>be alone for a year
>start to contemplate suicide
He didn't had internet unlike you.
>Can wake any female from her sleep
>pick jlaw
But he had his robot waitor?
this isn't regular old tfwnogf alone, though
i'm not alone at all and contemplate suicide constantly
also had to eat cereal every day
>Not waking up a couple of engineers and doctors to help you fix the stasis pods.
Would you pick her if she was like she is in the movie?
i.e. not sjw feminist version
complete weak sauce. It would have made more sense if it was a 5 year lapse or more.
probably, she was like the right amount of fun, interesting and hot.
I'm sure he weighed all his options before settling on Jlaw. He had a whole year to choose
I though about that too, why didnt he wake someone up from the crew to unfuck his shit?
Also, how can it take so long to send a message to earth when we can communicate with satellites three billion miles away by Pluto?
I dont know about that, he stumbled upon her after a year, then made a hasty decision. Maybe he should have given it more of a think over.
He had a crew of 5000 to pick from, including men *wink wink*
Are you a retard or 12 ?
They were locked in the crew cabin. Did you miss an hour of the movie?
That's my dream existence. All he had to do was smash open a first class pod and steal the wristband and he would have been set.
This movie is supposed to inspire anxiety and despair but really its my version of fucking utopia
Whats wrong with your eye? Are you winking at me you faggot?
Did anybody calculate how much food and wine they went through until they died? i say enough to give the rest trouble when they wake up
Im asking you if you prefer driving with a stick.
Do you think he ever tried to fuck the waiter?
Maybe get a handy & keep his eyes closed
According to the movie interstellar travel is fairly common in that movie universe.
You'd think they would have set up some kind of a galaxy to galaxy communication, like relay hubs or some shit.
This now my fetish.
This literally rips off The Shining.
She was pretty waifuable in this movie. IRL? No, but in character? 10/10.
ayy lmao and you know it
>They were locked in the crew cabin. Did you miss an hour of the movie?
Didn't Laurence Fishburne have access?
assume this is a shining reference/homage ?
Of course.
Could have been a lonley guy who fucked up somone elses life because he felt lonley
but instead it had to be some stupid genetic ''it was his fate'' story about if he didnt wake up and saved the ship everyone would be fucked
... would have been better as an all montage film with a dozen different women.
should i watch this shit or nah?
It it worth a watch?
She's above average in appearance, but not much else.
The first half isn't too bad, but once she wakes up, it takes a tumble. I would have preferred him being alone the whole movie. I don't think we've had a Cast Away type movie in a while.
Yeah, that's how its like for a normie.
You don't know what it feels to be normal, do you OP?
>you can revive any woman you want
>you can fuck them, then kill them, and no one will know
>you can dump their bodies outside
perfect life imo
i watched it for Chris Pratt bc i unironically loved him since Parks & Rec but you can do whatever you want babe, i love you.
>robot waitor
Now if he only had a robot waifu he'd have been ok, I think most of us would be ok with a robot waifu no more of that forever alone crap.
Came here to ask this question as soon as I saw the thread. I'm beginning to think too much like Sup Forums.
It is indeed a reference to the Shinning.
a HOMAGE or RIPOFF this is seriously important to me spiritually so i can sleep at night
There is food in excess(key word) for 5000 crew member for 3 months.
I don't think 2 people eating moderately for about 50 years would impact the food storage as much. Its just 2 people out of 5000.
Plus, I hope they were eating fruits and vegetables out of their garden they made.
Homage. The director referred to it as such.
>but instead it had to be some stupid genetic ''it was his fate''
It literally wasn't his fate, without the blackman he was fucked.
>. I would have preferred him being alone the whole movie
The crew was locked up, but there must have been tons of medical and engineering people among the passengers. Just wake those up based on their social profile.
Do you have any idea how long that would take?
>don't think 2 people eating moderately for about 50 years would impact the food storage as much.
2 poeple 50 years = 35,600 days food.
5000 for 90 days is 450,000 days food
so they ate about 7.3 days of everyone food.
A bit less, like I said, they have excess food, because the higher classes have more food available than everyone else. So the people in charge have to make sure the bunch of rich fatasses have enough food available.
Also, its not like if the trip lasted a day longer than planned, everyone on the ship would begin to starve to death. They must have been prepared for a short delay.
With your current calculations, would it mean that if the ship was prepared for a 1 week delay, the food they ate in 50 years would be unnoticeable? That's pretty interesting to know.
>tfw not waking up hot womans and make they your sex slave
don't forget the part where he was depressed and eating 1st class food like there's no tomorrow, i doubt they ate moderately after that.
Yep, and this doesn't include them eating stuff they grew and so on.
>where he was depressed and eating 1st class food
He never had access to first class food, only when JLaw invited him. He ate cereal for an entire year, and I would assume after he and Jlaw broke up he went back to eat grains for a living
>Not one person who designed, built, or paid for this giant ship thought about the possibility of one passenger waking up and being stranded
Its failsafe :^)
it space no on can here crys for help when scream you fucking idiot
>Locked on a ship with unlimtied food and woman that you can wake up one at a time.
sign me up
What's even more dumber is that the the bed only maintain sleeping and can't initiate it, but hey, a mechanic learned how by the end.
>but hey, a mechanic learned how by the end.
No, Chris didn't.
Well if there was 1 thing he had, it was time.
I like how the ending implies they didn't fix the ships navigation system and it flies right past the planet
You'd also think there would be regular audits. Just wake the crew you once a year or some shit to spend a month going over the ship. Create an emergency wake up procedure in case you're just a passenger. How the fuck did they get insurance for this?
yeah because he was really fighting the clock
I would have liked to see Earth's reply to Chriss Patt's message. He lived long enough to receive the reply.
>meteor literally blasts through fusion computer
>this doesnt set an auto wake up for the crew so they can address the situation
>beds cant put you back to sleep
Who designed this fucking retarded ship
>uhh have you tried turning the bed off and on?
>start hallucinating brums everywhere
>and woman that you can wake up one at a time
Holy shit that would be the most twisted and psychopathic shit.
Just literally cycling through numerous girls and making them have accidents when they go on a spacewalk when you get bored of them or they don't like you and waking up the next girl.
>not eating cereal every day
What is your life bro?
the lowest bidder
same as real life
Hibernation (if possible) isn't the kind of thing you'd want to wake up from and then go back to sleep again regularly, you'd probably damage yourself on a cellular level.
You're right on the audit thing tho, you'd think they'd have a computer system that would check all pods are functional and if any ARE NOT then a crew member gets woken up automatically to put the passenger(s) back to sleep. You telling me in a ship that size they don't have a few spare pods just in case.
wouldve been a better twist desu.
>People pissed off that he did that
That was the whole fucking point, he was out of his fucking mind. Fuck people piss me off sometimes.
>tvtropes repeatedly calls this a bomb
A bomb that made $400 million apparently.
Its one of the many things the film could have been about. I believe its one of the things that makes the first half so much better than the last one.
The first have half has the potential to become pretty much anything, a Cast Away type of film, a The Shining type of film, an Alien type of horror film, yet it chose to become a romantic comedy
I image you could do it more than once, if not as often as once a year. Unless the future has removed insurance and liability, this fucking thing would have to be insured. I guarantee said insurance would demand a shit ton of failsaves to prevent them from having to pay out.
Information can't travel faster than light.
>The first half isn't too bad, but once she wakes up, it takes a tumblr
>the exact same movie for the most part but show that in between going nuts alone and waking up katniss he woke up and disposed of a dozen other chicks
fuck man why isn't every movie run past us before it's finalized
*tsk* Ummm no I don't think so sweetie, not with that Stockholm Syndrome violence against women *bllllllllaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrppppp*
>tfw she finds a dozen female bodies and a cum soaked mop in the janitor's closet
tvtropes has been a hive for carebears for years, they probably got triggered by the apparent cryorape and abuse perpetrated by Pratt's character
CALLE Ashley
Naw dude you would jettison it to outerspace and pretend every girl was the first girl who woke up due to malfunction.
Why would you want to keep the body goddamn
Yeah the first half and the little romance were pretty good, still if it was revealed chris was some evil murdering guy with space craziness that would have been super cliche too, sort of Sunshine-esque
It was a scam that somehow received funding. There probably isn't even a livable planet at the end.
Wouldn't she eventually find the empty pods?
>Why would you want to keep the body goddamn
Its Homeland 2, because Homeland 1 already worked
>finds 12 pods filled with paper mache people
>Realize chris is some kind of murderer
Better to just lie and say they were empty when he woke up
It would be interesting if he had thrown the pods out of the airlock and the only way she finds out there are people missing is by counting the remaining pods.
The director should have made different versions of the movie like how Butterfly Effect had like 5 different endings.
>Ship arrives
>No women can be found
>Video of Chris Pratt laughing that he's doomed the colony to either celebacy or faggotry.