Deckard isn't a repli-
Deckard isn't a repli-
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oh shit
How does he grow old and not die from his 4 year killswitch?
I want to holds hands with Rachel
Because they wanted to put him in the sequel
Unused shot that was not included in the original theatrical cut.
Everyone is a replicant according to this stupid theory.
older models didnt have a killswitch
I always assumed he was a special replicant, part of the same test replicants he encounters and those dont have kill switches because "more human than human"
Where in the movie is this mentioned?
I’ll wait.
"Deckard is a replicant" is just some stupid twist Ridley Scott wanted to add to his movie years later. He literally shoved in unicorn footage from another movie to prove his point and make a retarded connection with the origami at the end of the movie.
She seems like she would be a great dominatrix
This is incidental and barely noticeable where it's quite obviously intentional in Deckard's case
Deckard and Rachel were Nexus 7s. Perhaps the only two. Notice the model numbers skip right from 6 (those on the loose in the original) to 8 (the rouge ones K hunts in 2049) to 9 (K himself) to potentially 10 (the female replicant prototype Wallace kills)?
Are replicants androids or genetically enhanced and lab-bred humans?
her eyes were gr-
Medicalfag here, that guy has just had cataract surgery. Your eyes shine white like that because of the artificial lenses.
R. Scott differentiated it from cataract eyes by making them orange/red. I'm absolutely sure that's where he got the inspiration from because repl. eyes look EXACTLY like cataract eyes but the wrong color.
harrison accidentally stepped into the light that made her eyes glow
They are genetically enhanced and lab-bred humans in the movie.
They are androids in the book. They're even called "andys".
no he used a special type of backlighting lens technique
>Visual medium
>Visual ques important to storytelling
>Approve visual errors
the latter, that's why there's so much stuff on genetics. Like the snake skin
I haven't seen the sequel yet
This is the most retarded/disappointing part of 2049 for me.
Like how is it even a question if replicants are sentient if they're organic? It's a much more fun philosophical problem if they're totally artificial, then it's more like can humans really create sentience independent of nature?
They appeared green in the monitor
they are totally artificial, each part grown from scratch and put together into what is indistinguishable from a human. thats the point
I actually read the book but can't remember most of the story it tells, only some bits here and there.
>Tyrell Corp. pyramids were an iconic thing to behold from the original BR
>BR49 has then dark and derelict while in the shadow of the Wallace Corp building which is 6 times higher
I've watched Bladerunner many times and I still don't know where this "Deckard is a Replicant" bullshit came from.
yeah the whole point of bladerunner is to blur the lines even more by using artificial humans instead of just robots.
Also, robots have already been done to death.
*newer models
He has a memory or dream about a unicorn
The origami animal Gaff leaves at his apartment is a unicorn, implying Gaff knew about Deckard's dream like Deckard knew about Rachel's memories, implying it's implanted
>Muh there's only 1 edition of Blade Runner, so you're going to say his inner monologue's canon too.
>where does that idea come from?
>it comes from this version of the film
Yes it was
I always thought it was very obvious desu.
because he's not a Nexus 6 you retard
>He literally shoved in unicorn footage from another movie
no lol
He's also a replicant blade runner one of the new models and purposefully chosen to fit the same profile as Harrison Ford.
it wasn't even a real unicorn it was just a horse with a prosthetic horn. what a hack
>it's extremely difficult to tell a human from a replicant apart from a long polygraph-like Q&A session
>oh yeah they also have glowey eyes
Scott used lighbulb above camera to achieve the effect of replicant eyes. Most likely in these scene he tried to lit up Sean Young's eyes, butFord's eyes reflected the light as well. Meaning, it wasn't intentional
it was literally written into one of the cuts for the film with scenes.
I believe the 'glowey eyes' are just a visual que for the viewer.
he believes the 'glowey eyes' are just a visual queue for the viewier
The whole thing doesn’t make sense if he’s a replicant.
Why do they need a test if you can clearly tell from their eyes?
There isn't just one part of the eye that has color, what we call eye color is the result of looking at several layers of pigmented cells at varying depths. This is why green or hazel eyes are sometimes said to "change" color based on lighting conditions. The brown color is closer to the surface and dark, so there isn't much change based on lighting. Similarly, blue eyes have less pigment that is deeper in the iris. There is no blue pigment, blue eyes are blue for the same reasons the sky looks blue. This can change in different lighting, varying from grey to blue. The intermediate state of green or hazel eyes in these factors (depth and density of pigment) mean they seem to change more than brown or blue, based on lighting conditions. The green to brown range of hazel eyes is perceived as a bigger spectrum than that of blue eyes that go from grey (more like light blue) to a richer blue.