When did The Simpsons die for you?

When did The Simpsons die for you?

Here's an episode list to help you out.

For me it's season 12. 10 and 11 were hit and miss but there were a few laughs. 12 just isn't funny for me.

I haven't really watched the show after season 12. Does it get worse? Is that even possible?

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proably around Worst Episode Ever.
Previous seasons had Behind the Laughter and 30 Minutes over Tokyo, so they weren't complete shit.

I dunno, when exactly did Homer transformed from an low iq guy that actually cared for his family to a complete utter idiot?

bless you

Somewhere between The Cartridge Family and The Great Money Caper.

The Principal and the Pauper signaled the downturn.

Then, there is my answer.

ten was the beginning of the end

lots of people cite the principle and the pauper, homer's enemy, and the tony hawk episode but you can trance it much early to when phil hartman and lunch lady doris died and few key writers left for futurama.

The big problem was how it became financially and politically inconvenient to take the piss out of society and culture. They didn't want to make their now normie fanbase uncomfortable by pointing out things like dirty politics and how hypocritical the adult world is or how silly and counterproductive public education is. All that stuff faded away in favor of more celebrities.

I honestly think the first moments were the Michael Jackson episode which isn't that bad but does in fact blow smoke up the 'king of pop's' importance. You know michael jackson gave himself that moniker? It was a clear ploy to become more relevant as the simpsons started being a pop culture phenomenon, lisa went from the stait man smart kid to a preachy liberal and now a radical fad crazy liberal bart went from being a bad kid to being the cuddliest mommas boy you could ever want in a son and marge went on exactly the same bizzare adventures homer did. Most people know homer became jerkass homer quickly as well.

Simpsons was doomed the moment it became popular. Probably season six's Lisa's Wedding where they wallowed around in bizarre nostalgia like a pig in shit and the writers were clearly more interested in something like futuramma than the simpsons.

It never really did, there wasn't a moment where I turned it off and said "nope, I'm out"

The first episode I really remember hating is en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blame_It_on_Lisa


When I was thirteen and watched homer vs new york. It was decent, not horrible, but this was honestly the first episode where I said "what the fuck? This doesn't feel like Simpson's." Next episode was principle and the pauper and my love for the simpsons died then. Syre, there were some awesome episodes afterwards, but nothing touched the magic of 4-8 to me, not even close.

There was a brief time where everyone was going "this first episode was actually pretty good! Simpsons is back baby!" But it all piltered away.

Probably way before this but the real nail in the coffin for me was the simpsons movie.

What was the last great episode?

Homer vs new york was one of the few good episodes from season 9

Trick question, I really like some of the post-season 20 stuff

I was a fan until the finale with lisa looking for friends and acting cool.

Then I fuckng dropped it at the alec baldwin and kim basinger episode.
It still makes me mad today.

I stopped caring for treehouse of horror at the itchy and scratchy skit.
10 minutes of lisa and bort yelling are unbearable.

Season 27 actually had a great halloween episode

Behind the Laughter, but the last season that was great most of the way through was Season 8.

The one with Sneed.

I started watching from season 12 to season 3 and every season was better.

then I jumped back to season 13 and was shocked by how unfunny it had gotten

this is an underrated episode

>I started watching from season 12 to season 3
>Watching the show backwards



Yeah it's a challenge I did with a friend, its nonsensical I'm aware

Firstly I was waching by going by through imdb's top rated episodes but then I just went through seasons instead

It's not underrated, its shit

What the fuck is wrong with you? Just watch s1-s12 in order


the animation is offputting in S1 and S2 has too much drama for my taste

season 3 is just the right starting point, though i watched em all.

When they changed the visuals to shitty flash animation.

>having him watch season 12
He can stop earlier or later than that, depending on whether he likes it. He doesn't even have to watch season 10.

>the animation is offputting in S1 and S2 has too much drama for my taste
See i never got this view on media, i recently rewatched Scrubs and Friends and shit from start to fininsh and the reasons i enjoyed he earlier seasons is because you get to see how the characters are formed and how the show becomes what it is in its best seasons

>10 bad seasons in the middle is enough reason not to watch the entire show

Didn't realise Sup Forums was so casual

Out of 28 seasons 8 are good, its not a good track record

Like I said I watched em anyway but to my defense I was familiar with all the characters and their manerisms before watching through theses seasons because I've seen so many episodes randomly when I was younger

See i find that isnt the case though, watching a show in order is very different from watching random episodes. It adds a different feel to the show

you clearly never gave 21+ a chance, they really got their shit together

They really didn't.

No, they didnt

suit yourselves

Well to each their own although I usually watch a show by the method you described.

with Simpsons it was something different

>lying on the internet

I remember marathoning the entire series up until 24 a few years ago. It just kept getting worse and worse, so I know this is bullshit. Modern Simpsons is obviously 21+ in terms of seasons, and you consider what's going on television now getting their shit together? Besides, the Lady Gaga episode was in the twenty-third season, so no, they did not get their shit together by that time

Anyone who has them on hand, pick any golden era episode, pick any episode, pause the episode at any moment and you'll get a 10/10 reaction image

Why did you (you) me? I said it was shit you pleb

Who watches seasons 1 and 2? 3 threw out all the developement except for the rudimentary characterization and it was better for it. Could you honestly see the simpsons basically as growing pains bit animated?

E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)

S1 and S2 are just fine, basically any show takes 3-4 seasons before it actually figure out the characters and gets good, the early seasons and explortation

Fuck, you got me

An accident? I think you overreacted...


It's easier to go to Frinkiac and hit "random" until you get something that was drawn by humans.

I liked "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?" from season 11. 12 and onward are shit for me.

It started to die in season 9 when a bunch of the classic writers left. It died completely after season 12, when the misses vastly outnumbered the hits.

Its better when you do it yourself though

Homer becoming an asshole who doesn't care about his family, and pointless celebrity cameos were two main reasons. But I think the episodes just became less funny overtime. The clever writers obviously left.


I cannot watch new episodes for even a second. Some of the voice actors sound like they're recording from their deathbed

Appearantly they used to have them come over to the studio to do their lines together and do new takes to gel with one another better, but recent seasons has seen them do the lines from their homes instead.

Not completely disagreeing with you but with the simpsons, its slightly different. S1 & S2 simpsons and to a slight degree S3 are different beasts them S4-8. Its like watching family ties then going straight into arrested developement. The comedy styles are so vastly different that one could honestly call them different shows.

Scrubs and Seinfeld always had their brand of comedy set from the get go while simpsons grew into an entire new style of comedy.

its the first time i realized i didnt laugh once at a simpsons episode, and it was just a really weird and uncomfortable episode with ricky gervais' character

after the first couple of episodes

>The Simpsons will probably end within 5 years
How does this make you feel?

Season 10
9 was already weaker, 10 was weak, didn't watch anything past that

I know people want to complain about the shit seasons, but the golden era is so good cant we just be happy we got it? Seasons 2-8 are literally so dense in comedy and wit you can rewatch each episode 100 times and still fine new things

Damn it's already been six years.

holy SHIT

Of coursh

>(annoyed grunt)
so what chimp was in charge of transcribing episode titles like this anyways?

I wanted to fuck her when i was little

Its the power of hand drawn animation


the episode was written by him of course


And they usually never air it in syndication because homer falls out of the twin towers

i loved that scene



me too

And it was great because Lisa was a normal 8 year old girl and not an insufferable douche


And Homer was a caring father

Tokyo game show was when i gave up on new epsiodes

When George H.W. Busch moved in next door.

I remember the first episode I watched and didn't laugh once was the Tennis episode.

I don't know... when it started looking "HD" and less hand-drawn.

I've never watched a full episode of the simpsons in my life
Only bits and pieces of them
Primarily on YouTube or on here in webm form

What am I missing out on if anything?

>What am I missing out on if anything?
You are missing out on literally the best show even made, seasons 3-7 are the greatest tv ever made, not even memeing

Season 11 Episode 5

Not much. Just one of, if not the greatest comedies of all time.

>not even memeing

not true by the way

I just remember it was the year 2000 or the next, The Simpsons didn't look the same and didn't feel the same. I lost interest in it.
I've watched maybe one new episode every year or two, and there's still moments I think are funny. But 2000 is when I remember it changing


The Africa episode is my personal cut off point. Some real stinkers had been showing for a while before then, but that was the episode where I realize I couldn't defend The Simpsons anymore.