Jews routinely shit on Passion of the Christ for being too violent and gratuitous

>jews routinely shit on Passion of the Christ for being too violent and gratuitous

did you get that for killing 60 million jews?

it was a comedy tho

how is that better instead of worse?

>religious drama vs exploitation film

Are you fucking retarded?


Holy shit how can you think these are even remotely comparable. IB is a Tarantino alternative history film. It has some genuine moments but for the most part it's a fun movie. Passion of the Christ was made with the intent of being a historically accurate, serious exploration of the last days of Jesus' life. They can't be compared at all.

its literally their culture to be overly sensitive and overly passive aggressive


>phoneposter is a shitposter
wowowowowowowow what a shock

is that a meme to think he said "bravely" ?

>Passion of the Christ
>historically accurate

Don't tell anyone though

Imagine how funny it would be for a Jap to say this. It would come out as bravery. LOL

>Passion Plays are exploitative
Yeah its such an insult to depict the brutal sacrifice of God at the hand of corrupt humans. It should have been a movie about how fun it was.

They don't shit on it because it's too violent and gratuitous, they shit on it because there's nothing to it beyond being violent and gratuitous.

Last Temptation of Christ is the absolutely superior Chirstkino but you Sup Forumsfags don't even watch non-meme movies so you probably never heard of it.

It's almost like the movie is meant to work with the audience's relationship with thousands of years of established religion instead of being heretical fanfiction.

Honestly I don't like where this thread is going. Jews have been kicked out of hundreds of countries throughout history. I think at this point in modern times, Jews have earned immunity status, free from criticism. The hatred towards them is virtually unwarranted in every instance. Let me guess you believe that race is real too, huh? Fucking retard loser Fascist neckbeards can't comprehend that genetic make up is entirely socially constructed. Also, IQ testing was created by undercover Klansman. Do you still believe IQ is an accurate measure? It's 2017 right now, the dinosaurs called and want their ideology back.

That being said, Jews can portray anybody in their movies in any which way they please.

>it's almost as if the movie has no merit beyond wanking off christians about their amazing god child instead of being a fascinating and far more human look at Jesus Christ

>Religious Drama
Nice one Mel

It's true, wealthy religious business owners and masters of industry are some of the most persecuted people out there. Just look at what they have to live with, people to this day will still apply scrutiny and harbor personal interpretations of their character, as if a legacy of conflict doesn't vindicate a person from judgement or something. Honestly being a Jew in 2017 is one of the hardest things to be in this world. They even have to give eachother tens of thousands of dollars just for hitting puberty in order to make up for it.

It's sad when a film and television board can't understand something simple like Inglourious Basterds. Granted it's a bit more subversive than normal for Tarantino. Not straightforward revenge movie like Django

It's almost as if simply depicting the well-known events of a two thousand year old religion drives people into hysteria wishing it could have provided a 'fresh take' on the most popular story ever told.

People here stopped caring about television and film. They're only here for epic memes and political shitposting

For a second I thought you were retarded because the dude you replied to replaced "t" with "l", not "r". Then I remembered there is not "t" in bravery. And then I realised
IM retarded

Think he shit his pants?

He does look like a coward.

>It's not a religious drama because it was bad
That's not how it works user