>google this movie
>it actually happened
What the fuck!?
Google this movie
Other urls found in this thread:
didn't happen
fake news
go watch a more historically accurate film like schindler's list or inglorious basterds
It really did. Praise Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Thanks for correcting the record!
Before the disinfo agents show up.
Christ was documented in the century of his death. His following had become so large 20 years after his death, that roman and jewish authorities had taken notice of it. There was no attempt by these authorities to disprove that he existed, was a preacher or crucified by Pontius Pilate.
All scholars of antiquity agree on these points. Pauls letters date within 20 years of his death, which is also when a network of churches was being esatblished. The Gospels date within 30-40 years of his death. Christ has more documented evidence than most other historical figures inluding surviving original documents.
Christs doubted existence is a conspiracy theory perpetuated by atheists who hate religion and are too lazy to think.
Do you think that Christ would be pissed off at the commercialism of his religion?
Doubting his existence actually fits in with your post since EVERY account of him is posthumous -- decades so.
Historians/scholars can agree on anything, but consensus doesn't a fact make.
Like other historical figures whose existence is only established in documents dated 600 years after their death?
>look this up
>it's real
Reminder: F*ancis is an anti-pope. The last pope of the Catholic Church was John Paul II.
What's this gotta do with Christianity? You got the memes wrong, soyboy.
delete this.
Seems like a good enough reason to deny the natural destiny to rehabilitate one's soul.
delet those megachurches
Shut up! Marcus Aurelius wasn't real because books are fake and I didn't see it! Fuck you!
I've never seen c beams and the tannhauser gate, does that mean they are not real?
>go to church
>its a bank
nazis whites and christians, oh my
Even if it did actually happen who cares? People went through much worse
What did you mean by this post?
he's been programmed user
anything that goes against his programming is a nazi
i don't think anyone doubts the historical/literary importance of the text which is probably humanity's oldest and ubiquitous work. But compared to Beowulf - the english language's most renown and ancient work we don't have cults of idiots who literally believe in Grendel or Dragons.
While, unless you're a hypocritical Christian who picks and chooses what is or isn't real in the bible you must believe in dragons, unicorns, talking donkeys and if we're just talking about the NT one of my favorite inaccuracies is from the mouth of the savior himself: he claims that salt can lose flavor.
So the son of god is a fucking idiot. Why should we worship him even if we ignore the fact that he is saving us from sin - something he/god is responsible for creating. So he's our hero because he's saving us from drowning after he pushed us in to the ocean with no land in sight? Cool. Definitely a deity I'd like to worship. Who needs Thor or Hercules when you have a fuckhead who poisons you at birth and then offers you the cure if you blindly obey him. Sounds more like an evil demon than a god. Sounds more like Lamashtu or Pazuzu not something noble and pure like Athena or Freya.
>you must believe in dragons, unicorns, talking donkeys
do you not?
hello JIDF
Why doesn't anyone doubt Plato existed?
kekd so hard
Fuck you the only thing that matters about meditation and self reflection is whether or not it came from a set of molecules or if it came from a set of molecules. I'll never admit my guilt.
to certain people, its all conflated into a vague threatening enemy. very racist if you ask me
why does this look staged to me
i mean who the fuck goes around dressed like this unless he`s an autist
also this only proves that niggers are subhuman, regardless of how that larping neckbeard was dressed
It's the demiurge bro, get with the times.
>the atheist's argument immediately devolves into strawmen and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEing
It's still only text, there are a lot more of archeological evidence in most of the other cases in that image.
It got Mel Gibson blacklisted because all the jews got super butthurt and Mel went on anti-semetic tirades because he couldn't get un-blacklisted.
But Mel also made a shitload of money and could fun his own movies, so it worked out.
Jim Caviezel's career still hasn't recovered though, poor fella
Very few Christians are fundamentalists. Talk to them instead of throwing a blanket statement over the wrong people.
Mel's doing just fine, except of course his frustration in female disloyalty. It's not the worst thing in the world to only make a few masterpieces using Jewish infrastructure. I feel more bad that he was never able to create that perfect wholesome family he wanted.
Also most scholars agree on his post-death appearances, even to crowds of people.
>white supremacy
>using historical context
you're a brainlet, but you're been programmed by right wing talk show hosts and ur literal dadi
so many of you are right on the edge, and the rest are just full of cog dis and probably hate yourselves for it.
Would it blow your mind if I told you I found that edge from an atheistic direction? There isn't zero value to religion.
>I feel more bad that he was never able to create that perfect wholesome family he wanted.
wtf are you talking about? he has like 14+ children. he was married to his first wife from 1980–2011, in those years she never cheated on him.
it's actually the other way around, he left her to chase 20 year old pussy and gold digging whores. I love Mel, but it was 100% his choice to fuck up his life and make things complicated. Stay away from crazy young whores and don't drive if you are boozed out of your mind to the point where you truth bombs about kikes being responsible to everything bad and wrong in this world.
if you cant see the difference between a christian and a nazi your too far gone to even have a discussion with
Except it didnt happen.
And I'm not talking about all the fantasy resurrection shit, I'm talking about there being a guy named Jesus, there's literally zero historical evidence for it that doesnt come from some of the followers/disciples who love to make shit up and have good reason to lie.
*tips my fedora towards you
we will see us back over at Reddit
Alright great. So Mel did nothing wrong. I'm ecstatic to hear that.
>hi i'm 12 and i just watched zeitgeist, read the god delusion, listened to george carlin, watched cosmos and jerked to cuck porn all at the same time
Do you mean that? Do you actually protest against the point of this message by pretending everything in history is clear cut but this part isn't? Does it elevate your honest frustration with organized religion to pretend the largest religion in the world doesn't have a point just because you're at odds with how history is recorded?
A very weird misconception that atheists seem to have is this belief that God created sin, which is a consequence of conceptualizing Him as an anthropomorphic thing like Athena or Freya. The God of Christianity is wholly different tho, and a literal reading of the Bible is just silly.
>a hypocritical Christian who picks and chooses what is or isn't real in the bible
There is a big difference between picking and choosing what's real and critical analysis. Dragons are symbols and unicorns are mistranslations.
He's just trying to get out from under his abusive fathers' thumb, don't take his theology too seriously.
and him?
I liked when he suffered, I enjoy it because I'm Jewish.
lmao get mad more pussbag, that punch must've been directed by Kubrick himself right after he directed 9/11 with his ballsacks, you cracked the code, negro
I mean you're defending a literal cosplaying mongloid just to support a brain dead ideology, i've been to child cancer wards less pathetic than your existance
>punch goes past his face
Could this be staged? Hmmmm
Fact: Jesus was just a typical fanatical troublemaker common in that era. He got executed like so many other rebels.
He just happened to have some very loyal followers who liked his ideas so much that they kept the movement going anyway. In the process the flat out lied and said that Jesus was resurrected.
>these pathetic excuses
Who created sin then?
Men by using their free will to defy God. Look, you don't have to be Christian but it's no use sitting around and pretending the religion has no internal consistency. Just say you're not Christian, quit pretending the religion is impossible.
So God didn't know what men was going to do with his free will?
>can't even put it on the correct arm
nazis are 55 IQ shutins who barely graduated high school (if that). They don't know which arm is the right one
how are atheists consistently the dumbest people?
so you are saying I shouldn't give a new videogame to a child because he can break it? Part of giving a gift is that you can do what you want with it. So God gives you both the chance of fucking up and the chance of fixing the fucking up. He literally gives you choice, which ironically enough is what atheists claim people don't have just because you can choose to go to hell
>Watch Schindler's List
>"Damn, that was crazy"
>Look it up
>It didn't happen
>Free will
>A gift
how is it not a gift?
if there's a steady paycheck in it, I'll believe anything you want.
that's not a popular form of christianity at all. Gnosticism is probably the original form, and it's pretty based compared to protestants/catholics and most offshoots. But I have no problem with Kabbalah, Taoism, or Sufi Islam either. Thing is, these people are extreme minorities.
strawman? It's an attack on people who believe the bible literally. People cite literal shit from the bible all the time like the age of the earth and against evolutionary science. If the shoe fits, man.
most may belong to 'moderate' lip service once in a blue moon attendance but they still claim to believe in this garbage and their pastors/vicars/bishops are on a whole different level - having gone to seminary and shit they know the problems in the historicity of the bible and are more or less atheistic in personal practice. Study the bible and you appreciate it more, but you also recognize the flaws in human logic and how so much of that is demonstrated in the actual pages. All christian leaders of moderate sects are generally sophist/athiests using an amorphous definition of god their own followers can't understand much less support. It's about making people who generally don't care about god/jesus feel better about it and paying tithes to stand up philosophers who can hand wave away their existential dread about the sillyness of their culture with obscure and complex eschatology.
i'm not an atheist personally but according to the dogma Yahweh/Allah/Jehova/God created the universe out of nothing and we are part of his creation. If he didn't want sin to exist, then why are we capable of it? Either god didn't create us or created us poorly enough that we can certainly blame him for sin. (if it exists)
>literal reading
my post was about those Christians (the majority I would say) that cite absolutes as they see them in the bible. It's hypocritical.
>this whole post
There is only one way a person could be this much of a fedora. (You) have to go back
>If he didn't want sin to exist, then why are we capable of it?
Atheists truly are the most mentally challenged and ignorant people in the world. Because sin = disobeying God. God cannot give you free will and consciousness without allowing you to disobey. And those are necessary for you to experience true love and not be a fucking soulless robot. Since God is the source of life (yours included) too, if you disobey him you die (both body and soul). Holy shit this stuff is simple as fuck and memetheists still cannot get their head around it. Stop writing long posts full of empty words that mean nothing, they might fool your brainlet self into thinking you are smart but nobody is falling for it, you just look pathetic.
>most christians have an evolved and realistic relationship with their religion that is non-violent and merely appeals to the healing of the individual soul
Holy fuck! My whole brain is topsy turvy now! You're right, its utterly hypocritical of anyone to have faith without murdering an onslaught of people! Holy hell, I've been turned away from my worldview because I didn't even kill in the name of God! Flippity dippity doo!
No, you don't understand, I hate god and yadda yadda yadda. Shut up, if you talk for a few more seconds I might learn something!
Not him but as a Christian the one thing I can't wrap my head around no matter how hard I try is the concept of Hell and infinite punishment for a finite crime. Either Hell is not like our understanding or God isn't. At least that's how it seems to me
Hell is seperation from God.
Imagine being stuck in a desert, thirsty and lost. You see a pool of water and discount it as a mirage. There are those who take the chance and go to the water and those who wander aimlessly and wont foregoe their egos.
>the concept of Hell and infinite punishment for a finite crime
it's only a finite crime as long as you're alive. When you're dead, you have had many years to sincerely repent and stop being a faggot. There's literally nothing wrong with eternal punishment, it's a place you put yourself into and it can only be eternal because the state you are in after death is eternal. Your body is temporary but your soul isn't. Nobody ever complains that Heaven is eternal. Why is an infinite bliss not unfair but an infinite punishment is? Your problem is you see the afterlife as just another copy of life, whereas it is something completely different with different rules (that you are told about while you are still alive)
But that doesn't make sense. Young people die all the time. How is it by any stretch of the imagination "fair" or "just" or "merciful" for someone to be sentenced to an ETERNITY of torment for the actions they took in their 20, 30, 40, even 50 years of life?
This seems much more likely to me. After you die, you choose if you want to go to Heaven or stay in Hell. It may be incredibly painful, but it is a choice. You can always repent.
>How is it by any stretch of the imagination "fair" or "just" or "merciful"
Ever heard the saying "Life ain't fair"? Well, that applies to the afterlife too.
> How do we know this? Because even Hell is salvation (the human being is preserved) and Hell is a way of making perfect, but it is Hell and not Paradise. Because the one who is damned is incapable of progress, he is unable to accept progress towards perfection. Why? Because his conscience has been hardened, his heart has grown hard. He remains so egoistic and self-centered that his personality cannot develop from selfishness to unselfishness. Since he cannot develop anymore, he is perfected in his selfishness. Even Hell is evil for him. Although it is not punishment from God's point of view, it is punishment from the human point of view.
> "Please go and find the icon of the Second Coming, and you will see that around Christ are those who are in Paradise. They are in a golden light; the light surrounding them is golden. This same golden light, as it gets further away from Christ, begins to change color, and gradually, the further away it goes, it turns from gold to red; and in the red light are the damned. The saved see Christ in a golden color, and the damned also see Christ from a distance, but they see the Light of Christ as red, because for the former it is the glory of God and for the latter it is the eternal fire, outer darkness and 'the consuming fire.'"
>How is it by any stretch of the imagination "fair" or "just" or "merciful" for someone to be sentenced to an ETERNITY of torment for the actions they took in their 20, 30, 40, even 50 years of life?
because you get baptized when you are an infant, and you are supposed to remain a Christian since then for the rest of your life. If you stop following the Lord it's your own choice and you pay the price.
>muh eternity
there is nothing wrong with eternity. The afterlife is forever. You have an unlimited number of times to repent in life, even if you live only 20 years. Just think about it for a moment, what do you expect God to do with you? Make you pay for 30 years in hell and then say "oh ok you are good to go"? The punishment isn't because he is angry and he needs to vent out, the punishment is because you killed yourself freely while you were alive, with your thoughts and actions. It is too easy to change your mind after you tasted hell, don't you think? Clearly it wouldn't be a free choice at that point and only one of convenience. But again, you are thinking about the afterlife like it is life, where you have a body and you go to the supermarket and shit. It's not like that. You have only your soul, and you can see your sins, and you are not alive anymore, so you cannot repent anymore. It's as easy as that.
Hell is a clumsy metaphor for dying a loser. Prove me wrong.
for dying a loser by God's standards, but most of the times a winner by men's standards
The problem with that is it's predestination. God knows who is going to be damned and he creates them anyway. The free will is taken away and a soul is sentenced to an eternity of torment that God knew it would be, with no chance of redemption. That doesn't seem possible to reconcile with the God that gave us free will because he "loves" us.
>It is too easy to change your mind after you tasted hell, don't you think?
No, actually. I find that absolutist line of thinking pretty fucked up. And I also find it disturbing how proudly you present such an idea.
>Just think about it for a moment, what do you expect God to do with you? Make you pay for 30 years in hell and then say "oh ok you are good to go"?
>The punishment isn't because he is angry and he needs to vent out
>It is too easy to change your mind after you tasted hell, don't you think?
Those are a complete contradiction
>absolutist way of thinking
lmao wtf is that even supposed to mean? God isn't a person, he is perfect and his decisions are unmovable, that's the whole point, you know? Otherwise he wouldn't be God. What exactly do you think is fucked up about people getting what they deserve?
Repentance is part of life user, not the afterlife. In the afterlife you get to be who you truly are, without half-measures. You cannot change God, therefore you cannot be with him while rejecting him with your sins, therefore you can only be in hell.
>God knows who is going to be damned and he creates them anyway.
God creates people so they can have the gift of life and choose whether to love him or not. Your idea that he knows everything seems to imply you don't choose what you will do. In truth we have free will, and God does not influence that. You existing does not mean you are fated to either hell or heaven, it is your own decisions that put you into one or the other. God wants everyone to make the right choices but he won't stop you from making the wrong ones. Stop crying about your actions having a certain result and be a fucking adult.
>he free will is taken away and a soul is sentenced to an eternity of torment that God knew it would be, with no chance of redemption
Again, you imply that God knows because you are predestined to it, but it's not like that. You are not predestined to anything, you choose hell or heaven with your own choices. Nobody is forcing you to suck dick and steal from your grandma.
Based Jew.
what kind of answer is that? Use your brain.
>Those are a complete contradiction
No they aren't. The whole point of life is that you choose hell or heaven feely, and through faith in God. If you can make that choice after life, then life has no fucking point to begin with. Stop complaining that the universe has rules, basically: grow up
>What exactly do you think is fucked up about people getting what they deserve?
I think it's fucked up that you think anyone deserves that.
It's fucked up that you think nobody does. Why shouldn't there be an eternal punishment for choosing to be in a state of death forever against the eternal source of life, thus separating yourself from it for eternity? Either make arguments or stop throwing indignation at me because you are scared about hell and don't want to face the hard truth. You are alive, aren't you? You can repent, you are not a lost soul yet. So stop the damage control and fix your life
>Either make arguments or stop throwing indignation at me because you are scared about hell and don't want to face the hard truth.
Is that what you think this is about? You are out of your mind dude.
Not him, but i think some people are deserving of hell including myself.
Why should i think myself worthy of eternal life and fulfilment?
still eagerly for you to make arguments.....dude
*eagerly waiting
>what kind of answer is that? Use your brain.
It was an answer you fucking dumbass. Serving time in Hell equal to the magnitude of your sins before moving on to Heaven makes enormously more sense than infinite torment for all of eternity because you jacked off.
>No they aren't
Yes, they are.
>If you can make that choice after life, then life has no fucking point to begin with
That's not the argument you monumental retard. Try and stay on topic.
>Stop complaining that the universe has rules, basically: grow up
You sound like you're in highschool.