You shitposted in the Bane Wars?
You shitposted in the Bane Wars?
I forced the Roy Batty meme....
an elegant shitpost for a more civilized age
And he was a big guy
>Mercenairies came into my plane!
>Disrespecting my whole agency!
>Becouse somebody brought his friends!
>And You know what?
>It was big guy for You!
I am a dead meme like my large father before me
He was a big friend
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Cunnyposters on fire off the shoulder of the Orville general. I watched Sneeds glitter in the dark near the Feed and Seed. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.
>How well are you trained in shitpost?
>I know a little. I shitposted in my youth.
>Here on Sup Forums.
>Ah! Then you must know this
>I can't say that I do. What is it?
>It was a very popular meme on its day. I made it.
>Here, how about this?
>"Now THIS is podracing"
>I made it.
>This one brought down the board when we shitposted it...
>"What did he mean this?"
>I regret it is not too familiar.
>Can you recall no meme of mine?
>I was the most famous shitposter in Sup Forums.
>I made 40 memes alone.
>Here! What about this one? "IF I PULL THAT OFF WOULD YOU DIE"-
>Yes, I know that! That's charming!
>I'm sorry, I didn't know you shitposted that.
>I didn't. These were the baneposters...
>Bane Posters.
>The men you accuse yourself of cucking.
I did from a certain point of view
Dr. Kenobi, I'm Han Solo.
>Here we are again, bro... Just you and me. Same kind of thread, same kind of board. Real dubs remember? Whole thread, 32 posts archived... We walk out, just you and me, nobody else. Right on top, huh? Not a scratch... Not a fuckin' scratch. You know, who implied you, they'll come back again. And when he does, I'm gonna cut your name right into him... I'm gonna cut your name into him.
I've seen memes you people wouldn't believe. Big guys on fire off the shoulder of brendan. I watched CIA-memes glitter in the dank near the Sneeds Gate. All those mements will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to shitpost.
This is like dead meme the thread
>That's it, man. Game over, man. Game over! What the fuck are we gonna do now? What are we gonna do?
Tell that to the Kanji club
dr pavel i'm cia
i'm a big guy for you what did he mean by this just fuck my shit up little white dicks big black cocks interracial breeding grounds flicks movies films cinéma absolute kinography who will play him in the inevitable biopic it ain't me starts playing literally redit: the movie hol up you saying we some kinda su side skwad mom's gonna freak i didn't go to film school i went to films oh it shows quentin a real human bean and a real hero what's going on here classic paul dano dude weed lmao dumb frogposter well hello beautiful the rest of y'all know when i durn to yah theater showers no singles policy crabs legs chili and sea bass luke did i ever tell you about sheev he was a good friend was he autistic or just a cuck stop my invincible son robert downhere junior why was satan in star wars my hands are a little dirty i bet he enjoys the films of wes anderson a nigger cuck somebody once told me so why did marv turn into a skeleton so did he really kill all those people you just know imagine being arnold is this outfit age appropriate what does Sup Forums think about her body of work the war was lost you can have any beer you want as long as it's mexican pisswater itt: actors you could take in a fight why didn't they just fly the eagles into mordor still posting this old hag my kid coulda got killed is there anything she can't do garlic bread somebody get this hothead outta here bin al'flek clean western toilets it's 2015 people the biggest one anyone's done since the silent era it's like poetry it rhymes dan "the man" schneider he can't keep getting away with this bebe jews are responsible for all the wars in the world now this is podracing she's a slut help me tony jonah hill's next big roll say that again i'm going on an unexpected journey mediocre no more dead cops three stinking days may i have the password n tipping watersports paul blart 20 good men fucking retard reddit pls go let's see paul allen's dubs desu senpai what did he mean by this
play cia