Marvel thread
Black panther is based on real event's
Marvel thread
Black panther is based on real event's
Factoid not included: that wealth was accrued from slavery.
Just imagine how slaves he had
is he the niger that sold all the nigers in niger?
He's the dumb coon that gave every shit-eating starving villager a brick of gold everywhere he went, devaluing gold and ruining the African economy for over a decade.
Having trillions of dollars before a single American dollar was even made is pretty amazing t b h
No, but he did have thousands of black slaves he took with him to Mecca
Mansa Musa wasn't in hiding, people knew who he was.
There's a dozen or so things most Americans don't know about Africa
and there is tons we don't know because archaeology there is dangerous and frankly most academics beyond looking for the missing link are wary of the piles and piles of inaccuracies and poor archaeology with racial biases. We still have racial bias in modern archaeology, unwilling to believe things like pacific islanders not having the ability to sail between islands (which we now know they could) or that Africans south of the Sahara didn't have writing systems when it's plainly obvious there was some kind of writing system evidenced by some pottery shards probably on some kind of paper or animal vellum that could not survive the jungle humidity.
Basically, what we know about Africa is ignored by basic history classes in highschool and all but ignored for most history courses in College. Yet more importantly there is far more disinformation and campaigns of destruction due to constant war and earlier exploitation to the point that most people don't bother looking for evidence anymore.
You have two Africas as well above and below the Sahara. The north Africans were part of the Egyptian/Carthaginian/Roman empires. It doesn't make much sense to say these were 'primitive cultures' when so were the Gaels and the Franks and the Brits who were all subjugated in the same way by the Romans.
one of the more surprising facts about Africa that stop people in their tracks about their assumptions of Africa is how Africans had iron weapons far before the western world.
Similar to the Han Chinese, black Africans used their superior technology to wipe out most other African ethnicity. Compared to Black Africans have a very strong monoethnicity and their differences (between the Fon and Yoruba for example) are mostly language differences. North Africans have mixed heritages with Europeans and Arabs but in southern Africa most are of a single ethnicity due to having iron weapons so early. Pygmies and Kung! peoples are an exception to this but they have been pushed into land Black Africans don't want.
South Africa had two major cultural kingdoms. One was extremely pacifist and spiritual while the other was the early Fon kingdoms that quickly became part of Islam in the 13th -14th century. The Fon's major industry was slavery which they learned from Islam. Over time the slavers dominated the peaceful African kingdoms. Slavery is still a cultural tradition in Africa to this day. As it is in the more rural Islamic world.
why is archaeology dangerous in africa?
look in OPs image dumbass, the dude was black
That's a given, not a factoid.
I don't get this #blackexcellence crap. Do they think that a race is superior and they personally are superior just because a person that has the same color of skin but isn't remotely related to them did something extraordinary? I feel that way about those inbred white supremacists but this #blackexcellence stuff is really going out of hand because it's actively encouraged.
Bantus are truly the niggers of Africa
because of the niggers obviously
>*praises slavery in another tab*
Now what
Reminder that Mänza Mauser was Nordic
warlords, mercenaries, corporations that are trying to 'own' natural resources like aquifers and mountains, working with corrupt governments,
one big problem is that governments don't want to pay for protecting archaeological sites so they sell them cheap to manufacturers who want low pay workers and the corporations just destroy the site to cover it up.
there's also a ton of crime in Africa and working there is hazardous to your health due to no EPA or anything. Chemicals in the water, dangerous pesticides in the food, etc, etc.
Also there are huge wildlife preserves that are waging constant war with poachers and there's no way of setting up archaeological digs there.
I want to believe this is fake because of "Dahomey"
>Be black
>Be king
>own black slave
Literally King of Da Homie
>think the name is some made up Sup Forums shit
>really was known as king of da homey
Top lel
Augustus Caesar was way richer than mansa musa lmao
So was Queen Victoria