Whoflix edition.
Whoflix edition.
Anyone seen Adult Life Skills? Just watched it and I wish Jodie was my gf
How do we "fix" whoflix?
Whoflix's terrible edit of Heaven Sent on /cws/ in a minute.
Posted this a couple threads ago when everyone was asleep, but I'd love it if you guys gave me some feedback.
Why are there almost no Hispanics or Asians Doctor Who? People seem to think "diversity" = black people.
Why aren't there Who fancuts that take several episodes and turn them into one or anything else interesting?
Series 11 awauts us
There are but they're shit.
Don't work for BBC, but I do work in the Mirror. Wanna know who our source is from the BBC? who leaks us the details per series? it's the BBC. There is no rogue source, we work with the BBC to generate hype and we get paid for it.
>There will be an episode about the Sea Devils. we were informed the design is similar but there is more flexibility to the face for movement.
>The arcs involves an antediluvian type civilization who have hidden themselves from the Doctor's knowledge. She is shocked she never encountered them before, they are very scary guys. Think KKK mixed with occult Magicians.
>A lovecraftian episode where an ancient monolith in a cave literally melts peoples brains and makes them it's thralls.
>An episode involving a conspiracy surrounding the existence of faeries in the British Isles. /coverup.
This could be a great series. Officially we will be publishing this information within the coming weeks...
T. /WHOfag/ who got a job at the Mirror two months ago.
Shittier than Whoflix?
Why does all the fake spoiler shit always involve the Sea Devils? I just don't understand the fascination with them. Is anyone actually clamoring for this? Don't get me wrong, I love me some fake spoilers, but every series it's always the Sea Devils being brought back. Why?
>There are a few, not many but a few, episodes of Doctor Who that are either so bad or so problematic that you can’t really face tackling them, even though one of the things about fan editing is the way that it allows you to “fix” things. Heaven Sent was a Series Nine episode so replete with problematic waddafukerry that, when it came to editing the closing trilogy of that series, I avoided it altogether and went straight from Face The Raven to Hell Bent, skipping the Doctor’s time in the confession dial completely. But, like Clara and the Raven, I knew there would come a day when I would have to face it. And that day has finally come…
I found an ancient relic, lads.
Same deal with the Great Vampires. They're just vampires. And not even Briggs gives a shit about them. So why would they be used as a season-wide threat?
>Viewing them reminded me of how I had managed, in my own Kirk-like way, to avoid it in the fan editing equivalent of The Kobayashi Maru… But then an idea began to form in my fan brain, a possible solution to the problems I have with the story. And so I faced down my own personal Veil and faced up to the challenge of fan editing one of the most flawed episodes of the New Series.
Holy fuck, which book is that in? That's crazy.
At least the Vampires have some foreboding history to their name, but the Sea Devils are just Silurians. From the sea. Might as well just bring the Silurians back proper without any Paternoster nonsense.
>Problem #1: Steven Moffat kills the Doctor in this episode. A copy, even an exact copy, like the one Twelvy says is held on the hard drive of the teleporter (how does he work that one out anyway?), is still a copy and not the original. If the Doctor burns himself for the energy to create the new copy of himself, then the Doctor that appears in the teleporter is a duplicate and not the original. The Doctor kills himself to create an exact copy of himself and so the original Doctor is dead. Nice one Moffat… and why does all of the Doctor’s body burn except for his skull?
>Problem #2: Why does he just let the Veil burn him up in the fifrst place? Why doesn’t he just dodge out of the damn thing’s way, (it’s not exactly Speedy Gonzales is it?) run around the castle, get himself eighty-two minutes, punch the wall, dodge the veil, run round the castle, get himself eighty-two minutes, punch the wall, dodge the veil, run round the castle, get himself eighty-two minutes, punch the wall, dodge the veil… you get the idea. Why does he effectively commit suicide? And why not hit the wall with the spade he was digging the grave with instead of punching it? And when he gets fried for the very first time, how the hell does he manage to crawl up the steps from room 12 and somehow manage to leave the message for himself in the grave before he drags himself to the teleporter room? Unless he did that before he committed suicide, but then how did he know the grave was there for him to leave the message when he arrived for the very first time???
>Holy fuck, which book is that in? That's crazy.
The Blue Angel, but I checked, and there are similar order forms (for other audios) in a few more EDAs!
captcha was "nicholas"... briggs is watching
He heard that you pirated his audios today
Reminder that this edit is on RIGHT NOW in cws
I love it. That's a piece of history right there. Cherish it McGanon. I mean, I know you already do, but still.
Or did I...?
Are there any EDAs that are hard to find without paying a ton of money? Similar to how Lungbarrow and The Dying Days cost tons of money to own a physical copy of?
I don't know, I'll let your split mp3s tell the tale ;)
Not really, no. Not to the extent that you see with some of the VNAs. There are some books you'll generally struggle to find for less than £10, so things can get expensive very quickly, but the majority can be acquired for a relatively acceptable price. The problem is that there's so many of them, that a singular book may be cheap, but once you've gotten any significant amount of the series, you'll have spent a lot regardless. Trust me, I know.
You did it too, don't play innocent.
When he's actually a good Doctor... so, you're out of luck, sorry Edge.
Holy shit what the fuck is your damage, McGanon? You don't see me trashing Eight.
I'm sorry your Doctor is shit, Edge :(
If you say so!
What outfit should the Thirteenth Doctor wear?
>Shirt: ___
>Coat/Jacket: ___
>Pants/Jeans: ___
>Other: (Ties, waistcoats, etc.)
Did Aliens of London actually happen?
Shirt: shit
Coat/Jacket: Inside
Pants/Jeans: someone
Other: without permission
Eight gets himself trashed enough, thank you very much. He needs a break, the poor soul.
hey stop trying to pin all this Shit on me just because deep down on the Inside you feel guilty about pinning piracy accusations onto Someone like me
I don't know what I did to hurt you, but whatever I did I'm sorry.
>Shirt: Nothing
>Coat/Jacket: Turtleneck
>Pants/Jeans: Pants with no back, no underwear
>Other: Nothing else
That's how I feel about the audio MEGA. On one hand, it's cool. But on the other, it feels like I've wasted tons of money on shit I could've gotten for free.
Hasn't Nick Briggs been exposed like Harvey yet?
Why do I put up with you two?
N-nothing, Edge. I confess, my Ten hate is not genuine. Worry not. Your husbando is alright in my eyes.
>paying for downloads
that's your problem desu. bet your collection looks really impressive
Most of the women Briggs works with are middle-aged or elderly. Unless he has a granny fetish.
You tell me ;)
>Cease the mockery!
You also tell me ;)
We have an audio MEGA?
It should be called I'm the Doctor, more unassuming
Netflix will throw tens of millions of dollars on shit only a couple dozen people will watch while the BBC only gives Doctor Who shoestrings.
I only just realised 13 will get a new character theme. I hope it's not overused like 11 and 12's. I never really liked 12's anyway though.
>we will never see clayton's take on it
bet it was lost cover art kino... hope we get a reconstruction someday
>tfw Breaking the Wall is just a rearranged version of This Time There's Three of Us
Holy shit how did I not notice this before?
Start at 2:20
I like that its use in the 50th, Heaven, and the S10 finale all plays into that concept of looping cycles (I'd even say determinism) those eps touched when they used it. Dr will always punch the wall, will always fight injustice, will always try and fix things. The very self-assured repetitive nature of it fit the whole deterministic repetition in Heaven Sent excellently. Great melding between the music and the story.
I also liked it in the Doctor Falls because the Cybermen are that same sort of deterministic, repetitive 'machine' that essentially the Doctor is. And as he lists off the repeated ways he's fought them in similar scenarios...it all fits very well again. I saw an user once describe it as fitting Sisyphean moments of managing the impossible, and I thought that was a really neat way to put it.
Damn Neo that's a really good take. Wonder if it was intentional? Not that it really matters.
My thoughts exactly. As it swells, the cycle comes to fruition: The Doctors save Gallifrey, Twelve breaks the wall, Twelve detonates the floor of the colony ship. I love your thoughts Neo.
I have no doubt it was intentional.
Hey I forget to tell you, you'll get no 8 audio spoilers from the Time War set, I didn't notice a single reference to his earlier audios and I was listening out for them.
I'd be interested to ask Marigold...the 50th was weird behind-the-scenes musically, as he made a bunch of new music for it that went unused as they used older bits of music instead (ultimately the right choice mostly, still interesting though)
Cheers! I wonder if TUaT will use it too? I don't want it to get overused but maybe there will be another fitting scenario.
In casualwhostream, we're watching the Barbara Benedetti Doctor fanfilms from the 80s. This was one of the first female Doctors, made when Colin Baker was the current Doctor.
Weirdly I didn't even really count a reference to 8's Classic Doctor New Monster story with Ollistra, the consensus seemed to be the Time War sets are set after that but idk. It's all vague in a good way I suppose.
Thank you for letting me know, I appreciate it! I was kinda holding off on listening to them because I wasn't so sure, even though I figured they probably wouldn't be too spoilery. I'll probably start listening tonight or tomorrow!
Thank you for thanking me for letting you know, I appreciate your appreciation! I was kinda holding off on telling you because I'd forgotten to earlier, even though I figured they probably wouldn't be too spoilery. I'll probably start listening to you gush about them tonight or tomorrow!
Lads. Adult Life Skills. Anyone seen it?
We watched it on stream a few weeks ago, we all loved it.
Oh man I need to start coming to these streams. I'm glad /who/ likes it, it's very comfy and makes me even more glad Jodie is the new Doctor.
With time bullshit going fully down in Time War boxset, for all intents and purposes it could be set before, after and during that. Simultaneously.
Finished The Murder Game yesterday. Decent book I'd recommend it. Features a prototype for the sonic screwdriver.
Didn't have time to pick the next PDA on my shelf so grabbed a VMA instead.
From Goth Opera's covered it looked like it would be a comfy 5 and Nyssa story, but chapter 1 starts with Tegan complaining about the Doctor liking cricket
nick casting couches himself whenever he wants to voice a new monster
Cybermats are cute
I want fifty of them immediately
Do you watch the original pilot or the the televised An Unearthly Child?
What's the difference in personality between audio 8 and book 8?
>ten's police box
Suppose I'll post my thoughts on 8's new Time War audios since I have listened to them all (and the embarrassing behind the scenes hour too, as usual).
I've complained a lot about Dorney's comments on the Time War and the direction he suggested the range was taking, I won't repeat it all cause I've said it before () but basically I didn't like how he said audio isn't really suited to Time War weirdness and while they were doing one story like that, generally they wouldn't.
The "one story like that", the opening story, is my favourite of the set. Unfortunately Big Finish telegraphed the twist in a lot of the promo lead-up to the audio, but it's still very effective. 8's new companion gets temporality-fucked out of existence from the Time War, after reality breaks down and messes with her, 8, and the ship they're on a few times. It's effectively unsettling because most of the story, the first two thirds I'd say, is a normal, fun 8 story, hearkening back to his EDAudios or early months, not the darkness of Dark Eyes or his later monthlies, or the dullness of Doom Coalition. This feels so refreshing. You wouldn't expect 8's Time War series to be less gritty than his regular stuff, but there you go, and it feels all the more dynamic for it. It's interesting just how discrete this feels from his earlier stuff (Briggs stresses he wants to keep the gap between Doom Coalition and this enormous, which feels retrofitted, but I support) - in good ways for this story, less so for the next one.
Dorney describes it in the behind the scenes as a "regular fun Doctor Who story that the Time War suddenly barges into". Which is a great idea, and really sells the Time War well. Also plays into 8's memory weirdness without overplaying it. “Do you reckon the guy we’re after might roughly be in the vicinity of that person crying for help?” indeed.
Original pilot followed by Dalek Invasion Of Earth
However I do think Dorney's fear of writing weird stories did leak into the story and damage it. He overexplains the twist too much, and telegraphs it too early as well. There are good, weird Time War ideas here (regression weapons that force their targets back down the evolutionary ladder, the Time War fucking reality around unbeknownst to people, bartering of regenerations) but I wish this story, and the set in general, committed to them more.
Dorney describes the first and last/fourth story of this set as a two-parter just with two Fitton audios stuck in the middle of it, and he's right. But the first Fitton audio is good! Firstly, it actually flows off the first story, and the set in general feels much more cohesive than most BF boxsets these days. Then, Dorney you dog, Fitton proves the "there's only one timey-wimey story in the set" crap wrong, by writing his own! 8 and the band of people he's shepherding embark across a world with royally fucked temporalities, battles bleeding in and out of time, forests ungrowing, and sound design is actually used to communicate a lot of this. Then characters go ahead and describe it in painful exposition, sigh...two characters randomly explain the Time War out of nowhere and it's terrible (“As I understand it, the Time Lords felt they had to draw a line!”). Please commit to your ideas guys, because here, they're actually good ones.
So, the Dalek companion. I like the idea and it mostly works, though I think the attempted emotional ending feels a tad unearned. Fitton presents a more cynical take on the character in the behind the scenes, but in the audio itself, it tries directly for the emotion. But, ehh...there are big, pivotal dialogues in Terror Firma, To the Death, and Dark Eyes where 8 makes it extremely clear he has zero patience for Daleks and had he the opportunity to, he would ERASE them with wild abandon.
Yes this is set much later than those stories, and I'm generally a fan of how discrete this set feels from Doom Coalition, but 8's characterisation feels a bit jarring and off at times in how disconnected it feels from his earlier work (I had this same complaint with his Time War Short Trips too). Big Finish love contorting and wedging in retrofitted plot explanations - can they try it for characterisation too?
The third story is much more scattered and hit-and-miss. 8 is great in it, Ollisra's plan in it is wickedly good ( use the Doctor's new friends as hostages to force him to fight, and try and set things up so he'll regenerate anyway, into hopefully a more amenable Doctor), but in true Fitton style, there's too much plot padding and technobabble and workmanlike writing. IT also falls back on very conventional warfare like the WarDoc audios, and unlike the 2 good stories earlier in this set. The food fight scene is a delight, but this story didn't quite work for me. Some good lines though, especially 8's thoughts on the Time War around 46:30 - “I don’t know the answer to a Time War”. Around 12:00 on the Behind the Scenes track McGann has some good thoughts on 8 in the Time War too - "I'd rather not wrap myself in the flag" or some such, it's an interesting perspective.
The last story, well, it's an extremely Dorney-y story, and the very Dorney parts (evoking A Life in a Day and Absent Friends) are great. But most of the audio is WarDocAudioEsque technobabble and overstuffed plotting. The twist is great but could have been earned more, and the audio technobabbles at it more than emoting it. Overall, the set (to me) isn't kino like, say, Dark Eyes 1 and 2, but it's certainly good, much better than WarDoc's, and Doom Coalition too imo (certainly more cohesive).
Doesn't fit anywhere else, but I thought the NewWho connections were done elegantly - the sky trenches, psychic paper (will BF eventually try and do an origin story for this?) and most effectively the fob watch. I was impressed how they didn't overplay the connection too hard there.
Interesting thing - a single 8 WarDoc Time War prequel boxset was planned for years. Now they're doing 3 more, repurposing some stuff they originally intended for more Hurt sets. But this set was recorded in May this year, Hurt of course died in January, and I suspect there may have been some alterations to make this less of a direct prequel to WarDoc's sets as it was originally positioned.
Televised. As far as I recall the main difference is that they fucked some things up in the pilot, the only thing that's better is Susan does a weird thing where she makes an inkblot after Ian and Barbara leave the classroom.
Dustin from Stranger Things looks exactly like a Silurian.
I feel sorry for the anons that filter you and miss out on this sort of thing. I don't know what drives you to put so much effort into your posts here but I'm glad you do it.
so its less bleak than his usual stuff? the time war? huh
Yeah, funnily enough. There's dark stuff but 8 is nice and positive in the storeis, and the overall tone is pitched a lot lighter than his more regular grimmer stuff.
Why is ollistra so fucking awful
What did they mean by this?
Or this?
Not going to cross check against every dalek
Pearce sells the hell out of the character. I wish the General was in these Time War audios too though, he's great.
A few of the weird things on the cover made more sense after hearing the stories, but...not those.
These are surely just really similar daleks right?
no way would they put copy pastes this close together
Neo pls recommend me a story from torchwood range
I've listened to Corpse Day and it's very good
If you enjoyed Andy in Corpse Day, I'd recommend Ghost Day! Fun romp with him and an intriguing audio-original character.
Zone 10 has Tosh and is set in Russia, you might enjoy that!
Broken is very heavy on Jack/Ianto romance but is a really good romantic story if you're into that.
Fall to Earth and The Office of Never Was are both v strong Ianto standalones.
>Ghost Day
I'm an idiot! It's called Ghost Mission!
Thanks! Yep, I enjoyed Andy alot. But I think good impression came mostly from his interaction with Owen. Burn Gorman is brilliant.
It's still not an effective format
anyone who is actually in the target demographic of "interested in watching doctor who" or "has a friend who sent them this link to try and convince them to watch doctor who" is going to tune out in the middle of the essay and lose interest
When will the “teleporting kills you!” meme die?
I dunno. I can see 13 wearing something 1960s style. Having just bumped into 1, Ben and Polly.
seriously i hate this fucking meme so much
we dont understand consciousness, whos to say it comes from your literal physical body? say that if you teleport and for the sake of argument get broken down and rebuilt, whos to say that your conscious mind doesnt transfer? if it was a PERFECT recreation it would have to transfer your mind, meaning you DIDNT die.
>page 9
Because they are better than anything shitbriggs writes.