sit down and relax and I had to pick a movie from each of their catalogs, personally I'd probably pick Fincher.
His steely look and camera work just resonates with me for some reason.
>He also makes me want to eat
either David Lynch or Werner Herzog obviously.
>From Dusk till Dawn
Holy shit, kill yourself
you're right, how can we take someone seriously who never directed 98% CGI capeshit
Fuck off Jay, it's not a good b-movie, and it's not a so-bad it's ironically good movie. It's just a pile of shit.
tell me why it's good, and what you would say when rec'ing it to somebody.
dennis is the best
full on kino status
beyond kino
David Lynch with Jodorowski as a quick second.
this guy
yeah but he's a hack
Bernardo Bertolucci
Leos Carax
Andre Techine
Michael Bay
Dennis Villenueve
Mel Gibson
Walter Hill
Robin Campillo
Zack Snyder
>David Lynch with Jodorowski
bela tar, kar wai wong, haneke, kiarostami, herzog
this is one of the best things Sup Forums ever produced
Obviously Darren Aronofsky, he gets a lot of shit but only stupid plebs who don't understand symbolism hate my movies.
kino non-stop
fucking fight me boys. These directors have some good shit and are way better than the others mentioned in this thread. (except for a couple that Idk but yeah)
>hey guys im a director just to fuck lead actresses im paying
>i also look like a total jew and evil personified but its ok
You need to kill yourself.
I'm not saying that they're worse than anyone mentioned here, but:
>near the top at any directors list
I don't hate your movies, but I wish you could hire some writers and make another movie as good as The Wrestler.
You have good skills, but when it comes to writing, you treat your audience as retards.
I've only seen 3 of his movies, but Holy Mountain and El Topo are definitely better than any alive Hollywood directors' movies. I heard he's gone to shit recently but still, overall, I'd say he's one of the best alive.
Jodorowsky is worthless once you've absorbed all his hamfisted metaphors and symbols. Afterwards he becomes less than a B-movie schlock director.
I agree with you on Lynch but jodorowski sucks cock and I'm pretty sure he's why you are getting such flak
Spielberg should be on that list to be honest, despite what Sup Forums says.
They're not really better, he made movies to impress real artists and failed, lived through artfag praise and gets credited to much for a movie it doesn't even exist.
David Lynch.
I really don't know why he would be so hated. I definitely think he's better than the blade runner guys and everyone on OP's picture. I can see that he might be a bit hack-y, but I still think his messages are profound.
I dislike the pretentiousness. Symbolism that doesn't really mean anything genuine.
I disagree. I don't think he was there to impress artists. He's definitely a visionary in my book
Spielberg popularised the assembly line movie making technique.
You can be a visionary and still suck.
He hasn't made a bad movie. His weakest in recent years was A.I. and that was still critically praised for some reason.
Update this meme, user. Where the fuck is Snyder?
It's easy to be consistent when you've made the same movie 8 times, never showing any interest in innnovating yourself in any way.
I think it works better when you include the 6 most overrated directors of all time like OP. no snyder
This is probably the correct answer.
yeah but I'd rather be a subpar visionary than a pseudo-intellectual tha
Aliens sucks though
Marty > Christopher > David > James > Quentin > Dennis
Fucking A
It's mostly surface-tier commentary on things without real solutions/great insights
Santa Sangre is his best movie because it revels in the genre
Are you stupid? Are you THIS stupid? Hahahahahaha everybody laugh at this guy hahahahaha
>he directed Crystal Skull
Fuck, I was totally wrong. Jesus christ, why did he get involved with that steaming turd?
>Nolan has yet to make a movie that is above okay/alright
>Dennis is consistently good
>Fincher bounces between okay and "only watch once at most"
>Scorsese hasn't made a good movie since Bringing Out the Dead
>Tarantino is a boring copycat playwright who hasn't made anything exciting since Kill Bill
>Cameron is the human happy meal of directing
>Cameron is the human happy meal of directing
>an american classic with something new each time
>t. collects toys
Malick ya dinguses
I mean, you made the happy meal analogy, my tumblr posting friend.
>faps to Korean gayboys
>faps to jap futa
Unironically Refn
>Werner Herzog
muh documentaries
all western english speaking hacks LMAO
there would be like maybe 10 in the top 100 of modern directors, the west english speaking countries hasn't been making kino since 2000
Phantom Thread Anderson
you're forgetting BFG too
wim wenders
1. Visionary 2. Precision 3. Intense and Intriguing 4. Storyteller 5. Reddit 6. Massive Undertaker/Adventurous
Which one would you would hire to shoot porn?
the only correct answer
>would you would
shit, typing with one hand, sorry
the top three are all precision to be honest, the most clean concise crisp directors almost ever alive, so i would like to modify that
His movies are RIDDLED with continuity, choreography and visual errors
Probably Sokurov or Tsai
i can only think of one movie with choreography error, what else?
and id like to say that fincher likes to keep his stories focused on character, his films don't seem to focus on the grand scale in the narritive sense, the themes do obviosuly like any movie
Why is David Duchovny there?
Particularly in his action sequences, Nolan is very bad at visual continuity.
The Dark Knight Trilogy is a mess on the technical level. And that's dismissing the writing.
i hate jews and pedophiles but it's honestly Spielbergo
last link to the great American directing tradition
you mean just the final installment, which i'll agree there. What's wrong with his writing in the trilogy?
what visual continuity problems?
Who the fuck watches Herzog for his documentaries? His Kinski collaborations are where it's at.
No. Parts Begins, and during some parts of the training montage and particularly in the ending train/city meltdown sequence, there are a lot of continuity and visual errors regarding space. TDK has that truck chase sequence, where many of the cop cars phase in and out of existance, even switching the underground roads between cuts. Then the actual fist fights are terribly coordinated. TDKR is obviously the worst of the three movies.
The Nolans' writing in general varies from competent to really really bad.
It's simple really.
Ask yourself a question, "if I were to find myself in a desert island and I could only bring one director's kinography to watch, whose would I chose?"
And the answer is Scorsese
Consistently terrible
My man Dennis
The top three are cut from the same imdb fedora culture cloth
Arrival was bad
but then again the short story is gay as fuck so Dennis did decent with what he had
>Incendies has hackneyed edgy plot twists and a Nolanesque fractured narrative that is frustrating as it is cliche'd
You know that to be cliche'd there has to be things similar, right?
> PT Anderson
> Bong Joon-ho
> Chan Woo Park
> Haneke
> Herzog
> Refn
> Scorcese
> Zvyagintsev
maybe Curon, Iñárritu, and Del Toro?