Overrated Hunk of Garbage

“Trillions of prayers — new car, success etc. Usually on Sunday—His day off! Why are these people praying when God has a divine plan? How arrogant of them. Do they expect God to change His plan because of their prayers…and what if prayers were not answered?…”

By the time I was 16 years old, listening to my first friend's Carlin albums and trying to keep my fake smile in place, I'd already heard, or made, most of Carlin's religion "jokes". I mean, this one, I'd already had those sort of thoughts when I was NINE folks...And people were paying him to listen to these?

Sometimes, unlike Carlin, I actually thought more seriously about those questions and actually tried to think of an answer instead of ponder about pseudo-philosophically pretending I was deep. (Seriously, dude: the only people who EVER think of God as "a bearded man in the sky" are... angry atheists like you.)

I ignored Carlin most of the time, but like so many old hippies, he just wouldn't go away. And he never got funnier.

"And I think people have a lot of nerve locking up a tiger and charging four dollars to let a few thousand worthless humans shuffle past him every day. What a shi**y thing to do. Humans must easily be the meanest species on Earth. Probably the only reason there are any tigers left is because they don't taste good."

"Eating meat is one thing, but this whole beef-rancher-manure-cattle-hamburger side show is a different skillet of sh** altogether. Each year, Americans eat 38 billion hamburgers. It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of red meat. Cattle consume one half of all the fresh water consumed on Earth. If Americans reduced their meat intake by just 10%..."

These are the jokes, people..."I'll be here all week -- DON'T try the veal"?

George Carlin was one of the most overrated comics in the history of comedy. He's like Dane Cook for grown-ups that like to pretend they're mature. There I said it.

Other urls found in this thread:



Based Mr. Conductor making OP seething with rage on a Laotian hollahoop forum

he was ok. my favorite video of him is when some 9/11 truthers tried to confront him and asked him to validate their fringe beliefs for them.

>Seriously, dude: the only people who EVER think of God as "a bearded man in the sky" are... angry atheists like you
Whether people believe in a bearded man in the sky or not, the fact is that millions of people do believe in equally dumb things based on church teachings.

T. Humorless mantlet.

Christfag here. Believing in God isn't the problem, it's people taking the events of the Bible literally that's making shit hard.

>Mr. Conductor


I liked this guy when I was an edgy 14 year old. I grew out of him

Sure OP, but hippy dippy weather man is great. And Class Clown is one of the funniest comedy albums of all time

Heh, nine? Try seven for me, kiddo.

He's right


Good post

>"there i said it"


you are uncomfortable with his shittalking of it but the more you open yourself for new ideas the more you will get the greatness behind it. thinking outside of your own beliefs is not easy but once you achieve it you begin to enjoy it.

One of the things that really pissed me off what Carlin's rejection of humanity as a group.

Of all the jokes he made about religion, politics, war, etc, were really trivial compared to his jokes about the relevance/importance of humanity.

He was self-important asshole who was married twice, drank himself into oblivion, and did coke in front of his young daughter on their vacations. You'd think that getting married or having a daughter would humble a man and make him consider things beyond his own limited perspective, such as the complexity of human consciousness and the difficulty of humans attempting to comprehend their own range of understanding and trying to reason with their existence or purpose in life, whether personal or religious...But nope.

>Limited perspective

The human race is selfish, destructive parasite to the world that is destroying the world on an increasing speed. George didn't let some sentimental bs blind himself from the truth that as a species we're horrible and vain and bad for everything. He pollute the air and water, we wipe out entire species just because they're inconvenient or simply by accident. He told the truth about us.

George CArlin completely BFTO'd! by some guy on Sup Forums!! how can he ever recover?

He was great on shiney time station, probably his best role and height of his career


He stole his best material from Bill Hicks

>Christfag here
>it's people taking the events of the Bible literally that's making shit hard

So... you? Or are you not a Christian?

there is literally one event in the bible you have to take literally if you claim to be a christian

Go get a starbucks and post on instagram lefty, we dont wanna hear your shit.

>la la la I CAN'T HEAR YOU
damn realists btfo

I'm getting so old.

I say this to every gen z thread wondering of his popularity:

He was revolutionary in his time. His shit became staples in comedy, so off course now it seems boring and stale. You have to see it in the context of it's time.

Every species destroys it's environment if it can. You just aren't at the one step further and realizing all animals are like that.

>"Waaah! White people are evil and mean with their industry and free market! No, im not gonna come up with a solution nor do anything productive, just gonna use my evil laptop and my evil electric and bitch about it to other first worlders that the first world is naughty!"

If you care about the environment, get off the computer and clean up a forest. Otherwise, shut up.

>humans get called out in general
>immediately equates it to muh white genocide
don't you faggots ever get tired of playing victim?

>George didn't let some sentimental bs blind himself from the truth that as a species we're horrible and vain and bad for everything

Blah blah blah

Every species is selfish based on the intrinsic fact that they wish to survive.

>He pollute the air and water

Miniscule compared to the large-scale environmental change that have taken place over the millions of years. How much has the earth changed environmentally over the past 200 years? Maybe 2 degrees? How about you go back 12,000 years and try a 50 degree change.

>we wipe out entire species just because they're inconvenient or simply by accident

Nature doesn't give a fucking shit about who wipes what out. You think an asteroid had an existential crisis after it wiped out millions of species in an instant?

You're just as naïve as George was about the "ebil ub humanitie", all species would be just like us, if not worse.

Just look at any fucking invasive species in the history of the world, and look at how much they give a damn. Quit implying humanity is awful just because injustices exist. It's a retarded argument and nothing will ever change that. Not even god could control humanity.

Other species cannot singlehandedly destroy the entire world like we can. Nor do it consciously like we do, where we decide that making a buck now is more important than having a livable planet in ten years time.

>humans get called out in general

For what exactly? Actively preventing the extinction of animals? Trying to find cheaper and better ways to reduce pollution? Starving ourselves with unnatural vegan/strict vegetarian diets to protest against the "immoral" mass live stock?

What exactly did humanity do specifically that makes it so despicable? Oh, it made nuclear bombs. How about we look at how fucking despicable the earth is, creating viruses and diseases specifically targeting individual animals to weed them out for no rhyme or reason, exploding volcano's which obliterate entire cities and cover the clouds in ash and decimate forests, hurricanes which destroy entire coast-lines.

But sure, single out humanity. If anything, the earth got what it deserved when we were made.

>literally calling out the planet

Wew, what the fuck is this thread

Pryor is the patrician's social critic, followed by Hicks

>unnatural vegan/strict vegetarian diets

Eating red meat by the pound every day is what is unnatural.

Daily reminder that plants feel more pain than fish, and you're likely eating plants while they're still alive if they're raw.

I like Carlin but I do feel like he is over rated
My friends laughed for like 12 minutes while I was trying to understand the joke.

>here are some more people who deserve an inoperable tumor at the base of their spines

I like his bit about flamethrowers.

And the one about half the people being more stupid than your average Joe.

He was the protypical fedora tipper and a bitter, old cunt.

>Other species cannot singlehandedly destroy the entire world like we can.

When was the last time we destroyed the entire world? Just curious about your delusions

lol those aren't leftists talking points, it's objectively true that we pollute and cause extinction.
>other animals would do it too if they could
... are you under the impression that you're making a meaningful point of some kind?
>anybody who is here talking to me right now is automatically precluded from taking any kind of action to further their beliefs
btw what are some actions you've taken recently to further your beliefs? surely you wouldn't be calling out other people inaction if you just sat around all the time yourself
>2 duhgreez?! that's, like, a small number mannn
read a textbook sometime lol

I recognized that reference user


two sides of the same coin

That sounds like bullshit

>Miniscule compared to the large-scale environmental change that have taken place over the millions of years.
Human activity is causing the critical shutdown of multiple ecosystems. We're creating a pretty fucked up future.

>yea but meteors and shit did worse!
The point is that the Earth is such a beautiful place, and in 200 years it's going to be a desolate shithole. Tigers, lions, giraffes, whales, innumerable other species are going to stop existing simply because humans didn't give all authority to a world government ruled by jews

I used to be a big fan of both of them, and honestly can’t think of any specific overlap of jokes. Similar topic matter, for sure, but no actual plagiarism. Carlin doesn’t hold the “disgruntled cynic comic” copyright.

So the Bible is moreso a book of stories with morals than it is a text of “this is exactly what it is”? Interesting.

>It hasn't happened before so it will never happen
Speaking of delusions... this mentality that "everything is fine" is only possible when you have no idea what's really going on environmentally. Civilization is currently putting immense strain on natural ecosystems, and the population is only going to increase. This can't continue forever.

>The human race is selfish, destructive parasite to the world that is destroying the world on an increasing speed. George didn't let some sentimental bs blind himself from the truth that as a species we're horrible and vain and bad for everything. He pollute the air and water, we wipe out entire species just because they're inconvenient or simply by accident. He told the truth about us.

>George Carlin was one of the most overrated comics in the history of comedy

His delivery is his talent.

Jesus christ, imagine being this stupid. I’ve never been to fucking Milwaukee but in theory I could. Just because something hasn’t happened doesn’t mean it won’t. Are you gonna live forever because you “haven’t died before”?

to be completely fair the idea that god would give a fuck about any of us on a minute level is truly arrogant

good rebuttal, son


Dipshit now you seem to be the one who doesn't understand that the existence of humans and lions and tigers and all those pretty flowers are just a minor blip in the life of this planet. In 200 years the place could be a shithole but in 200 million years whatever species exist here will not give a fuck

You're on the fucking internet. There is no reason to ever ask this. Google the shit, for fuck's sake.

I think George would be proud his thread devolved into petty arguments on climate change and religion desu

>good rebuttal, son

Pretty much this. The guy actually unironically believed in the fucking wage gap before it was so widespread and such religious doctrine to be forgivable to have swallowed the lie. One of his chapters in When Will Jesus Bring The Pork Chops is just a list of "wahhh white men are so evil!!" without a single actual punchline.

He's overrated because he's only noteworthy for having great delivery and for having fought for his right to say "fuck" on the radio which led to us getting the FCC up the ass the way we have it now.

I think it's easy to sit here in 2017 and say Carlin wasn't deep or innovative. You need to put it in perspective. When he did the "words you're not allowed to say on tv" the average person was actually shocked and even outraged. Yeah, you can arrive as some of those conclusions at the age of nine, but these things needed to be said in public, on the stage.

>not replying to the comment you're quoting because you don't want to be humiliated again
beta as fuck my dude

>>not replying to the comment you're quoting because you don't want to be humiliated again
>beta as fuck my dude

I like it when people dredge up the classics and apply today's sense and sensibilities and pretend to be profound.

You are beyond stupid, aren't you?

Still a deluded pussy, aren't you?

ITT people who have never read the bible

as someone who's not a native English speaker I always thought his control of the language and delivery were very impressive.

>fedora posting

I view bible as a collection of fables and collective morals from the dawn of the mesopotamian civilizations. There is a shitload of symbolism older than christians and jew in the bible, tradition from even older religions and societies from cradle of civilization.

I doubt its only nutcases and very uncivilized people who take bible as literal history.

>fedora posting


>still triggering christcucks from the grave


but where is the joke?

Fundamentalists aren't Christians. Please deliver me a single piece of evidence otherwise. But of course I'm sure you've spent a lifetime insisting the worst sect that you don't even believe in is the true one, just because you're trying to stick it to some random individual who threw around God's name to give you a hard time.

Haha woah it's the guy from Thomas the Tank Engine! I'm totally mind blown that someone would drop this name just to be a fucker then act all bewildered that I didn't know he was making an awesome reference to Thomas the Tank Engine! My worldview is totally fucking changed, I think I'll betray my vision of my natural identity just because some fucker on Sup Forums acted all stupid I didn't know about a squat claymation figure!

What if someone opened their mind to Carlin's ideas, and then used their newly open mind to look at other shit hat was better, and then was annoyed with Carlin's half-baked silly whining? Would that blow your mind?

Enjoy repeating that a thousand times just because a funnyman said something that reminded yourself of your wounded sensibilities. That'll carry a lifetime for sure.

Oh golly gosh I can't wait to be living on an asteroid in ten years. Do you have a point that doesn't rely on impossible hysteria?

Kind of like George does with the bible....

Bible literalism was not nearly as common through history as people seem to think.

user will never respond to your post, and will keep living his own popular delusion that any dumb misintepretation is the true one, just so he can flip a shit at anyone that reminds him of his cruel daddy. He's disabled his ability to understand metaphysics because he thinks looking into it is as bad as being raped again by his parents. Don't wait on his response.

>only reply is to call me a pussy
It’s time for bed, lad

Not him but I hope you understand that Christianity is directly opposed industrialization, despite Ronald Reagan's protests? Or you can continue pretending everything you don't like has the same name,

>it's morally the same when a conscious being does a thing as when an non-sentient being does

The Bible is meant to be taken literally and anybody's insistence that the entirety of it is metaphorical is not a Christian. Have some balls, faggot. Americanized Christianity is fucking disgusting.

His class clown era stuff was pretty funny. Anything past that is jaded political rants, not comedy.

>anglican faggot tells a bad story just to insist everyone who isn't in invalid fundamentalist doesn't have a vision of human divinity
It's all up to you now. Prove that you don't mean nothing.

>his cruel daddy
>raped again by his parents
Is there something you want to share with the rest of the class, user?

Hey, I'm one of the lucky ones who merely suffered death in my upbringing instead of personal sexual abuse. My point is that you've got to be some sort of wounded jackass to sit around and take public issue that random people haven't been as ruined as they are, just to retread their complaints about some idiot who threw around all the most powerful names he could think of just to look smart. If you didn't notice that Christianity comes with a pre-baked skepticism of authority then you're probably some manchild catholic who was never taught the point because some fearmonger wanted to keep you under their thumb. Protip, anyone who tells you not to trust your judgement is a Satanist. You're not going to hell over it, but
I hope you have the sense not to act retarded on purpose just to prove your idiot teacher was an idiot. Does that make sense?

>and in 200 years it's going to be a desolate shithole.
Says who?

Why are liberal comedians never funny?

does carlin think cows dont urinate?

sounds like the chinese to me

It's not like he thinks the water disappears. Can you drink cow piss?

>muh arbitrary distinction of neurons makes this wrong
>muh moral absolutism
>dont even know what sentient actually means
wew lad