What do you think Josh would think of this?

What do you think Josh would think of this?

how out of touch with reality is drake?

is Josh Drake's Jim?

Josh can't wait until he can stop associating with Drake again.

As out of touch as you can be when you're a washed up, unemployed drug addict that spends all their free time at DisneyLand and on twitter

Josh's face kek

How can he even afford to keep living at Disneyland?


Thank you user.

Could some one shop this with them and Megan or john stamos?

Oye tranquilo viejo!

>yfw when drake won't leave you alone but you can't do anything about it or he'll kill himself, everyone will blame you & it will rekt whats left of your career

So he'll always be there for Chris O'Dowd?



i dont think drake realizes that he's the only who's down

>none of them is Josh

Not gonna happen. Only reason he's still e-famous is because of drake and josh. It's why he has to quote the show every now and then to stay relevant.

they pay him

So how long until they're thrown under the bus for not protecting their little sister from Dan?

What happened between these two? One moment he resented Drake and didn't even invite him to his wedding, and then a week later it seemed like they were best buds again