harvey and martin are /ourguys/
Based Martin laying it down like it is
Goodbye career
You can't lose your career if you didn't have a career
I find it pretty funny that women are complaining about the casting couch being 'sexist' towards them while completely missing that none of the women involved deserved their roles at all, they aren't being exploited they are just being given free roles on account of having a vagina - roles that would have been given to more talented actresses if the playing field was equal.
That's not to say execs are blameless but seriously the only people who lose out from ending the casting couch culture are shitty actresses who only get roles by sucking dick - and I guess a few execs who don't get to fuck as many women per day anymore, but they are already rich I don't see why they care.
>his dog show
>Trekking with Clunes show
>Doc Martin
>the inevitable Men Behaving Badly reunion episode
OMG. I can't believe he's not virtue-signalling. I feel sick!
How long before the inevitable apology? 3 days max
he's so obviously correct
>half of them claim that they spurned Harvey's advances, but still ended up getting the roles
yeah okay sure
he said it in The Sun, the most triggering paper of all.
he wont be apologising soon
Cara delevigne being the prime example
Talented actresses lose out as they're overlooked for actresses that are prepared to suck dick (ever notice how weak the performances in the running for best actress are compared to the performances for best actor?)
The problem is that these girls are surrounded by people telling them what they want to hear, so they think that they must be the talented actresses that are losing out on roles, hence why they want to end the casting couch
Cara got her roles through nepotism though, I actually doubt she had to sleep with anyone
I doubt a personal shopper and a property magnate would hold much sway over execs
Well her story didn't make sense, she had a meeting at the hotel, and Harvey asked her to make out with another woman in front of him. she said she was nervous and started singing. She got the roles so she complied and just don't want to admit it. They're all skanks to different degrees.
Talented actresses are either doing stage or lesser known films where they can actually use their ability.
The women who get hired for major productions need to be marketable, first and foremost. They have to be well known, popular, and the right kind of attractive. Being able to act well is auxiliary.
>Harvey started eating me out and I wanted to say no but I gave up, it was awful
>I kept fucking him for the next 4 years because I was so scared
They don't want to end the casting couch when it works. It's only the roasties with failed career that came out.
Pls be fake
Cara's family probably has more money than Weinstein does
I doubt Harvey raped anyone. He propositioned them, sure, but not rape.
They're lying, so they don't have to admit that they agreed to the deal.
He's right and everyone knows it.
Weinstein wasn't jumping from behind bus-stops with a knife while wearing a ski-mask to hold women down and penetrate them while they screamed and cried.
He offered fame and promotion in exchange for sexual favors, and Hollywood whores took the offer.
Sleazy, but it takes two people to tango like that.
The women are just as sleazy for laying on their backs in exchange for fame. Doubly so since most of the women involved are probably loud, obnoxious Femishitters who are all about female empowerment.
They aren't victims. They were participants in the sleaze. And if there's any justice in the world then a complete list of the people who got dicked by Weinstein in exchange for promotion will get released so we can point and laugh at their complete lack of integrity too.
>makes deal to have sex with someone for an oscar
>never gets oscar, never has sex
>"omg I was almost raped"
This is why I don't see them as victims. Most of these women have enough self awareness to know that they wouldn't be in Hollywood if it weren't for their dick sucking skills. If they didn't use sex to go up the Hollywood ladder, they'd probably be cleaning tables at some shitty Californian bar. Heck I know better actresses at my local drama school than the average actress in Hollywood. Being an actor is certainly more meritocratic than being an actress. It's why the best performances of the last 20 years were made by male actors.
Reminder that Emma Watson sat her brown asshole on Harvey's dick because she liked it, she didn't even do it for roles.
>there are people here who think male actors aren't getting buggered behind closed doors every day
There are a few who might have made it there on their own, but the vast majority got fucked as teenagers for roles.
It's just the basic reality of the situation. You don't get into the most competitive industry in the world without greasing a few dicks.
What really gets me is how ungrateful all these women are to someone that basically set them for a life of luxury and fame, and all it took was a few minutes of sex. Whoa that's a pretty bad fucking deal
I think the point is that the real "victims" are the talented actresses that are waiting tables and working as PAs.
Not really, cara is the one with highest net worth with an estimated 18 million. Weinstein in the other hand is worth 150 mill
Correction: child actors and Brian Singer's actors get buggered behind closed doors.
I guarantee you that DDL never got buggered, or Daniel Craig
I don't get women. I'd rather die poor than having to fuck some disgusting ugly old woman just to get a chance to become famous, don't they have some fucking dignity?
>Romans also assumed that actors and dancers were available to provide paid sexual services, and courtesans whose names survive in the historical record are sometimes indistinguishable from actresses and other performers.
Acting = Prostitution. It's always been this way, only now we put them on a massive pedestal instead of treating them like the degenerates they are.
Harvey did nothing wrong.
>Sup Forums hates women more than one of the most disgusting and sleazy jews in Hollywood
Really turns on my peanuts
DDL, maybe, but Craig is a blatant fuckboy. You'd have to be insane to think he landed Bond on his "merits".
This woman haggling over how much she prostitutes herself for is so empowering!
>I'd rather die than having sex so I get a life of easy money and fame.
whoa bro
Someone posted an article about MEW getting a pedicure done before she went to audition for a Tarantino role. These women know that their sex appeal is a powerful tool to get roles and will use it. After they have reaped the benefits, they scream rape. I do still think Harvey is a scumbag but so many of these women continued to associate with him after their "rape". It's obvious they wanted to use him to further their careers and knew he wanted sex in exchange for that.
And the reason nobody talked is because it was like-for-like. Now you got mentally ill roasties who have nothing to lose trying to flip the situation and make it a rape. No sorry that was prostitution. these women never cared about all the girls who never got a role because they told Weinstein to suck his own dick. these women don't have millions, they kept their dignity.
5-10 minutes of a terrible experience to live the rest of your life as a famous millionaire. Bear in mind that gold-diggers have existed for thousands of years
It's called being a man.
I thought that was just because Layer Cake and finding a good British actor who's relatively unknown, but respected, and can play Bond is incredibly difficult (hence the problems with replacing Craig)?
not all men are retarded, sorry sweetie
I'd fuck some old woman to become a millionaire? Are you dumb? That's at best 20 minutes work for generational wealth.
So why are you calling women whores if you'd do the same thing?
Will the witch pursuit chase never cease
I'm not, I just find them repulsive in how they handled the situation. If someone offers you fame and fortune for a few minutes of sex and you take the offer and then cry rape that means you're subhuman
Me? I'm not calling these women whores (not everyone on Sup Forums is one person)
At the same time, it's a genuine question for me. While I can easily understand why someone would do it, I'm not sure what I would do if given the choice
Relying heavily on the account of Elia Kazan, who was friends with Miller and bedded Monroe before he did, Meyers classifies Monroe as “a decent-hearted kid who Hollywood had brought down, legs parted.” In order for Monroe to get jobs, he tells us, she would frequently sexually service the studio heads. When she signs her first contract with Fox, he quotes Monroe as saying, “I have sucked my last cock.”
Old news.
The victims are the ones who refused to go through and ended up being "blacklisted"
which is the tiny minority of the ones "speaking out"
that's kinda sad
Literally everyone outside of holywood is thinking this.
fuck that, i stayed with an older chick just because she would buy me expensive things and she liked being told she was beautiful and fucking a 20 year old guy i imagine. we both knew what this was
>I slept with my producer in exhange for an award winning Oscar role and only spoke about it when he got fired and was no longer able to offer me anything
>I knew that he did this with everyone but I didnt tell anyone about it
>I'm a victim please feel bad for me!
Even my feminist, new age mom knew that was bullshit.
Why didn't you save her.
*dies of drug overdose*
Based post
He's right you know!
We did all get buggered in prep school.
But we don't need no silly hashtag to brag about it.
If there weren't women WILLING to do it guys wouldn't offer it. That's why you don't hear
>"I'll make you a star if you let me chop one of your arms off"
being offered, no one would agree. A mouthful of dick on the other hand...
>my feminist, new age mom
Sounds like she needs a strong male figure to dominate her. I can be your new dad, after I'm done demolishing her ass I'l teach you how to make some homeruns champ
Have to admit, that brit night show host is the biggest faggot but yet everyone keeps saying oh hes so funny he lipsynchs songs with celebrities. graham norton has more charisma than that turbofag.
>You were being critical of women so you must hate them!
He's in the UK in comfy pensioner-tier shows. He's pretty okay and has no stake with hollywood jews anymore.
but graham is an ACTUAL faggot though
Nah man, he's just a homosexual, not a faggot.
I love slags.
looks like he has just been eating seven times a day.
whats the difference, you're a degenerate either way
>tee her find me a gold statue and you can see my panties Harvey-domo
>t. LARPer
what? You can be a faggot if you want just dont pretend there's anything redeemable about it
Fuck off newfag.
I wonder if Judi Dench ever sucked dick for a role... hmmm
What good is money and power if you cant stick your dick into stupid roasties?
Damn nigger I thought you couldn't be any more cringe.
Don't let that distract you from the fact that In 1972, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them....maybe you can hire The A-Team.
you are just jealous
>implying these whores are to be trusted
How about telling what happened immediately after it happened? The only reason they are all saying he raped them now are because they are afraid people will find out they fucked to get their careers.
You can't have sex with the guy, then enjoy your career for 20 years and then, SUDDENLY, OH NO I WAS RAPED!
They fucked him to get their careers started, they should at least own up to it... just whores trying to save face
Is he actually saying that
>they were asking for it
? Even if were true, what kind of moron would say such a thing publicly the current climate. He might as well come out in support of Hitler and infanticide.
i very much doubt people outside of indi film or student film ever 'deserve' their roles (ignoring for the fact that no one really deserves anything at all - we don't live in a universe where what 'should' happens ever happens) especially when you have a long term corporate industry that has an internal culture. This is like going to Japan to be a salary man and refusing to go out and drink with your co-workers. You're not gunna be there long. If you don't flirt in Hollywood you're NOT going any where: you're not even going to get your SAG, not in a million years.
You must flirt and be tolerant of being poked and prodded both innocuously by professionals trying to get the costume and scene right and those creepy perverts from on top and below taking advantage of this fact. Beyond this it's not just sexual favors.
You can get roles by having your rich family invest in the project or tie financially with producers. You can get roles for already being a famous singer or stage comedian, sports star, wrestling star, bodybuilder, etc. You can get roles for being related to a writer, producer, director, etc. You can get roles by going to the same church as some executive (scientology/trancendental meditation/whatever) the same gym, eating at the same restaurant, and so on and so on.
serendipity can get you roles (Harrison Ford was George Lucas' carpenter) there are a zillion pure luck stories in hollywood. No one is hired for their talent unless they were theater stars first and even then the above nepotism was probably in their past.
Nobody is usually raped at Hollywood. And I feel honestly bad for the girls who has been really raped, and their rapist have to be in jail. Period. But casting couch is about whores who want to be at the fast casting call line. Fuck that whores, honestly.
when did this place get so fucking /reddit/. you faggots literally need to kys. homosexuality is abnormal and degenerate and you can argue antil the cows come home; it wont change fact. You need to fuck off back to >>>/reddit/
>the last two weeks have shown liberals that they are actually the baddies
>ever notice how weak the performances in the running for best actress are compared to the performances for best actor?
Maybe it's more that women are offered far more limited and one dimensional roles, especially as they get older. But sure, let's just blame women, that's far easier.